Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 799

Originally thought that Shi Ningmeng must have left, but never thought that she would be hurt again.

I think I met someone from Ning family.

Although the delicate body as soft as jade lies in her arms.

But Lin Feng has no charming mind.

She picked up Shi Ningmeng and returned to the room.

Shi Ningmeng has a wound on his chest.

Now where can we take into account the differences between men and women?

He tore Shi Ningmeng\'s clothes open.

Lin Feng had no other thoughts, but just healed Shi Ningmeng. His mana carefully poured into Shi Ningmeng\'s body from the wound. At the same time, a thought attached to the mana.

"Half a centimeter to pierce the heart".

Seeing the needle shaped magic weapon embedded in Shi Ningmeng\'s body, Lin Feng couldn\'t help taking a breath.

Shi Ningmeng had good luck.

He used mana to protect Shi Ningmeng\'s heart.

Then push his right hand gently on Shi Ningmeng\'s back.


The needle shaped magic weapon was suddenly shaken out.

Lin Feng hurriedly stopped bleeding for Shi Ningmeng, then took out a Tianjie healing pill "Huiming pill" and fed it to Shi Ningmeng.

Shi Ningmeng was paralyzed in Lin Feng\'s arms and gasped slightly.

Lin Feng helps Shi Ningmeng get dressed.

After about half an hour, Shi Ningmeng finally woke up.

Seeing his wound wrapped up, Shi Ningmeng\'s pretty face became very ugly. Doesn\'t that mean he was seen by that guy?

I didn\'t let her tear her clothes to heal.

Shi Ningmeng glared at Lin Feng.

She was about to say something, but Lin Feng said in advance, "I didn\'t touch you, and your wound must be treated, otherwise, you would have died!"


What Shi Ningmeng wanted to say was swallowed back into his stomach, and finally he snorted.

"There\'s blood here. It must be hiding around.".

Then a voice came from outside.

Shi Ningmeng\'s face became extremely pale and looked frightened.

She knew that once she was caught.

Death is certain.

Ning Hanshuang is a cruel woman.

Don\'t worry, I\'ll go out and have a look.

Lin Feng looked at Shi Ningmeng and said.

Shi Ningmeng was stunned.

Seeing Lin Feng\'s eyes, she didn\'t know why. She found that she had become calm.

That guy seems to give people a sense of peace of mind.

This feeling.

Let Shi Ningmeng\'s heart beat faster and his face pink.

Lin Feng came outside and saw more than a dozen monks pouring into the yard.

These Ning people.

Lin Feng knows their clothes.

"Boy, did you see an injured woman?".

A monk said coldly.


Lin Feng said faintly.

"Where\'s the ghost? There\'s blood outside. Search it for me. If we find it, you\'ll be dead.".

The friar said with a grim smile.

Then a dozen monks rushed towards the room and yard.

Lin Feng looked indifferent. "Do you dare to search my residence? You have committed a capital crime, and no one can save you.".

The voice fell, and Lin Feng raised his right hand.

Shake it gently.


The sword is swirling.


Lin Feng gave a cold drink.

Shua Shua

Sword Qi flew out.

"I dare to do it. It\'s really fishy. Let\'s kill the boy together.".

A crowd of people shouted coldly.

More than a dozen monks killed Lin Feng.

Each face was ferocious.

In their opinion.

Lin Feng is alone.

And a dozen of them.

Such a large number gap.

Lin Feng will die.

But soon these people knew they were wrong.

Sword Qi cut.

They can\'t resist it at all.

The sound of tearing rang through.

Body after body was torn.

A dozen monks.

All of them were torn and died miserably on the spot.


Shi Ningmeng, who was hiding at the door to watch the war, was very surprised to see this scene.

Until this time, she knew that she had inadvertently contacted such a young childe.

What a powerful person.

Between the fingers, the strong enemy disappeared.

What kind of accomplishment is this?

Lin Feng entered the room. Shi Ningmeng looked at Lin Feng and said, "childe Lin, can you take me back to Shicheng?".

Lin Feng frowned slightly. Shi Ningmeng is really a troublesome person. If you go to stone city, you have to change the route, because gentleman city and stone city are not in the same direction.

"I can give half of the treasure I get to the childe," said Shi Ningmeng, biting his lips.

"What did you get?". Lin Feng\'s heart moved and couldn\'t help asking.

"A holy medicine that has grown for 90000 years". Said Shi Ningmeng.

No wonder.

Ning Hanshuang will kill Shi Ningmeng, a holy medicine that has been growing for 90000 years. It is too valuable.

This kind of baby has the magical effects of prolonging life for 500 years, life and death, human flesh and bones, eternal appearance and so on.

Even if the giants at the level of eternal giants know, they will chase and kill Shi Ningmeng.

"Keep this holy medicine.". Lin Feng said.

Shi Ningmeng\'s pretty face turned pale and murmured, "young master, do you really have the heart to watch Ningmeng die and ignore it?".

Lin Feng said, "I\'ll take you back, but I don\'t want holy medicine.".


Shi Ningmeng looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

That\'s half a holy medicine.

Lin Feng didn\'t want it.

She\'s a little confused.

"Why?". Shi Ningmeng asked incredulously.

"Because I can\'t bear to watch a great beauty like you die.".

Lin Feng said, picked up Shi Ningmeng and walked towards the animal cart.

Shi Ningmeng put his hands around Lin Feng\'s neck, surprised, happy and ashamed.