Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 800

The animal cart was flying in mid air, and Shi Ningmeng was sleeping in Lin Feng\'s arms.

Looking at this exquisite and beautiful face with a trace of small charm, Lin Feng smiled slightly.

This woman is still very lovely.

Character, but also quite likable.

As for the reward she offered, Lin Feng didn\'t want it. Naturally, it\'s not because he wants to play handsome in front of Shi Ningmeng to capture her heart.

Because once the holy medicine is divided into two, it must be taken in a short time, otherwise the efficacy will be lost quickly.

Lin Feng has no injury or disease. He can\'t use half of the holy medicine at all, and will destroy it.

What\'s more, Lin Feng also has holy medicine. He has two Zhu fruits.

There is even an immortal medicine "Jiulong fruit".

This is a treasure beyond medicine.

Of course, there\'s one more thing.

Lin Feng\'s words to Shi Ningmeng are also from his heart. He doesn\'t want to watch Shi Ningmeng die so beautiful.


You should have pity on her.

Shi Ningmeng slightly twisted her delicate body, held Lin Feng\'s waist with both hands, and changed into a more comfortable position.

She\'s hurt, so she\'s sleepy.

The animal cart was flying fast in mid air.

Ten days later.

The animal cart stopped in a mountain forest. Shi Ningmeng looked much better after a period of cultivation.

Because of the special location of the injury, it still needs to go back to recuperate for a period of time to fully recover the injury.

"There are about three days to go to Shicheng.".

Shi Ningmeng said excitedly that it was something she dared not even think about before she could return to Shicheng alive.

"You\'ll never go back to stone city.".

At this time, cold laughter came.

Whoosh, whoosh.

Figures came from all directions, led by a woman.

Wearing a long snow-white dress, the woman perfectly revealed her convex and concave figure.

She has a beautiful face, but that face has a cold expression.

This cold woman.

It is ninghan cream.

Hundreds of Ning family friars have surrounded this place.

"It\'s ninghan cream".

Shi Ningmeng said with a pale face.

So many people surrounded her with Lin Feng that Shi Ningmeng couldn\'t help feeling a little desperate.

Especially, she\'s still hurt.

"Shi Ningmeng can escape. You almost escaped back to stone city, but everything should be over. You can\'t escape today.".

Ning Hanshuang looked at Shi Ningmeng coldly.

This woman.

It\'s pretty.

But it\'s too cold.

It\'s too cold to get close to that.

"Ninghan frost, aren\'t you afraid to offend the herbalist Union?".

Shi Ningmeng gritted his teeth.

"The herbalist Union does not participate in the struggle of the aristocratic family. Otherwise, it violates the purpose of the herbalist Union. What\'s more, the huge force standing behind Aotian ancient capital is no worse than the herbalist Union. What\'s the fear of the herbalist Union?".

Ning Hanshuang said coldly.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes.

The forces standing behind the ancient capital of Aotian?

What forces are they?

This force should have something to do with Dugu Aotian\'s attack on the Lin family?

Lin Feng\'s eyes became colder and colder.

"Miss, that\'s the boy who killed many of us.".

A monk of Ning family pointed to Lin Feng.

Ning Hanshuang\'s eyes looked at Lin Feng, and there was a deep chill in his eyes, "boy, kill my Ning family. No one can save your life in the sky and on the earth. Today, let you dream with Shi Ning as a desperate mandarin duck, so that you won\'t be lonely on the huangquan road. Do it.".

Ning Hanshuang\'s voice fell.

More than 30 monks surrounded Lin Feng and Shi Ningmeng.

"Get on my back".

Lin Feng said.

Shi Ningmeng nodded and hugged Lin Feng\'s neck with both hands. She was slender and straight. Her legs were clamped at Lin Feng\'s waist and looked around nervously.

"Boy, go to hell...".

Those nuns of Ning family were all murderous.

Powerful magic weapons were sacrificed one by one, and they came towards Lin Feng and Shi Ningmeng.

"I have a knife in my heart that can break the world.".

Lin Feng stepped forward and waved his right hand.

Split the sky and cut it out.

Take Lin Feng as the center.

The blade swept in all directions.

One powerful magic weapon was directly chopped by Lin Feng\'s move.

"Back, back quickly...".

Those friars in Ning family shouted pale.

Lin Feng this blow.

He is too strong.

The power can be described as unpredictable.

Monk Ning shouted in horror.

Escape quickly.

But he couldn\'t escape Lin Feng\'s attack at all.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Accompanied by the sound of flesh tearing.

A monk of mingning family was killed on the spot.

More than thirty monks rushed together.

Finally, only a few people escaped.

"Boy, die.".

Ning Hanshuang shouted angrily when he saw this scene.

"Ice sword".

A cold light flashed in her right hand.

A sword flew out.

The sword sent out waves of destruction.

It turned out to be a "Taoist instrument".

It\'s rather frosty.

Master a Taoist instrument.

This is something Lin Feng didn\'t think of.

Ning Hanshuang holds the cold ice sword and cuts it out with one sword.

The power of Taoist weapon is activated. It is made of thousands of feet of swords.

Kill it in an instant.

"What a powerful Taoist instrument".

Lin Feng was surprised.

Without hesitation, he took out the black dragon sword and split it with a sword.

The bright sword rushed out.

The two treasures collided.

Lin Feng and Ning Han Shuang both stepped back three steps.

Lin Feng\'s black dragon sword is actually more powerful than Ning Hanshuang\'s ice sword, but the black dragon sword has only untied a seal now.

The power can\'t be fully displayed. Ning Hanshuang can use her cold ice sword to compete with Lin Feng\'s black dragon sword.

After this blow, Ning Hanshuang shouted coldly, "all go with me and kill them.".

There are nearly 100 monks of the Ning family around, plus Ning Hanshuang, Lin Feng is naturally not afraid, but he still has a wounded Shi Ningmeng on his back.

If you are not careful during the war, Shi Ningmeng may be killed.

It is not appropriate to continue fighting with these people at this moment.

Hundreds of people cooperated with ninghan frost to attack.

Lin Feng offered the seven treasures glass tower.

The seven treasures glazed pagoda is a defense magic weapon Lin Feng got from the gentleman\'s hero.

It is a semi-finished product.

Defense is amazing.

The pagoda is suspended above Lin Feng and falls down with seven treasures of glass light to protect him and Shi Ningmeng.

When the dense attacks came, some of the attacks were resisted by Lin Feng, and the rest were dissolved by the seven treasures glass tower.

Lin Feng killed a blood path in the crowd and rushed towards the stone city.

"Damn it, chase...".

Ning Hanshuang gnashed his teeth and shouted. Holding the Taoist instrument cold ice sword, he led more than 100 Ning family experts to quickly chase Lin Feng and Shi Ningmeng in front.