Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 809

Dugu Xuan\'s arrogance is a kind of arrogance from his bones. He is arrogant because he is strong enough.

Dugu Xuan had absolute confidence in his own strength. He stepped forward and walked towards Lin Feng. He looked cold and clapped him across the void.


Energy fluctuations swept out, and suddenly, in the void, a huge energy fingerprint was condensed.

The energy fingerprint fell from the sky and went to Lin Feng.

"It\'s really Dugu Xuan. You can make such a terrible attack at will. It\'s hard to imagine how strong this person is.".

"He has practiced in that mysterious and ancient force since he was young. It is said that he has experienced countless life and death hardships, and his combat power is naturally strong.".

"In addition to Jin Yichen, it is difficult to find young monks who can compete with him in Dongjun Shenzhou".

"That boy won\'t be killed by Dugu Xuan?".

"It\'s really possible.".


Many people are talking. Obviously, they don\'t think Lin Feng can resist Dugu Xuan\'s attack.

Dugu Xuan\'s guards were scattered around, looking at Lin Feng indifferently. They knew how terrible Dugu Xuan was.

In the view of these guards, the so-called Tianjiao of Dongjun Shenzhou was as weak as a mole ant in front of Dugu Xuan, and Lin Feng was naturally divided into the level of "mole ant" by them.

Facing Dugu Xuan\'s blow, Lin Feng looked indifferent. He waved his right fist and swept out.


Dugu Xuan\'s energy fingerprints were smashed in an instant.

Many people were surprised. Originally, many people even thought Lin Feng couldn\'t take one move, but now they broke Dugu Xuan\'s first attack.

But then everyone was relieved.

Since Lin Feng dared to intercept Dugu Xuan, it seems that he should also have good strength.

Dugu Xuan\'s attack just now was the simplest one. He used the power of heaven and earth to condense an energy fingerprint, which was not even a magic attack.

Therefore, Lin Feng could resist Dugu Xuan\'s attack.

But when Dugu Xuan showed his powerful magic power?

Can you resist it then?

Many people don\'t think Lin Feng can resist.

At that time, there may be a rout.

Dugu Xuan stepped forward, looked at Lin Feng indifferently and said, "you can break my big handprint condensed with energy. You are qualified to let me do it.".

This man is really arrogant enough. His words all reflect his contempt and disdain for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "you are too arrogant.".

"For a character like you, you can do it easily with one hand.".

Dugu Xuan came up and continued to sneer at Lin Feng.

"Blade storm"!

Dugu Xuan waved his right hand, and suddenly the wind swept the world.


It is made of endless sword Qi.

Those sword Qi even formed a huge tornado.

There are countless sword Qi.

It\'s like killing the world.

The blade storm swept towards Lin Feng.

"Hurry up...".

Many people cried in horror because they found that their bodies were being rolled towards the blade storm.

The storm composed of hundreds of millions of sword Qi is too terrible.

Once involved, it will be torn to pieces.

Dugu Xuan stood in the center of the blade storm. He manipulated the blade storm to drown Lin Feng.

"It\'s terrible. Dugu Xuan is terrible. Is this his magic power? He began to take it seriously. How can he resist this magic power? I\'m afraid the boy is finished.".

In the distance, a monk looked at the blade storm sweeping Lin Feng and shouted pale.

The strength of the blade storm made their souls tremble.

"Boy, die.".

Dugu Xuan, standing in the storm of blade, looked indifferent and swept at Lin Feng contemptuously.

The huge blade storm swept the world and swallowed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sneered, "just a blade storm still wants to hurt me? Let you know what Kendo is today.".

When the voice fell, Lin Feng showed a move of "ten thousand swords to the Pope".

Let your blade storm condense hundreds of millions of sword Qi.

I move ten thousand swords to the sect and devour them all.

As soon as Wan Jian returned to Zong, all the sword Qi was swallowed up by Lin Feng.

"How is that possible?".

Dugu Xuan was full of disbelief. His blade storm was very strong, even though someone had broken his blade storm.

It was also a hard struggle.

But where\'s Lin Feng?

He swallowed up hundreds of millions of sword Qi from his blade storm.

"Childe, be careful above".

A guard shouted.

At this time, Dugu Xuan just recovered, and he looked up.

He saw Lin Feng standing above him and stepped down.

A giant foot covering more than ten acres of land came out of the void.

"Get down here.".

Lin Feng sneered.

He stepped down with one foot, and the huge foot condensed from the void also stepped down with one foot.

"How dare you insult me?".

Dugu Xuan roared with hatred.

He is a proud generation.

A high figure.

If you are trampled under your feet.

This is a great humiliation.

It is bound to become a laughing stock in the future.


Dugu Xuan roared loudly, waved his right fist and hit the giant foot.

But Lin Feng\'s attack was really powerful, and Dugu Xuan hurried.

So the result has long been doomed.

Then he stepped on Dugu Xuan and put Dugu Xuan on the ground.

With a bang, the earth collapsed.

Dugu Xuan was buried in the huge pit.

"How did this happen?".

Incredible glances looked at the young monk standing in the air.

This is different from what everyone guessed. Originally, everyone thought Lin Feng would be crushed by Dugu Xuan.

But now.

But Dugu Xuan was trampled into the soil.

"I want your life.".

The roar filled the sky.

Dugu Xuan rushed out, his hair was scattered, and his body was full of soil.

He was almost crazy and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"King in the heavens"

Dugu Xuan roared loudly, and he showed an extremely rebellious magic power.

King in the heavens.

It is said that this is the supreme power created by a God.

After the king came to the heavens to use this move, a terrible pressure spread out.

It\'s like a God coming to the world.

Splash! Splash!

Countless monks who watched the battle could not bear the terrible pressure. They all knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Dugu Xuan.

"It\'s the inheritance of the gods. It\'s terrible. Dugu Xuan has mastered the supreme and unique skill created by the gods. That boy, it\'s dangerous.".

Many people roared in shock.

Dugu Xuan\'s divine unique skill was so powerful that they felt suffocated.

"Boy, it\'s over.".

Dugu Xuan rushed to Lin Feng with a grim smile on his face.

"There are giant gods and great emperors above the gods. How ridiculous is it that a mere God dares to say that he is king over the heavens?".

Lin Feng looked indifferent. He rushed forward and showed his hand to cover the sky.

He covered the sky with his big hand and patted Dugu Xuan.


Everyone saw that Dugu Xuan was slapped and flew out, and his body moved thousands of meters.

In mid air, spit blood.

"God... What did I see?".

At this moment, countless spectators were almost scared to death.

Dugu Xuan showed his unique skills, but he was slapped out by the young monk.

The strength of the young friar is too terrible, isn\'t it? What kind of existence is he?