Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 802

Although Lin Feng is young.

But in this world, there are many young people who can be called rebellious.

The middle-aged herbalist attributed Lin Feng to this kind of character.

He quickly got up, saluted Lin Feng and said, "what do you call your excellency?".

Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "you and I met by chance. Don\'t ask the origin.".

The middle-aged herbalist hurriedly said, "I\'m abrupt. Please bring down the crime.".

"It\'s not a big mistake. You\'ll be excused if you commit a crime.".

Lin Feng said faintly, and then said, "the refining of soul reviving pill is not the final addition of three main drugs, but is divided into three times and three stages.".

The middle-aged herbalist was shocked.

Obviously, the "adult" wants to give himself some advice.

Did you have such a chance?

He listened carefully and dared not miss a word.

"When these 375 kinds of miraculous medicines were melted into pills, the 172 kind of miraculous medicine was melted into the liquid of heart refining herb?".

Lin Feng asked.

The middle-aged herbalist nodded quickly and said, "yes, it\'s the heart refining herb.".

Lin Feng said faintly, "there should be something wrong with your prescription. This 172 kind of magic medicine should be integrated into the liquid of soul returning herb".

"Soul returning herb? Isn\'t this the main medicine? Can\'t the main medicine be added at the last moment?". The middle-aged herbalist said suspiciously.

Lin Feng snorted coldly and said, "Pedantic! Who stipulates that the main medicine can\'t be added in the middle of practice? Many of the pharmaceutical classics inherited from the herbalist temple are compiled by the so-called old scholars in the herbalist Temple based on some incomplete ancient books. They make them up indiscriminately. In many places, they are too pedantic and don\'t know how to adapt, resulting in the refining of some pills with a low success rate".

The middle-aged herbalist smiled bitterly, but he could only listen with an open mind.

Lin Feng continued, "The effect of soul returning herb is to condense the medicinal power of the previous 171 kinds of miraculous herbs, so as not to lose the medicinal power of these miraculous herbs, but the effect of heart refining herb is to melt. If the 172 kinds of miraculous herbs are added to the liquid of heart refining herb, most of the medicinal power of the previous miraculous herbs will soon be dissipated by the melting power of heart refining herb, and the first addition of soul returning herb will dissolve the previous 171 The powers of the two kinds of miraculous medicines are condensed together, and then the heart refining herb is added. At this time, the heart refining herb not only cannot disperse the condensed powers, but will gradually dissolve the impurities in these powers ".

The middle-aged herbalist\'s eyes brighten as he listens.

Lin Feng continued, "the liquid of the second main medicine yangshenhua replaces the 298th ice fruit spirit liquid. The ice fruit spirit liquid belongs to the attribute of cold ice. If it is added too early, the spirit liquid will shrink rapidly and coagulate the pill in advance. There are dozens of spirit liquids behind that have not been added. Coagulate the pill in advance, and the liquid in the back cannot be perfectly integrated with the liquid in front.".

"No wonder, no wonder...".

The middle-aged herbalist thought of the early condensation of the elixir he encountered when refining the soul reviving elixir, which bothered him. It turned out that the root was here.

"The solution of yangshenhua is equivalent to a catalyst. It is added in the middle and late stage to accelerate the fusion speed of the previous solutions and make them react quickly.".

"The third main medicine, Gu Hun Teng, can accelerate the fusion of the liquid medicine into a pill. After adding the Gu Hun Teng liquid medicine, add the Bingguo liquid medicine, which will instantly accelerate the process of coagulating pills. Now try it according to my method.".

When the voice fell, Lin Feng jumped up and disappeared into the yard.

"Congratulations, sir. I\'ll never forget your kindness.".

The middle-aged medicine refiner hugged his fist.

Then he rushed into the room and began to refine the soul reviving pill for the fifth time.

Of course, giving directions to the middle-aged herbalist was just what Lin Feng did when he was bored.

Returning to his residence, Lin Feng found that Shi Ningmeng came to him.

"Why haven\'t you slept so late?".

Lin Feng asked.

Shi Ningmeng obviously deliberately groomed himself. His proud figure and a trace of charm on his beautiful face are really attractive.

She said, "three days later, we will hold the stone God Festival. At that time, we will go to worship the stone God, and the stone God will come down to blessing.".

"Stone God\'s day? What festival is this?".

Lin Feng was surprised that tianwu mainland naturally has some festivals, but he heard of the stone God festival for the first time.

"Our stone city was built near the mountain. When the demons invaded the tianwu continent, the stone city was almost destroyed by a demon. At this time, a stone God came down from the sky, fought with the demons for three days and nights with a giant axe, and killed the demons. Therefore, the stone City forged a stone statue for the stone God, prayed and worshipped day and day. The stone God has become the patron saint of the stone city and sacrificed on the stone God festival every year At that time, the stone God will show his spirit and bring down the blessing. Some lucky people are said to be able to communicate the will of the stone God and learn the "supernatural power against the sky" from the stone God.

Said Shi Ningmeng.

"And such magical things." Lin Feng was surprised.

"Of course, on the stone God festival every year, not only the people in stone city go to offer sacrifices to the Lost God, but also some other ancient cities in Dongjun Shenzhou, and even other states, have strong people attracted by their names.".

Said Shi Ningmeng.

"OK, I\'ll go with you then.". Lin Feng nodded.

Seeing that Shi Ningmeng didn\'t mean to leave when he finished, Lin Feng whispered to himself, is it that Shi Ningmeng is interested in himself?

So dress up and come here in the middle of the night? On the surface, it\'s about the stone God Festival. In fact, you want to meet yourself?

"Why don\'t you chat with me before you go?". Lin Feng\'s eyes swept to Shi Ningmeng\'s proud figure. I have to say that this woman is really the best.

Shi Ningmeng blushed and said, "since you sincerely invite me, I\'ll stay with you for a while.".

Then he blushed and walked towards Lin Feng\'s room with a pair of straight and slender legs.

Three days later, the stone God festival began.

Stone city became very lively because of the stone God Festival.

Many people went to the stone God square to worship the stone God.

Lin Feng and Shi Ningmeng also came to Shishen square.

Shi Ningmeng said, "when we go to the stone tower, there are fewer people there, and only people from the top forces are qualified to go to the stone tower. On the stone tower, we can also offer sacrifices.".

Lin Feng nodded and walked towards the stone building with Shi Ningmeng.

When I came to the stone building, a surprised voice came.

"Ning Meng, you\'re back. When did you come back? Why didn\'t you send someone to inform me?".

This voice fell, and more than a dozen young childe and young ladies rushed in, talking to a childe in green.

These people are obviously the children of Shicheng aristocratic family.

That young master in Qingyi is very handsome and should be the suitor of Shi Ningmeng.

The young childe saw that Shi Ningmeng was close to Lin Feng\'s body, and the relationship between them seemed quite close.

His face suddenly sank, and his eyes to Lin Feng were full of jealousy, but he was very good at hiding his emotions. He restrained his jealous eyes, looked at Lin Feng with a smile and said, "Ning Meng, who is this brother? I don\'t seem to have seen him before?".

This is a friend of mine. Shi Ningmeng said faintly.

"Friend? What family does this brother come from?". Young master Qingyi asked.

"Lin family".

Lin Feng replied faintly.

"Lin family? Have you heard of Lin family?". Young master Qingyi looked at the young ladies around him.

"Dongjun Shenzhou has no so-called Lin family anyway".

"As far as I know, there is no big family surnamed Lin in the three thousand states of tianwu mainland?".

It should be a small family.

A group of people talked one after another, and their tone was very contemptuous.

"Hehe, brother Lin, please don\'t get me wrong. Everyone doesn\'t mean to insult you. They are all straightforward people. If you say something bad, please forgive me.".

Young master Qingyi said in an apologetic tone. He just looked at Lin Feng with a high expression. How can he apologize at all?

In the opinion of young master Qingyi, a child of a small family who doesn\'t enter the mainstream doesn\'t even have the qualification to talk to him in peacetime.

Obviously, after knowing that Lin Feng is a child of a small family.

The young master in green clothes is now full of contempt and disdain for Lin Feng.