Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 808

Rain country, this is a very beautiful country. There is drizzle all year round here. Therefore, rain country is named.

Lin Feng goes to Junzi city and passes through Yuguo.

The vegetation here is very special. There are many tall trees in the tropical rain forest.

It was more than a hundred miles away from the capital of the state of rain.

In the distance came a man holding Fang Tianhua halberd.

There was blood flowing out of his chest and he was obviously seriously injured.

This is a very brave man with a strong breath. Even if he is injured, he can still make people feel the surging power in his body.

He looked alert at Lin Feng and left quickly.

"The strength is very strong, but the injury seems not light. Who is this person?".

Lin Feng murmured.

He never stayed.

Half an hour later, Lin Feng came to Yudu.

In the rain, drizzle.

From time to time, some beautiful women with ink umbrellas can be seen passing by on the street.

Drizzle, beauty, ancient street, stone bridge, running water.

It\'s poetic and picturesque.

This is the rain country.

Beauty is like a picture.

Yuguo and Tiansheng City, one of the top ten ancient capitals, are the closest. Lin Feng plans to rest in Yuguo for a few days before going to Tiansheng city.

There is a transmission array in the heavenly holy city. You can go directly to the scholar\'s city.

Dongjun Shenzhou has no way to compare with some large states, and the transmission array is relatively rare.

Even among the ten ancient capitals, only a few have long-distance transmission arrays.

A country like rain country is even less likely to have a transmission array.


Suddenly, a strong breath came from a distance, covering the rain.

A man with a golden sword stepped in. He was dressed in gold and his black hair danced like a god of murder.

"Li Yuqiong, come out. I know you\'re hiding in the rain.".

The man in gold had a cold voice.

Then, more than a dozen experts flew from a distance and followed the man in gold.

Among them, an old man has the strongest strength and can be called unfathomable.

"Is that Dugu Xuan?".

In the rain, some monks seemed to recognize the identity of the comer.

"Yes, it\'s Dugu Xuan, Dugu Aotian\'s only son. I heard that when he was six years old, he was sent by Dugu Aotian to a mysterious ancient force for cultivation. He didn\'t return to Dongjun Shenzhou until a year ago and was engaged to Ning Hanshuang.".

Another monk said so.

This caused a great sensation. The visitor was Dugu Aotian\'s son.

"Is he chasing Li Yuqiong? Is it Li Yuqiong from sun moon city?".

Someone said so.

"I heard that there was a world shaking war in Wuci Lake half a month ago. Is it the war between Dugu Xuan and Li Yuqiong?".

Someone said so.

"Maybe it\'s true. Li Yuqiong has been famous for a long time. She is the top ten Tianjiao in Dongjun Shenzhou, but she was chased and killed by Dugu Xuan. Dugu Xuan really deserves her reputation.".

"Look at those people around Dugu Xuan. It is said that Dugu Xuan was sent by the mysterious force he joined to protect Dugu Xuan. Dugu Xuan\'s talent is terrible. Even though he was trained by the mysterious force, he should not be surprised.".

Said the friar.

"Li Yuqiong, you let me down. Don\'t you even have the courage to fight?".

Dugu Xuan shouted coldly.

"I bind an arm and fight with you, so I can cut you.".

Dugu Xuan continued to drink.

Many people are shocked.

Dugu Xuan was too arrogant.

But this person\'s strength is really strong enough.

Domineering and arrogant, who will compete?

"Dugu Aotian\'s son?".

Lin Feng looked indifferent and showed his intention to kill in his eyes.

At this time, the old man standing next to Dugu Xuan seemed to notice and swept away to the position where Lin Feng had stood.

But Lin Feng has left.

The old man gave a sneer.

What a terrible old thing.

Lin Feng frowned slightly in the alley more than ten meters away.

He just showed his intention to kill and was noticed by the old man.

The strength of the old man can be described as unfathomable.

"Li Yuqiong, you can\'t escape. You\'re doomed to die here. When can you hide?".

Dugu Xuan was very arrogant and his voice was indifferent. He flew quickly through the void to look for Li Yuqiong.

"It\'s not easy to kill this man. We can only find another opportunity.".

Lin Feng frowned and left.

He rented a private house in an upscale inn.

It\'s quiet here.

At night, Lin Feng wakes up from practice.

At this time, he felt someone lurking into the yard.


Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

"Brother, borrow your treasure land to rest all night", a voice came from outside.

It\'s you.

Lin Feng went out and saw the young friar sitting cross legged in the yard.

Fang Tian painted halberd on the ground, and he also looked at Lin Feng.

"Aren\'t you afraid that I will report you to Dugu Xuan?".

Lin Feng looked at the man lightly.

This person should be Li Yuqiong who was chased and killed by Dugu Xuan.

"You want to kill him...".

Li Yuqiong said.

"It seems that during the day, you\'re not far from me. You know I\'m going to kill him."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said.

Li Yuqiong is not simple. He deceives the world. No one found him.

"Maybe you and I can work together.". Li Yuqiong\'s eyes flashed the idea of killing.

"The old man around him is a trouble.". Lin Feng frowned slightly, "the old man\'s cultivation is unfathomable. He should be a strong man in the realm of creation".

"I\'ll distract the old man, and then I\'ll come back quickly and kill him with you.".

Li Yuqiong\'s eyes flashed the idea of killing.

Lin Feng didn\'t ask Li Yuqiong why she became enemies with Dugu Xuan.

He doesn\'t care about this.

Lin Feng just wanted to kill Dugu Xuan.


Lin Feng nodded.

Dugu Xuan never left because he thought Li Yuqiong was hiding in the rain.

So he\'s waiting for Li Yuqiong to show up.

Three days later.

Li Yuqiong appeared, stood in the distance, looked indifferent, looked at Dugu Xuan from a distance, and then went away.

"It\'s ridiculous that a waste man who only knows how to escape dares to call himself arrogant.".

Dugu Xuan looked gloomy because he had been chasing Li Yuqiong for a long time and it was difficult to catch him. He knew how amazing Li Yuqiong\'s hiding means were.

"Old Xu, you help me stop him. I\'ll go there soon and break him into pieces.".

Dugu Xuan looked at the old man around him.

The old man frowned slightly. He was responsible for protecting Dugu Xuan, so he couldn\'t leave Dugu Xuan\'s side.

"Does old Xu think someone in this secular country can endanger me?".

Dugu Xuan said.

Old Xu nodded, accelerated his speed and chased Li Yuqiong.

Dugu Xuan and others followed.

In the distance, a young childe came.

He stopped Dugu Xuan.

"Look, another person stopped Dugu Xuan. It wasn\'t Li Yuqiong.".

"Do you want to fight Dugu Xuan? Although Dugu Xuan is arrogant and even arrogant, his strength is really too strong. Even Li Yuqiong is chased and killed. Isn\'t that the boy who stopped Dugu Xuan looking for his own death?"

Many monks talked in the rain.

"Who are you?". Dugu Xuan sneered.

"The man who killed you". Lin Feng looked indifferent.

"Ha ha ha".

Dugu Xuan looked up at the sky and laughed, "it\'s ridiculous. Any kind of cat and dog dare to jump out. Today I\'m going to kill you and beg for mercy on my knees.".

Dugu Xuan was so arrogant that he stepped in and didn\'t pay attention to Lin Feng at all.