Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 816

"Look, it\'s Jiang Li, the president of the auction house.".

Seeing Jiang Li come down, the hall on the first floor of the auction house became lively.

There are many counters selling all kinds of precious treasures in the hall on the first floor of the auction house, so people come and go and are very lively.

Jiang Li, as the top person in charge of the auction house, naturally attracted attention to his every move.

But soon, many people found something shocking.

Jiang Li was careful to accompany another monk.

What is the identity of that monk?

"It seems that the inspector made Jiang Chao.".

"No wonder, if the inspector is appointed, he has too much power and controls the fate of these auction house presidents.".

"This Jiang Chao I know is the direct line of the Jiang family, and Jiang Li is only a side branch. Now Jiang Chao is in a high position as the inspector of 72 northern prefectures.".


Many people talked about it.

In their eyes, Jiang Li belongs to a big man.

Not to mention Jiang Chao?

These people are guessing what Jiang Chao and Jiang Li will do next?

"The inspector and the president arrive".

When he came to the door of the VIP room, Deacon Li shouted.

Hearing the words "patrol envoy", everyone in the VIP room was shocked.

Naturally, we all know what the three words "patrol envoy" mean.

This is the absolute top of the auction house.

"My subordinates, please refer to the inspector, please refer to the governor".

Elder Lu, Deacon Wang quickly came forward to salute.

"Uncle Jiang......".

After seeing Jiang Chao, Ouyang Qian\'s eyes lit up suddenly.

Ouyang Qian\'s uncle met Jiang Chao. When he followed his uncle to the overseas world three years ago, Jiang Chao once received them.

"Are you Li Shixun\'s nephew?". Jiang Chao looked at Ouyang Qian in surprise and vaguely remembered the man in his mind.

Seeing that he could be remembered by Jiang Chao, Ouyang Qian quickly nodded and said, "yes, my uncle is Li Shixun. He visited uncle Jiang with his uncle three years ago when he went to the overseas world.".

In sharp contrast to Ouyang Qian are deacon Li, Murong Xue, song Ziliu and others.

Their faces turned pale.

Jiang Chao is a patrol envoy.

A high figure.

They don\'t even see such people on weekdays.

This man is actually a friend of Uncle Ouyang Qian.

Well, it seems that the dust has settled today\'s dispute over the VIP room.

Should they be driven out?

Many people outside the VIP room pointed out that they were really driven out and lost face at that time.

The ultimate of monks is face.

Otherwise, how can someone live and fight for a incense?

Seeing that Ouyang Qian still had such a relationship with the inspector, Jiang Li knew how to deal with the matter.

Jiang Li glanced at elder Lu lightly and said, "elder Lu, what\'s the matter? Tell me.".

Elder Lu hurriedly said, "it\'s deacon Li who doesn\'t understand the rules and openly robbed the VIP room used by deacon Wang, and these people around deacon Li are also arrogant and domineering. Seeing that deacon Wang won\'t let the VIP room, they have to forcibly drive away deacon Wang\'s guests. It\'s unreasonable.".

Elder Lu is also a mature man. Now, there is a direct reversal of black and white, because in elder Lu\'s opinion, the matter has been settled. Lin Feng and others fight with Ouyang Qian and others?

It\'s just overkill.

Jiang Li said in a deep voice, "deacon Li, do you know the crime?".

Deacon Li\'s face turned pale, and with a thump, his body was completely paralyzed on the ground.

He is speechless and unable to argue.

Because anyone can see that Jiang Li has long been biased towards Ouyang Qian and others.

I\'m completely finished.

Deacon Li sighed.

He is already thinking about his way back. If he is driven out of the auction house, where should he go to find a new job.

Want to find another job as an auction house deacon.

as difficult as to climb up to the sky.

The world of practitioners is so cruel.

Monks need to find a backer.

Otherwise, scattered cultivation will be difficult to survive.

Deacon Li naturally knew this and couldn\'t help worrying about his future.

Ouyang Qian, Deacon Wang and others all have a sneer.

Ouyang Qian\'s eyes to Lin Feng were full of provocation.

Boy, fight with me?

What do you count?

Ouyang Qian and others are waiting for Lin Feng and his party to be driven out.

At this time, Lin Feng said with a smile, "Jiang Chao, is this the style of your auction house?".

Jiang Chao?

How dare the boy call the inspector by his name?

The friar watching the excitement outside was silly.

Jiang Li and others were also stupid.

Murong Xue, song Ziliu and others were even more frightened and pale. Lin Feng didn\'t want to die?

How dare you show such disrespect to the inspector?

Ouyang Qian was ecstatic. "This boy is looking for death. He dared to call the inspector\'s name. He doesn\'t respect the inspector of the Jiang family. This matter will not end like this. The inspector\'s majesty will never be provoked by others".

In Ouyang Qian\'s opinion, Lin Feng is dead this time.

Jiang Chao was also angry when he heard these words.

How dare people in a small place and family call themselves by name?

Don\'t give yourself face?

Jiang Chao looked at Lin Feng coldly.



Why does this man look a little familiar?

Jiang Chao wondered.

Suddenly, Jiang Chao remembered the young childe of the East China Sea world more than a year ago.

Although I\'ve only seen it once.

But Jiang Chao was so impressed.

The young childe had already become the elder of the spiritual array division trade union more than a year ago.

In his early twenties, he was already the elder of the spiritual array division trade union, and his future was limitless.

Maybe they can become one of the leaders of the spiritual array division trade union. At that time, the yuan family should take the initiative to show kindness to such people.

The huge energy of the spirit array division trade union is unimaginable. Only the core figures of the yuan family like Jiang Chao know how terrible the spirit array division trade union is.

That childe, but even uncle Jiang Tiandou deliberately makes friends with him.

So, although I only met once.

And more than a year has passed.

When I see Lin Feng again.

Jiang Chao still remembered.

Jiang Chao was shocked in his heart.

In any case, he didn\'t think how Lin Feng, such a big man, came to the barren land of Dongjun Shenzhou?

Can\'t you come out for a trip?

Everyone looked at Lin Feng with different thoughts, especially the anger on Jiang Chao\'s face. Many people knew that Lin Feng was finished.

But nobody thought of it.

The next moment.

Jiang Chao trotted all the way to Lin Feng\'s side, like a younger generation saluting his elders.

After Jiang Chao gave a big gift, he said carefully, "master Lin, how did you come to Dongjun Shenzhou? Before I came out of the East China Sea, I heard my uncle talking about master.".

What\'s going on?

Everyone was stunned.

Jiang Chao.

Core personnel of Swire ginger family.

Patrol envoys of 72 northern states.

Why did such a lofty figure salute the young man? Still so careful?

Did the young man have a more terrible origin? Let Jiang Chao have to deal with it carefully?

Thinking of this, many people were shocked and looked at Lin Feng. Everyone was guessing Lin Feng\'s identity.