Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 810

The whole world was shocked and moved.

Dugu Xuan was crushed, which was unacceptable and unbelievable.

But all this is true.

The young monk was so powerful that he raised his hand and turned the heaven and earth, covering the rotation of the sun and the moon between his hands.

Such characters, they have heard, are immortal demons.

And that young monk is such a figure, isn\'t he?

Such people cannot measure their combat effectiveness by age and accomplishments.

Such characters are often able to cross large levels in the realm of low levels and kill strong enemies.

What\'s more?

Lin Feng\'s cultivation is not weak.

"Roar......". Dugu Xuan roared like a beast.

He can\'t accept all this.

A generation of Tianjiao.

Since returning to Dongjun Shenzhou, he has been leering at any young master in Dongjun Shenzhou.

Li Yuqiong is known as one of the top ten Tianjiao in Dongjun Shenzhou. Hasn\'t she been chased and killed by herself?

Therefore, Dugu Xuan became more and more arrogant and did not pay attention to the young friars in Dongjun.

In Dugu Xuan\'s opinion, Lin Feng\'s cultivation is not as good as Li Yuqiong\'s. isn\'t it as easy to crush Lin Feng as to crush an ant?

But the result is quite different from what you think.

"Is this your strength? It\'s really weak and pitiful. You dare to say that you\'re scared to kill me?".

Lin Feng looked indifferent and stepped forward with a sneer.

"Young master, this son is ferocious. We\'ll stop him. Go quickly, find old Xu and let him kill him.".

The dozen guards shouted.

They rushed up quickly, trying to stop Lin Feng.

Dugu Xuan\'s face was very gloomy. Why did he escape?

But now, two attacks in a row have been completely crushed.

Lin Feng has already killed him.

Dare not stay.

Turn around and fly away.

"Dugu Xuan ran away......".

Many people were stunned, even unbelievable.

Not long ago, Dugu Xuan glanced at Lin Feng with contempt and disdain. How long has it been?

It\'s a great irony that he gave up his dignity and turned and ran away.

"Can you escape?".

Lin Feng looked indifferent and quickly chased after him.

"Boy, your opponent is us".

More than a dozen monks rushed, their faces full of murderous intent.

These are experts.

He is the escort sent by the ancient forces that Dugu Xuan joined. In order to protect Dugu Xuan, the strongest one is the seven heaven of yin and Yang, which condenses the golden elixir.

The weakest person also has the cultivation of Yin-Yang realm and four heaven.

This makes Lin Feng very confused.

How could Dugu Xuan make that ancient force pay so much attention to him?

What the hell is it?

It seems that Dugu Xuan is hiding some unknown secrets.

It was obvious that Dugu Xuan\'s secret was to be guarded by the ancient forces.

"Dugu Xuan\'s guards are all experts. It seems that the young monk can\'t kill Dugu Xuan.".

Many people talk about it.

But at that time, Lin Feng broke the sky and killed him.

With him as the center, the huge blade swept in all directions.

Poof poof

The sound of tearing the flesh came out.

A guard named Dugu Xuan was killed.

These ordinary monks in the realm of yin and Yang were simply vulnerable in front of Lin Feng.

One move.

After killing more than a dozen strong people in seconds, Lin Feng accelerated his speed. He showed his golden body and wings to the extreme, and stopped Dugu Xuan before he left Yudu.

"Too strong".

Countless people were moved by it. It was a dozen strong men in the realm of yin and Yang who were killed by one move.

Now Dugu Xuan was stopped.

"Who the hell are you?".

Dugu Xuan looked very gloomy. He was arrogant and arrogant, so he had a grudge against many people.

However, in his impression, there was no Lin Feng.

This is also where the onlookers are curious.

Who is Lin Feng?

So powerful.

"The man who killed you". Lin Feng looked indifferent and walked towards Dugu Xuan.

"Why?". Dugu Xuan asked with a gloomy look.

"You don\'t need a reason to kill Dugu family.".

Lin Feng said with a sneer.

Dugu Xuan was shocked. He looked at Lin Feng and said coldly, "are you the enemy of Dugu family?"

"You will die if you commit many wrongs. The Dugu family will be wiped out eventually, and you are the first lineage of the Dugu family to be wiped out".

Lin Feng rushed up and punched Dugu Xuan.

"The enemy of Dugu family?".

Many people looked at each other and did not expect that things had developed to this extent. Dugu family was the first family in Dongjun Shenzhou. They controlled Aotian ancient capital and a large number of territory.

The strong man of Dugu family, no need to say more.

But the real terror is not the Dugu family itself, but the power behind the Dugu family.

It is said that Dugu family can communicate with "God".

Gain the power of God.

This is an ability that Taigu forces should fear.

"I don\'t know what to do with Dugu family.".

Dugu Xuan looked gloomy. He took out the golden sword, held the golden sword and whispered.

"Cross cut Sky Sword formula".

He cut and killed two swords in a row. The two swords crossed into a cross sword Qi and killed Lin Feng.

"Heaven and earth sword technique".

Lin Feng whispered, his right hand like a sword.

The sword is full of Qi.

A thousand feet sword was condensed and swept forward in an instant.


Dugu Xuan\'s attack was broken.

The sword Qi tore Dugu Xuan\'s body, and he flew out.

Lin Feng frowned. Dugu Xuan was not as powerful as he thought.

This is different from Dugu Xuan he saw a few days ago.

"You are an external incarnation, not your own.".

Lin Feng looked cold.

Dugu Xuan looked at Lin Feng coldly and said, "finally, yes, this is my external avatar. My original left three days ago because of something. Are you proud that you can defeat my external avatar? This external avatar doesn\'t even have 1% of my original combat power".

Dugu Xuan\'s words moved many people. It was an incarnation outside the body.

Is that avatar weak?

Of course not weak, but extremely strong.

Lin Feng suppressed Dugu Xuan\'s incarnation because Lin Feng was also strong.

But if this external incarnation can\'t even play one percent of Dugu Xuan\'s battle, how powerful is Dugu Xuan?

There\'s no way.

"Then I\'ll cut off your incarnation first, then find your true self and kill your true self.".

Lin Feng was so strong that he rushed up and directly displayed the newly learned Taigu supreme magic power "axe smashing the sky".

A giant axe condensed in the void.

"Boy, you dare to cut off my incarnation. When I show up, you will be frustrated.".

Dugu Xuan roared. This incarnation took countless efforts to refine successfully. If it was beheaded, Dugu Xuan would also feel great pain.

"So what if you cut it? Your God washed his neck and waited for me to kill him.".

The voice fell and the axe light cleaved down.

Like the first time in the world.

A puff.

Dugu Xuan\'s incarnation was split in half by Lin Feng.