Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 817

"How did this happen?".

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Qian, elder Lu and Deacon Wang turned ugly.

Especially elder Lu and Deacon Wang, their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley. They knew it might be trouble.

Because they\'re making a big mess.

And Jiang Li\'s face changed again and again.

He wanted to make a good impression on Jiang Chao, but it was too hasty to deal with it today.

Now, all his images in Jiang Chao\'s eyes have been destroyed, right?

More importantly, what is the identity of the young man?

If he wants to move himself in a rage, he\'s afraid he\'ll be finished.


Murong Xue, song Ziliu, Deacon Li and others were shocked First, followed by ecstasy.

They didn\'t expect that Lin Feng had such great ability to make a big man like Jiang Chao grovel.

Both song Ziliu and Deacon Li looked at Murong Xue and obviously wanted to know Lin Feng\'s identity from Murong Xue.

Murong Xue was also puzzled.

Isn\'t Lin Feng a child of the small family?

How can you have so much energy?

Is there something he doesn\'t know?

I have to interrogate this guy later.


"How is your uncle?". Lin Feng said faintly.

Jiang Chao hurriedly said, "uncle, he is in good health, but after a while, his uncle will leave office. His uncle will return to the family, and the new person in charge will come.".

"Oh? Your uncle is going to step down as the general manager of the auction house\'s 72 northern states? But it\'s better to go back to Jiang\'s house and practice hard than taking up these so-called false names, but who is the new general manager?".

Lin Feng asked.

"It\'s our Miss Jiang family.". Jiang Chao said.

"Jiang yudie?". Lin Feng asked in surprise.

Jiang Chao looked shocked and asked, "master Lin knows our eldest lady?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I\'ve known her for about six or seven years, but I haven\'t seen her for some time.".

Jiang Chao thought that master Lin was really not simple. Even the eldest lady was a friend of master Lin.

If master Lin doesn\'t say it, he doesn\'t even know.

There is no reason why Jiang Chao respects Lin Feng so much.

If Lin Feng was just an ordinary elder of the Lingzhen master\'s trade union, he wouldn\'t let Jiang Chao respect him so much.

Back five months ago, Jiang Chao was about to leave Donghai auction house to visit 72 northern states. He overheard his uncle Jiang Tiandou\'s dialogue with Murong Baichuan.

"Lin Feng, do you remember?" Murong Baichuan smiled at Jiang Tiandou.

Jiang Tiandou touched his beard and said, "of course, I won\'t forget. What\'s the matter with Lin Feng\'s little friend? Did you agree to join the Lingxian division trade union?".

"No...". Murong Baichuan shook his head and then said, "Lin Feng\'s elder token echoes with the heavenly order of the spiritual array division trade union. The heavenly order sent a signal yesterday. Lin Feng has become a heavenly array division.".

"What? Celestial level spirit array master? How could it be?". Jiang Tiandou shouted incredulously.

A great man like him seldom loses his manners.

But now, I was deeply shocked by the news of Murong Baichuan.

Murong Baichuan said with a bitter smile, "but it\'s really true. It\'s hard to imagine his attainments in the spirit array. Maybe he will be entrusted with an important task by the four elders in a few years. At that time, when I see the boy, I\'m afraid I\'ll call him an adult.".

Jiang Chao was also shocked when he heard this dialogue, but he didn\'t think much, because in Jiang Chao\'s opinion, as far as his identity is concerned, he is destined to have little intersection with Lin Feng.

But I didn\'t expect to meet here.

Jiang Chao said, "when the eldest lady takes office, I hope master Lin can go to the East China Sea once. First, my uncle is leaving and has been talking about master Lin. when his old friend leaves, my uncle can still meet Master Lin before leaving. Second, when the eldest lady comes to work, I will be very happy to see Master Lin come to congratulate her.".

"Well, I\'ll think about it," Lin Feng nodded.

"Master Lin, let\'s go up and talk. Don\'t let the people here insult your eyes.". Jiang Chao said.

Lin Feng nodded.

Led by Jiang Chao, he walked upstairs.

Murong Xue, song Ziliu and others followed.

Song Ziliu and some of his companions all had a look of ecstasy.

What\'s your luck?

Have you made such a big man?

In the VIP room, Jiang Li looked as gloomy as water. His mood was very bad. Now Jiang Li really wanted to slap deacon Wang and elder Lu to death.

If deacon Wang doesn\'t have much to do, can something just happen?

If Mr. Lu handled it impartially, could something just happen?

"Ouyang Qian? Don\'t you get out? You\'re not welcome in our auction house.". Jiang Li said fiercely.

"I...". Ouyang Qian\'s face was extremely ugly.


He dared not retort.

This is the auction house of the Jiang family. Who dares to offend the president of the auction house in the Jiang family auction house?

Isn\'t this right with the Jiang family?

"Let\'s go...". Ouyang Qian said with a gloomy face. He felt that the sarcastic eyes of those outside looked at himself, pointing and full of sarcasm, which made Ouyang Qian depressed and want to vomit blood.

That boy is not very strong. Why does Jiang Chao respect him so much? Why did you call him master Lin?

Ouyang Qian doesn\'t know this.

Ouyang Qian also completely hates Lin Feng.

No matter what you are, master Lin, the cultivator\'s elder martial sister depends on her accomplishments in the final analysis.

If it falls into my childe\'s hands, it will make you look good at that time.

"My Lord, I\'m wrong. I have no eyes. Please forgive me this time.".

Deacon Wang flopped down on his knees and cried out.

Elder Lu also knelt on the ground and begged, "Sir, I was deceived by Wang Shen. Please forgive me for my loyalty over the years.".

Jiang Li is furious because he is implicated. Now he is only thinking about how to save his image in Jiang Chao\'s heart and how to calm the childe.

Seeing these two popularity, they don\'t fight together.

"Wang Shen, you openly violate the rules of the auction house and dare to expel guests. It\'s a great crime. From today on, you will be expelled from the auction house and will never be hired.".

Jiang Li looked coldly at Wang Shen.

Wang Shen sat on the ground with a pale face.

Jiang Li then looked at elder Lu, and finally read a trace of affection and said, "Master Lu Yan covered up Wang Shen, regardless of right and wrong. It\'s also unforgivable. But for the sake of working for the auction house for many years, you can be convinced to demote you as a deacon?".

"Subordinates are convinced". Elder Lu looked ugly.

Then Jiang Li looked at deacon Li and said, "Li Yuan can resolutely safeguard the interests and dignity of customers and adhere to the rules and regulations of the auction house. I hereby commend you for being promoted to an elder.".


Deacon Li was stunned, and then he was ecstatic. He even became an elder of the auction house?

This is something that only happens in a dream.

Deacon Li knew that he was able to become the president of the auction house because he received the young master Lin.

"It\'s really my ancestral virtue. I met that childe. Otherwise, how can I become an elder of the auction house?"

Deacon Li\'s excited body trembled slightly.