Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 811

Outside the holy city, surrounded by mountains.

The ancient primitive jungle covers this vast land. This jungle is called "misty ancient forest".

Because of the fog in the ancient forest.

Especially in the depths of the ancient forest, the towering fog is often rolled up. Once swallowed by the fog, it will end up dead.

Therefore, the fog ancient forest is full of crisis.

Therefore, even if friars are active in the fog ancient forest, they are mostly in the peripheral areas, and few people dare to go deep into the fog ancient forest.

Lin Feng will pass through the misty ancient forest on his way from Yuguo to Junzi city.

In a mountain forest outside the misty ancient forest, a tall and beautiful woman in white manipulated a black snake flying sword and launched a fierce attack on an armored lizard dragon.

Armored back lizard dragon is an extremely fierce beast. It is three meters high and five meters long. Its hind legs are thick and its forelimbs are short. It has a huge head and sharp teeth.

Armored lizard dragon is the "Earth Dragon" among the branches of the dragon family.

There are many kinds of dragons, real dragon, divine dragon, golden dragon, pterosaur and so on.

These dragons are the more powerful dragons among the Dragon families, and they master all kinds of powerful means.

There is also a kind of dragon. They can\'t fly.

I don\'t know how to spread clouds and rain.

I don\'t even know the dragon magic.

This kind of dragon is the Earth Dragon.

There are many kinds of earth dragons. For example, Tyrannosaurus Rex is the most powerful dragon family among earth dragons.

The woman in white attacked the armored lizard because she found a "blue ore" here.

Blue ore can purify the essence of blue iron. The essence of blue iron can be integrated into the magic weapon, which can greatly improve the power of the magic weapon.

What the woman in white didn\'t expect was that there was an armored lizard here. The armored lizard was ferocious. Seeing that humans had entered its territory, it launched a fierce attack.

Keng Keng

The black snake sword cut and killed the armored lizard dragon, making a clang collision sound.

But the defense of armored lizard is too amazing to break the defense of armored lizard.

The armored back lizard dragon launched a charge. The white woman\'s face changed slightly, and she quickly flew into the air.

The armored lizard dragon opened its mouth and threw energy light balls at the woman in white.

The woman in white was embarrassed to avoid the attack of the armored back lizard dragon.

Although the armored back lizard dragon is only the weakest "Earth Dragon Family" among the Dragon families.

But the Earth Dragon is also a dragon.

The Earth Dragon is weak compared with other powerful dragons.

But compared to other races.

The Earth Dragon is still a big Mac.

"Damn it, this armored lizard is invulnerable.".

The woman in white stamped her feet with some hatred.


At this time, the roar came from a distance, and more than a dozen armored back lizards rushed over. Then these armored back lizards continued to blow out energy and light balls to kill the women.

The woman in white couldn\'t dodge. She was hit by an energy light ball and fell into the mountain forest.

A dozen armored lizards charged at the woman in white.

The woman in white wanted to get up and run away quickly, but the attack of the armored lizard dragon was really powerful, which scattered her mana and made her unable to gather strength.

"Oh, no, I\'m Murong Xuesheng\'s beautiful face. I don\'t want to die here."

Murong Xue screamed with fear.

The woman in white was Murong Xue when Lin Feng went out to experience.

At the beginning, the charming girl has now become a unique beauty full of charm.


A figure fell down and smashed an armored back lizard dragon with his fist.

Murong Xue was so frightened that she closed her eyes and found that she hadn\'t died for a long time. She couldn\'t help opening her eyes. She saw that the young childe swept the armored back lizard dragon out with a punch.

This is really a shocking and moving scene.

Murong Xue was overjoyed and said in her heart, it seems that God won\'t let him die.


Miss Ben is beautiful and moving.

God will have mercy.

Alas, too much charm is also wrong.

Murong Xue was a little elated. She always had this inexplicable self-confidence.

Especially her face.

Of course, Murong Xue is really beautiful.

After more than a dozen armored lizards were swept out, they knew they were not the opponent of the human, so they all fled to the depths.

These fierce beasts have a special sense of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Murong Xue, I haven\'t seen you for years. How are you?".

Murong Xue\'s eyes widened. How does this sound sound sound familiar?

She looked at Lin Feng carefully.

Although many years have passed, many changes have taken place in appearance.

But it can be vaguely seen that it was the young man who fought against the soul eating hall and went to the cave of yin and Yang Taoist together.

"Lin Feng, why are you?".

Murong Xue exclaimed. She didn\'t expect to see Lin Feng here.

When he learned that Lin Feng was wanted by Aotian ancient capital, Murong Xue worried for a long time.

Later, I also inquired about Lin Feng\'s news, but I didn\'t hear it.

She even thought Lin Feng had suffered an accident.

But I never thought that Lin Feng appeared alive in front of me and became so powerful.

More than a dozen armored lizards were beaten back by this guy.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "of course, I came to see you in Tiansheng city. Didn\'t you ask me to come to Tiansheng city to find you? If I hadn\'t had to leave Dongjun Shenzhou because I was wanted by Aotian ancient capital, I would have fulfilled the agreement. Now I\'m back in Dongjun Shenzhou to meet a friend I\'ll never forget".

"Are you still thinking of me?". Murong Xue said in surprise.

Lin Feng is a little ashamed.

He passed by Tiansheng city. Unexpectedly, he met Murong Xue outside Tiansheng city. Just now, he just wanted to coax Murong Xue to make it up.

But murongxue\'s character was still very naive and did not doubt Lin Feng\'s words.

"Of course.". Lin Feng said.

Murong Xue said proudly, "a beautiful woman like me is naturally remembered. You should think of this beautiful woman.".

Lin Feng smiled bitterly. Murong Xue\'s character really remained unchanged for many years. He was naive with some inexplicable self-confidence.

Maybe beauty is so confident.

Be confident in everything you do.

"Wait, I\'ll collect the blue ore". Murong snow swept quickly towards a mountain peak.

Lin Feng also followed. He saw a fist sized ore embedded in a rock on the mountain. This is blue ore.

"Ore to enhance the power of magic weapons". Lin Feng was surprised.

Murong Xue nodded and said, "I\'m going to use blue ore to enhance the power of magic weapons.".

"I heard that this blue ore is difficult to melt. It\'s even more difficult to integrate the blue ore into the magic weapon.".

Lin Feng said.

"There is a mysterious forging master in our heavenly holy city. She is very powerful. She can do it.". Murong Xue said.

"Oh? Mysterious forge?".

Lin Feng\'s heart moved. He suddenly thought of his semi-finished Taoist seven treasure glass tower. Can he find the mysterious forging master to forge the seven treasure glass tower into a real Taoist weapon?