Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 801

Stone city.

As one of the ten ancient capitals of Dongjun Shenzhou, Dongjun Shenzhou General Union of refiners was established in Shicheng.

After entering the stone city, Shi Ningmeng was able to breathe at last.

Ning Hanshuang is bold enough to enter the stone city.

If you dare to come in, you have a way to let her die here.

Night fell.

The stone city is very lively.

Lin Feng and Ning Hanshuang walked towards the herbalist Union.

In the distance, there were a sea of people, and countless people were watching.

Even many people from the stone city family came.

"What happened here?" Lin Feng asked.

"The president of the East County Shenzhou spirit array division Federation of trade unions went to the general Hall of 72 northern states to report on his work. Now there will be a new president.".

Said the friar.

"The willow family in Shicheng is nameless".

"Zhang Chen, the patriarch of zhangjias in Shicheng, arrived".

"Sun Ba, the leader of Shicheng Bawu sect, arrived.".


Cheers came.

Gorgeous animal carts came from all directions.

These are the great forces in the stone city.

The leaders of a great power all got down from the animal cart and greeted each other with fists.

"There are seven ancient forces in our stone city. The heads of these ancient aristocratic families and zongmen have arrived, which is more lively than when my father was the president of the herbalist Union.".

Shi Ningmeng whispered.

Lin Feng nodded.

This is normal.

Because the status of the spirit array master itself is higher than that of the herbalist.


At this time, the high sound of dragon singing came from a distance.

I saw a dragon rushing with a beast cart.

There are hundreds of powerful monks riding strange animals around.

Full of pomp.


The patriarchs of those big families in the stone city suddenly brightened their eyes and stood up quickly.

Jiaolong pulled a car and landed on the square.

Welcome to stone city.

The heads of the big families said in unison.

With respect.

A pair of eyes, looking at the animal cart.

The curtain is open.

Then a spirit array master in a burning sun robe came out.

There are only two kinds of people who are qualified to wear the burning sun robe in the spiritual array division union.

The first kind of person is the elder of the spiritual array division trade union, a high figure.

These characters are basically spiritual array masters above the earth level.

The second kind of people is the president of the Lingxian division trade union in a state.

They may not reach the level of elder.

But they are in charge of the spiritual front division union in a state.

Equivalent to a feudal official.

So he was given a robe of the sun.

Zhan Junhua.

Lin Feng was slightly surprised to see the monk coming out of the animal cart.

He did not expect that Zhan Junhua had been transferred to Dongjun Shenzhou to serve as the president of the Lingxian division Federation of trade unions in Dongjun Shenzhou.

Of course, with Zhan Junhua\'s qualifications and abilities, he does have this qualification.

"It\'s a pleasure to meet you. You\'re new here. Please take care of it in the future.".

Zhan Junhua hugged her fist.

Under the stars and the moon of these big people in stone city.

Zhan Junhua walked towards the Lingzhen division union.

"That person seems to be Zhan Junhua. It is said that this person has worked in the general Hall of Lingzhen division in 72 northern states for many years and has a deep background. No wonder he can be transferred out to serve as the president of the General Union of Lingzhen division in one state. It seems that he has used his relationship.".

"I heard that Zhan Junhua was transferred out after climbing up a big elder.".

"Can\'t you? Although the elder is respected, he doesn\'t have the power to transfer."

"It\'s said that the elder is not simple. Even Murong Baichuan, the general director of the Lingxian division trade union in 72 northern states, intersects with his peers.".

"Murong Baichuan is a master of heaven level spirit array. Is it possible that the elder is also a master of heaven level spirit array? Or is he about to be promoted to heaven level spirit array? If so, Zhan Junhua may indeed be transferred out depending on the relationship of the elder. I don\'t know who the elder is and what his name is?".

"It\'s not clear.".

Many people are talking about it.

Lin Feng and Shi Ningmeng came to the herbalist Union.

"Miss, you\'re back.".

An old servant hurried over.

"Where\'s my father?" asked Shi Ningmeng.

"The president has been practicing medicine in seclusion for half a month.".

Said the old servant.

Shi Ningmeng couldn\'t help sighing. Her father was intoxicated with refining medicine.

In Shi Ningmeng\'s opinion, his father\'s persistence in refining medicine even exceeds his concern for himself.

Feeling a little lost.

She said, "arrange a room for childe Lin".

"Yes, miss.".

The old servant answered, then looked at Lin Feng and said humbly, "childe Lin, please follow me.".

Shi Ningmeng\'s lost mood comes and goes quickly, perhaps because he has been used to it for too many times in recent years.

"Have a good rest at night".

She winked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded and left with the old servant.

In front of the General Union of refiners is a five story hall.

After passing through the hall, there is a heavy garden.

Rockeries, strange rocks, small bridges and flowing water.

The scenery is unique and fascinating.

In other gardens, there are many separate courtyards, in which Dharma arrays are also arranged.

The old servant said, "young master, this small courtyard is where you rest.".

Thank you for leading the way.

Lin Feng hugged his fist.

"If you have any orders, you can call the old slave to come. If there is nothing else, the old slave will leave first.".

Lin Feng nodded.

The old servant saluted and left.

Obviously, the men and women of the herbalist Union do not live in one area, and the other bieyuan area should be where the women\'s family members live.

Late at night, Lin Feng sat on the eaves, holding the wine jar, looking at the bright moon and drinking good wine.

Where is the other shore of the starry sky?

Where\'s mother?

Lin Feng murmured, narrowed his eyes, looked into the distance, and was stunned.

Suddenly, at this time, a violent sound of fluctuation came out of a different courtyard 100 meters away.


Then came a loud noise.

"Failed again, how could it fail again?".

A voice of chagrin followed.

"Fried Dan?".

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

It\'s worthy of being a medicine refiner\'s Union. It\'s late at night. There are still people in the medicine refiner\'s Union refining medicine.

He felt it carefully. At least a dozen people were still refining medicine in the surrounding courtyard.

Lin Feng was quite bored, so he planned to go and have a look.

If you have fate, you don\'t mind giving each other some medicine refining knowledge.

Lin Feng jumped up and jumped into the courtyard.

When bombing Dan, the door was broken. A middle-aged man with a dark face and disheveled hair was sitting on the ground.

Lin Feng smelled the smell of medicine in the air and said faintly, "you are refining earth level high-level soul reviving pill, soul reviving pill. There are 375 kinds of miraculous drugs. There are three main drugs: Soul reviving grass, spirit nourishing flower and soul fixing vine. You just failed because you didn\'t integrate the three main drugs in the right way.".

Hearing the sound suddenly, the middle-aged herbalist\'s eyes widened.

He looked around and saw a young monk who didn\'t know when he came into the yard.

"How do you know I\'m refining soul reviving pill?". The middle-aged herbalist asked incredulously.

"Is it difficult to distinguish? I can tell by gently smelling the medicine fragrance in the air that there are four different qualities of medicine fragrance in the air. It seems that you have failed to refine the soul reviving pill four times.".

Lin Feng said faintly.

The middle-aged man looked shocked.

There was only one thought in his mind.

How is that possible? How is this possible? The man in front of him smelled the medicine and knew that he was refining the soul returning pill, and pointed out that he had failed four times.

What he said is absolutely right. He has indeed failed four times.

If you can smell the fragrance of traditional Chinese medicine in the air, you will point out the pills you have practiced and the number of failures.

Is this a holy array master?

Thinking of this, the middle-aged monk suddenly had a shocked look in his heart.

Even in tianwu continent, Tianjie medicine refiners are rare.

And who is this adult in front of you?

In the seventy-two northern states, a Tianjie herbalist sits in the main hall.

So, isn\'t this adult a heavenly level herbalist who came out of the herbalist temple in Zhongzhou?