Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 798

"Ning Hanshuang is the eldest lady of Ning family, the second family of Aotian ancient capital, and also the fiancee of Dugu Yun, the only son of Aotian ancient capital. This woman has been chasing me for many days. If I hadn\'t been alert, she would have been killed by her.".

Shi Ningmeng said with lingering fear. Seeing her pale face, she knew that it must be very difficult to avoid the chase. I\'m afraid she didn\'t suffer less.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. Ning Hanshuang was the daughter-in-law of his great enemy Dugu Aotian.

It is the so-called love house and Wu, hate house and Wu.

Lin Feng naturally doesn\'t like ninghan frost.

Shi Ningmeng took out a small porcelain vase and poured out a pill. However, he saw that the pill was the size of his thumb, with blood color and some green luster.

Blue blood pill, a treasure medicine for healing wounds.

This is a high-level pill.

It has a miraculous effect on healing.

The value is very expensive.

It seems that this stone condensed dream is not simple. You can take out such pills at will.

After eating a blue blood pill, Shi Ningmeng\'s pretty face recovered some blood color.

Lin Feng said faintly, "you don\'t show your wealth. You don\'t take any good things into account. Take them out around outsiders and something will happen sooner or later.".


Shi Ningmeng was surprised and quickly collected the pill.

Lin Feng was immediately bewildered by Shi Ningmeng\'s move.

Here are her and herself. She still has this action. Isn\'t it a lie?

This woman.

Big chest and no brain?

Lin Feng looked at Shi Ningmeng and asked, "what\'s your identity?".

When Shi Ningmeng heard Lin Feng ask about his identity, he was a little complacent, "I\'m the only daughter of the medicine King Shi Yan".

"Er... Who is Yaowang Shiyan? I haven\'t heard of it.". Lin Feng said.

Shi Ningmeng\'s original elated expression suddenly froze on her face. She looked at Lin Feng like a monster and said, "you haven\'t even heard of the name of medicine King Shiyan. Are you a monster?".

"How do you talk?". Lin Feng couldn\'t help rolling his eyes.

"My father is the president of the East County Shenzhou pharmacist Union.".

Cried Shi Ningmeng.

There are many drug refiners\' unions in Dongjun Shenzhou. Lin Feng guessed that the drug refiners\' Union mentioned by Shi Ningmeng should be the Dongjun Shenzhou Federation of trade unions.

Like the spirit array division trade union, the herbalist trade union is also spread all over the three thousand states of tianwu mainland.

Every state has many branches.

And there is a federation of trade unions for each.

Then more than a dozen states, or dozens of States, together, set up a general hall to command the trade unions in these States, which are closely organized layer by layer.

In the seventy-two northern states, the herbalist union set up a general hall.

The person in charge of the general hall is naturally a Tianjie herbalist.

The heads of the Federation of trade unions in other states are basically local level herbalists.

Shi Ningmeng\'s father was a high-level herbalist.

This level of herbalist is already the top in Dongjun Shenzhou.

After all, Dongjun Shenzhou itself is a relatively barren state.

"It\'s the president of the herbalist Union.".

Lin Feng said faintly.

Shi Ningmeng looked at Lin Feng with a look like a monster.

How did this guy react?

Didn\'t he hear that his father was the president of the East County Shenzhou refiners\' Federation of trade unions?

What a great man?

Shouldn\'t you be shocked to hear that?

Why such an indifferent expression?


This guy must be pretending.

Do you want to attract your attention to him?

Shi Ningmeng suddenly thought of the courteous suitor.

For those people, I simply despise them and don\'t bother to take a more look.

So some people find a new way and put on all kinds of postures in front of themselves, hoping to attract their attention.

Now Shi Ningmeng classifies Lin Feng into this kind of people.

If Lin Feng knew Shi Ningmeng\'s idea, he would smile bitterly.

He was not shocked because he was only a high-level spiritual array master, and he really couldn\'t attract Lin Feng\'s attention.

Lin Feng has been practicing in the small world for six years, Lingzhen master! Herbalist! One after another broke through the sky.

If Lin Feng joined the drug refiners\' Union, he could immediately become the person in charge of a region of the drug refiners\' Union, such as the general person in charge of the 72 regions in the north.

Shi Ningmeng\'s father is beside him, but he is just a little person.

Of course, these stone dreams naturally don\'t know.

The cart continued to move forward.

Soon after, I arrived at a small town called "Mexico City".

The beast cart entered the city of Mexico.

Shi Ningmeng said, "let\'s say goodbye here. This is a bottle of blue blood pill. It\'s for you. It\'s a thank-you gift for helping me.".

After putting a bottle of pill into Lin Feng, Shi Ningmeng quickly left.

Lin Feng threw the pill into the slave bag to cultivate the insects.

During this time, the insect group often swallowed various pills refined by Lin Feng and continued to grow, and the strength of the insect King increased madly.

Even the strength of ordinary green Mantis scorpions is rapidly improving.

The size of the insect king has soared to one meter long.

The common green Mantis scorpion has grown to a length of 10 cm.

With the continuous feeding of various elixirs by Lin Feng, the strength of the insect population will continue to increase.

Insect swarms can play a big role in the future.

Especially in large-scale battles.

Can play a greater role.

Lin Feng rented a small courtyard in Mexico City. He wants to close down here for a few days.

Because during this time, Lin Feng has been understanding the great law of the disintegration of the heavenly demons, the supreme magic power of the heavenly demons.

Lin Feng has realized something and plans to successfully practice the great Dharma of disintegrating the heavenly demon.

"There is no water in the heart, no Tao in the heart, no eternity in the heart, no reincarnation in the heart, only demons in the heart...".

Lin Feng sat cross legged on the bed, recited the formula and began to practice the great method of disintegration of demons.

"Humble human beings dare to peep into the supreme supernatural power of our Tianmo family and be enslaved by us.".

Just when Lin Feng practiced the great law of the disintegration of heavenly demons.

Suddenly, in Lin Feng\'s mind, a demon came out.

This demon, with a monstrous spirit, kills Lin Feng\'s soul and wants to enslave Lin Feng\'s soul.

This demon came out of the magic of the disintegration of the demon.

This is a very strange method for the disintegration of demons. This kind of thing will not happen to the cultivation of demons, but the cultivation of other races will experience the virtual shadow of demons.

If you are enslaved by the virtual shadow of the devil, the virtual shadow of the devil will turn into a real will and begin to devour the monk\'s soul and occupy the monk\'s body.

"Hum, I uphold the will of the ancient dragon elephant, establish my supreme and invincible Road, and dare to disturb my cultivation with the virtual shadow of the heavenly demons transformed by the heart demons?".

Lin Feng shouted loudly. His voice was vast and full of longing for the avenue. His will was stronger than ever.

The devil\'s body exploded directly and disappeared.

Three days later.

Lin Feng leaves the customs.

At last, he got up and planned to leave.

Just went out, his face was pale, and Shi Ningmeng with blood on his chest ran over from a distance.

Her body was tottering and she was obviously seriously injured.

After seeing Lin Feng, Shi Ningmeng\'s eyes lit up slightly.

"Help me...".

She quickly ran over and fainted directly in Lin Feng\'s arms.