Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 803

This young master in green clothes is called Liu Junyan. He is a direct descendant of the Liu family, an ancient aristocratic family.

At the age of 26, he has six levels of heaven cultivation in the realm of yin and Yang. He can be regarded as the top genius in Dongjun Shenzhou.

After all, compared with the rest of China, Dongjun is relatively barren, and the cultivation of monks is much worse.

Lin Feng doesn\'t care what Liu Junyan or those stone city Tianjiao think of themselves.

In Lin Feng\'s eyes, these people are no different from passer-by A and passer-by B.

Let\'s go up. Shi Ningmeng said with a smile.

Many young CHILDES in Shicheng have straight eyes.

Have they ever seen Shi Ningmeng\'s gentle attitude towards a man?

Anyone can see that there is definitely an extraordinary relationship between the two.

This makes many people extremely jealous.

Because many childe brothers present have pursued the first beauty in stone city.

But was rejected.

Shi Ningmeng is so gentle to Lin Feng. How can they not be jealous?

Liu Junyan\'s face was even more gloomy. During this time, the Liu family were also discussing the proposal to Shi Yan, President of the herbalist Union.

So Liu Junyan has regarded Shi Ningmeng as his own woman.

But now, Lin Feng\'s appearance made him feel the crisis.

"We\'ll go up too.".

Liu Junyan said with a gloomy face that he has a high prestige among the young generation in Shicheng. These young CHILDES and young ladies follow his lead.

The stone building has seven floors.

An altar was set on the top floor, facing the stone God.

Lin Feng and Shi Ningmeng came to the seventh floor.

The square below is crowded with people.

They are offering sacrifices to the stone God, and many people are praying for the blessing of the stone God.

Lin Feng looked at the stone God and saw the thousand meter high stone statue.

Wearing a suit of armor and holding a huge stone axe, the stone statue was shrouded in a layer of divine light.

This surprised Lin Feng. He vaguely felt that the stone statue seemed to have the power of life.

"Lin Feng, let\'s sacrifice.".

Shi Ningmeng said with a smile that she had prepared sacrifices and now took them out.

Lin Feng nodded.

He helped Shi Ningmeng arrange the sacrifice, and then lit the incense.

It is said that incense can communicate with gods.

Therefore, incense is an essential link in sacrifice.

Offering sacrifices to the stone God, the blessing is said to be miraculous. Lin Feng also wants to try to see if there is really a blessing coming down.


At this time, a light drink came.

Liu Junyan came step by step.

"What\'s up?" Lin Feng looked at Liu Junyan faintly.

"According to the rules of the stone city, there are four kinds of people who can offer sacrifices in the stone tower. The first kind is people from the seven forces of the stone city, the second kind is people from the spirit array division trade union, the third kind is people from the refining division trade union, and the fourth kind is people who are attracted by the fame. It seems that brother Lin does not belong to any of these four kinds of people, so brother Lin is not qualified to offer sacrifices here.".

Liu Junyan looked at Lin Feng with a smile.

Shi Ningmeng\'s pretty face suddenly looked ugly. She said coldly, "childe Lin is from our herbalist Union and is naturally qualified to sacrifice here.".

Seeing that Shi Ningmeng was so partial to Lin Feng, Liu Junyan was jealous of the fire burning in his heart. He sneered and said, "since he is a member of the refining trade union, take out the identity token of the refining trade union for us to see".

"Yes, take it out and prove your identity.".

"If you can\'t prove your identity, you are pretending to be a stone God and are not qualified to sacrifice here.".

The monks who followed Liu Junyan were making fun.

Liu Junxian said with a smile, "it\'s not that I\'m embarrassing brother Lin, but the rules of Shicheng. We can\'t abide by them.".

Lin Feng said faintly, "I may be more qualified to sacrifice here than you.".

Liu Junyan\'s face sank slightly. How dare a child of a small family dare to speak to himself like this?

Is it supported by Shi Ningmeng behind?

He grabbed the "incense" in Lin Feng\'s hand.

Lin Feng said indifferently, "what is brother Liu doing?".

"Didn\'t you say that you are not qualified to sacrifice here? You still stay here?".

Liu Junyan\'s voice was indifferent. He put all the incense on the ground and stamped it out.

Now pick it up and give me some. Lin Feng said indifferently.

"What\'s the boy talking about?".

"He asked Liu Junyan to pick up the incense and light it again? Won\'t the boy be confused?"

"An unworthy child of a small family dares to speak to Liu Junyan like this. He doesn\'t know whether to live or die.".

Many children of aristocratic families are pointing at Lin Feng with a sneer.

In their view, Lin Feng\'s words to Liu Junyan are suicidal.

Suddenly there was a commotion outside at this time.

Then I heard someone shouting that Zhan Junhua, the president of the Lingxian division Federation of trade unions, was coming.

Everyone looked shocked when they heard it.

Zhan Junhua, this should be the number one person in the whole stone city.

Zhan Junhua, who is in charge of the East County Shenzhou spirit array division Federation of trade unions, is naturally the object of flattery of countless people.

Soon, a group of people came up.

Zhan Junhua came to the platform of the seventh stone building accompanied by the city master Shi Hao.

The helmsmen of the other six forces also came one after another.

"The willow family in Shicheng is nameless".

"Zhang Chen, the patriarch of zhangjias in Shicheng".

"Sun Ba, leader of Shicheng Bawu sect".

"Liu Xian, the patriarch of the Liu family in Shicheng".

"Nalan cliff, the Lord of Panlong sect in Shicheng".

"He Daoyuan, the leader of Shicheng Qingcheng sect".

In addition to the seven people at the helm, many senior leaders of the seven forces, including the Shi family, also accompanied Zhan Junhua.

"Don\'t salute Lord Zhan yet".

Shi Hao shouted in a deep voice.

The people who had returned to God quickly bowed to Zhan Junhua.

Zhan Junhua nodded with satisfaction.

"Lin Feng, salute quickly.".

Seeing Lin Feng standing still, Shi Ningmeng\'s face was extremely anxious.

Offending the leader of the spirit array division trade union is a great disaster.

But Lin Feng didn\'t seem to hear Shi Ningmeng\'s words. He still stood where he was and didn\'t move.

Seeing this scene, Liu Junyan was excited and trembled all over.

He felt a burst of ecstasy, "boy, I haven\'t started to clean you up yet. You\'ll die by yourself. I\'ll see how the president of the spirit array master trade union will clean you up later.".

In Liu Junyan\'s opinion, Lin Feng is dead after offending the president of the Lingxian division trade union.

When the patriarchs and patriarchs of the seven forces saw Lin Feng standing still, they dared not salute Zhan Junhua, and their faces became gloomy.

Zhan Junhua\'s face was also very ugly. His cold eyes swept to Lin Feng. He wanted to see who dared to be so rude in front of him?

I\'ll take care of him later.

But when Zhan Junhua saw Lin Feng\'s appearance, he was frightened and trembled all over.

He rubbed his eyes, as if afraid he was wrong.

But look again.

I found myself right.

Zhan Junhua hurried over and arrogantly pointed out Zhan Junhua, the "big man" in front of the major families in Shicheng.

At this moment, he bowed 90 degrees to Lin Feng and looked at Lin Feng with a flattering expression, "my lord... I\'ll greet you.".

be quiet.

Hundreds of monks gathered on the seventh floor of the whole stone building.

But now the quiet needle can be heard.