Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 815

The third floor of the auction house is the resting place for the president of the auction house.

The president of the auction house is Jiang Li, who is a collateral child of the Jiang family, but later showed a good cultivation talent. He was trained by the family and climbed to the position of president of the auction house of Tiansheng City, Shenzhou, Dongjun step by step.

Jiang Li looked at his forties and looked very capable. At this moment, Jiang Li, who seemed to be superior to outsiders, is now carefully accompanying another person.

Jiang Li was so humble that outsiders would be shocked to see him.

This is the president of the auction house. Who can make the reward so humble?

"This tea is called Zhuyeqing. It\'s a special tea on the snow mountain in the far north of China in Dongjun. How do you feel about it, brother?".

Jiang Li asked carefully.

The middle-aged monk nodded and said, "it\'s cool and refreshing. After drinking it, there\'s a sense of fragrance. It\'s really good tea.".

If Lin Feng is here, he must be able to recognize this person\'s identity.

Jiang Chao.

The elder of Donghai auction house received Lin Feng at the beginning.

Jiang Chao\'s identity is not simple.

His uncle Jiang Tiandou sits in the East China Sea auction house.

At the same time, he is also the general director of all auction houses in 72 northern states. He is a high-ranking and important figure in the Jiang family.

In the East China Sea.

Jiang Tiandou has deliberately made friends with Lin Feng, and his senses are quite good.

Although he is good at accidents, he is not disgusting, and does everything without leakage, with the style of a big family.

Jiang Tiandou has set up an inspection office, whose personnel are responsible for inspecting auction houses in 72 northern states.

Then verify the performance of the auction house.

The person in charge of the inspection office is Jiang Chao.

Of course, Jiang Chao spent most of his time at Donghai auction house, and only came out and walked around when he checked accounts once every five years.

Jiang Li said with a smile, "if you like it, I\'ve heard that my grandfather also likes tea. When I go back, please bring some green bamboo leaves for my grandfather to taste.".

Jiang Li\'s ancestor is naturally Jiang Tiandou.

Jiang Tiandou can make friends with Murong Baichuan, the master of the heaven level spirit array. It can be seen that Jiang Tiandou\'s identity is also extremely detached.

"You have a heart. Then I will bring your heart to my uncle.". Jiang Chao said.

Jiang Li was overjoyed when he heard the speech. He took out a storage ring, handed it to Jiang Chao and said with a smile, "the tea is ready. Please accept it."

Jiang Chao takes the storage ring and probes into it.

He found that the best spiritual stones piled boxes after boxes. I\'m afraid there are no less than 200000 best spiritual stones.

Jiang Chao nodded with satisfaction.

It\'s actually a gift to Jiang Chao in disguise.

Jiang Chao accepted it quietly and said, "how\'s the business of Tiansheng City auction house?".

"Business is pretty good. The ledger is here.". Jiang Chao quickly took out the account book.

"Put away the account books. I don\'t look at this. A special person is responsible for the inspection. Although we are brothers of the same family, the ugly words are said above. If there is something wrong with the account books or the business can\'t meet the assessment requirements, I will report it truthfully.".

Jiang Chao said.

"This is certain. The clan brother knows it and will not embarrass the world brother.". Jiang Li said quickly.

Jiang Chao nodded with satisfaction and said, "of course, if you do well, I will also report to the above. If there is a vacancy in a better position in the future, I won\'t forget you.".

Jiang Li quickly got up and saluted, "thank you for your cultivation, brother. I will certainly do something and live up to my brother\'s expectations".

Jiang Chao waved his hand and said, "since we are brothers of the same family, you don\'t have to share so much. By the way, I\'ll tell you something in advance.".

Jiang Li quickly sat down and listened carefully.

"The eldest lady has decided to come out to experience. She should take over my uncle\'s position as the general director of the auction house in 72 northern states. The eldest lady usually likes to study medicine refining. Recently, you should pay more attention to whether there are ancient prescriptions. If so, collect them. When the eldest lady takes office, you will take out such a gift and the eldest lady will remember you What is it called.

Jiang Chao said.

Jiang Li was overjoyed at the speech and said, "I\'m sure I\'ll be well prepared.".

"Well..." Jiang Chao nodded.

At this time, Deacon Li\'s voice suddenly came from outside, "tell your excellency that your subordinates have something to see".

"Bastard, don\'t you know I\'m accompanying the adult who came to patrol?".

After Jiang Li opened the door, he scolded coldly.

Deacon Li trembled with fear.

What he wanted to say was simply frightened back by Jiang Li.

"Jiang Li, let him in and see what it is?". Jiang Chao said with great interest. He wanted to see if it was worth cultivating Jiang Li when he dealt with the auction house.

"Yes, my Lord.". Jiang Li replied that he naturally knew how to call Jiang Chao in front of outsiders.

Such a title can only be used when there are two people.

This is called kindness.

If you call yourself a world brother in front of outsiders, you don\'t know how important it is.


"Come in and answer," said Jiang Chao, looking at deacon Li.

Deacon Li came in trembling. These days, he also heard that a big man came to the auction house.

The big man even the high President Jiang Li has such respect. I don\'t know what a noble identity it is?

Seeing such a big man for the first time, Deacon Li was naturally very nervous.

"Little, see you.". Deacon Li quickly knelt on the ground and saluted.

"Excuse me. Tell me, what happened?". Jiang Chao asked.

Deacon Li didn\'t know how the senior management would deal with this matter, so he didn\'t dare to speak indiscriminately. He raised some language and said, "there is a rather difficult thing waiting for the president to deal with.".

"Oh? The president needs to deal with it in person?", Jiang Li frowned slightly. He didn\'t want to see thorny things at this time.

Because Jiang Chao is here, if you don\'t deal with difficult things well, I\'m afraid it will cause Jiang Chao\'s disgust.

Let\'s go and have a look. Jiang Chao gets up.

Seeing Jiang Chao get up, Jiang Li also cured, nodded and said, "deacon Li, you lead the way ahead.".

Yes, please come with the young.

Deacon Li answered, and then led the way to the VIP room on the second floor.


VIP room.

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Murong Xue, song Ziliu and others were worried and anxious.

In their opinion, even if the president of the auction house comes, I\'m afraid he will favor the people of Xianyueshan?.

Who makes Xianyue mountain powerful?

Ouyang Qian and others all have a sneer expression, which seems to have settled Lin Feng and others.