Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 807

"It\'s too young and handsome?".

Many nuns screamed.

Lin Feng almost satisfied all their illusions about their best partner.

Young, handsome, the identity of Tianjie spirit array master.

This is what every woman dreams of.

I don\'t know how many young ladies from big families. Now the young woman wants to be Lin Feng\'s woman.

"Isn\'t that Shi Ningmeng? Why did she follow the childe?".

"What\'s so great about Shi Ningmeng? How can he be qualified to follow that childe?"

Many young women and young ladies looked envious and jealous when they saw Shi Ningmeng followed by Lin Feng.

Lin Fengling\'s identity has been exposed, so it\'s not good to go to the herbalist union again.

He came to the spiritual array division union.

Lin Feng looked at Zhan Junhua and said, "I\'ll give you a task.".

"Please tell me that my subordinates will go through fire and water.".

Zhan Junhua said immediately that the time had finally come to express his heart.

Lin Feng said, "I will attack the ancient capital of Aotian soon and destroy Dugu Aotian, his Dugu family and the stone city. You can help me integrate these forces. Anyone who supports me will benefit them when it is done.".

"Ah? Are you going to destroy the Dugu family in Aotian ancient capital?".

Zhan Junhua\'s face changed slightly.

"What? Why not?". Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

Zhan Junhua said, "it is said that the Dugu family can communicate with the" God ", get the power of God, and even let God come down to the Dharma body. Few people in this family dare to provoke, because offending the Dugu family is equivalent to offending the God behind the Dugu family".

"Commune with God?".

Lin Feng looked indifferent. The Lin family was in great trouble. Does it have anything to do with the so-called "God" behind Dugu Aotian?

What God is this?

True God? God? Or a giant god?

But no matter what God he is, Dugu Aotian must die!

Lin Feng looked at Zhan Junhua and said, "do you think I am a person who will die easily?".

"I dare not think so.". Zhan Junhua said quickly.

"Don\'t say it\'s just coming to the Dharma body of God. Even if the God comes, I have a way to deal with it.". Lin Feng said.

His words were sonorous and forceful.

Lin Feng\'s confidence comes from the demon king.

Who is the demon king?

Archaic giant!

Even if the divine power collapses, the strength is far from reaching the ancient times.

But now the demon king gets the magic stone, and his strength will advance by leaps and bounds.

The demon king owes Lin Feng a favor.

The demon king will fight for Lin Feng once.

This is Lin Feng\'s biggest card.

Hearing Lin Feng\'s sonorous and powerful words, Zhan Junhua couldn\'t help looking shocked.

He knew that Lin Feng must have infinite means.

But I never thought that Lin Feng had the means to deal with God.

Zhan Junhua has absolutely no doubt about Lin Feng\'s words.

He said, "my subordinates must try their best to win over all parties in Shicheng for adults and recruit troops for adults at the same time.".

"Well, be loyal to me and won\'t treat you badly in the future.". Lin Feng said.


Lin Feng sat cross legged. He was understanding the unique skill of the stone God "axe breaks the sky".


Domineering, violent!

The unique skill of breaking the sky with an axe is like the characteristics of the axe itself.

Full of domineering and violent atmosphere.

This attack.

Once the cultivation is successful, the power is strong.

Shake the gods and demons.

Lin Feng was immersed in the understanding of the peerless and unique school of axe breaking the sky.

Three days later.

Lin Feng plans to leave Shicheng.

Say goodbye to Shi Ningmeng and Lin Feng leaves.


"Hahaha, I finally succeeded in refining.".

At the same time, the middle-aged pharmacist who was originally instructed by Lin Feng laughed.

He held a purple pill in his hand.

It\'s the soul returning pill.

Many herbalists came and congratulated the middle-aged herbalist.

"Congratulations, President, you have successfully refined the soul returning pill. The soul returning pill has been successfully refined. You are not far from breaking through the ground level high-level herbalist.".

The herbalists congratulated each other.

The middle-aged refiner is Shi Yan, President of the Dongjun Shenzhou refiner Federation of trade unions.

He smiled and said, "this time, thanks to the guidance of an adult, I made a breakthrough in the art of refining medicine. Moreover, the guidance of that adult gave me a new understanding of the art of refining medicine, even subverting the traditional understanding, and my vision became broader.".

The surrounding herbalists were shocked.

The president has been instructed by an expert?

Isn\'t it a heavenly level herbalist who can instruct the president?

Everyone\'s heart is full of shock.

Is there a Tianjie herbalist in Shicheng?

Is it a friend of the celestial level spirit array master? Together?

"Mr. President, is that Tianjie herbalist who instructed you?". Vice president Zhang Chengtao asked.

Thinking of the adult, Shi Yan immediately showed his respect and said, "there\'s nothing wrong. It\'s a Tianjie herbalist. No one can be so proficient in the art of refining medicine except Tianjie herbalist".

"President, a few days ago, a celestial level spirit array master came to our stone city, which caused a great sensation.". Vice president Zhang Chengtao continued.

"What? Heavenly level spirit array master?". Shiyan was also surprised.

Naturally, he knew what extraordinary significance the heavenly level spirit array master represented.

Then Shiyan muttered.

Heavenly level spirit array master.

Tianjie herbalist.

Did you come together?

Travel around the world together, so I came here?

At this time, Zhang Chengtao said, "the Tianjie spirit array master knew Ning Meng and lived in our herbalist Union for a few days.".

"Ah? Know Ning Meng? How can Ning Meng know the master of heaven level spirit array? Why don\'t I know?".

Shiyan was immediately shocked.

Shi Ningmeng is his daughter.

Although Shiyan is known as a drug refining madman.

Shi Ningmeng feels that Shi Yan\'s love for her is not even as enthusiastic as his passion for medicine refining.

In fact, Shi Ning\'s dream is wrong.

Shi Yan loves Shi Ningmeng no less than other fathers love their children.

However, the father\'s love for his children is often a silent love.

They don\'t express like their mother.

But father\'s love.

No less than mother\'s love.

Moreover, Shi Ningmeng\'s mother died early and was brought up by Shi Yan. Therefore, Shi Yan pays more love for Shi Ningmeng than other parents.

He just can\'t express it.

Shi Yan knows very well about Shi Ningmeng.

How could Shi Ningmeng get to know such a big man as the master of heaven level spirit array?

This is where Shiyan doubts.

Suddenly, Shiyan was stunned.

He thought of a possibility.

Shi Yan asked eagerly, "what does the master of Tianjie spirit array look like?".

"Looks very young, about 20 years old, very handsome, looks very friendly.".

Zhang Chengtao said.

In the heart of Shiyan, it is like setting off a towering wave.

It\'s him!

It must be the heavenly level herbalist who instructed him in refining medicine.


Isn\'t it?

Not just a heavenly level herbalist?

Or a celestial spirit array master?

In his early twenties, he has unfathomable strength. He is also a heaven level herbalist and heaven level spirit array master.

This world.

How can there be such a monster?

Could it be that the gods came down to earth?

The shock in Shi Yan\'s heart is hard to describe in words. He quickly goes to Shi Ningmeng\'s residence.

He wants to ask shi Ningmeng about everything about the adult.