Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 797

Lin Feng\'s animal cart is pulled by three psychic armored flying beasts. It can fly in the void. It\'s not only fast, but also psychic armored flying beasts don\'t need command. They just need to tell them the location to arrive.

Because these armored flying beasts are familiar with the route to any place in Dongjun Shenzhou.

Lin Feng was not the only animal cart on the road. Many monks took animal carts.

Of course, if you are a monk with insufficient financial resources, you can only take Griffins.

This is official.

Don\'t worry about robbers or bandits.

Therefore, many people will take the official road instead of taking a shortcut to the gentleman city.

Lin Feng is very interested in this woman with a trace of charm.

The figure and face are first-class.

At this moment, I looked out nervously and didn\'t notice the spring in front of my chest.

"This scale is really not small...".

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and couldn\'t help comparing the attractive giant of the woman in red with that of Bai Ying and Shi Weizhu.

Lin Feng found it.

Even if Bai Ying and Shi Weizhu are not small after men and women.

But compared with the woman in red, there is still a certain gap.

Lin Feng couldn\'t help feeling that what did this woman eat to grow up?

Well developed.

Outside the animal cart.

A dozen monks came quickly.

But along the way, there are dozens of animal vehicles.

"It\'s lost here. Did you hide in the animal cart?".

A monk said in a gloomy voice.

Another humanitarian, "then open these animal carts and look for them one by one.".

Do it.

Soon these people went to intercept the nearest animal car.

"We\'re looking for a woman. Please open the curtain and let\'s have a look.".

Said one of the monks.

"Where did you get this bastard? Even the car in this seat dare to stop. Get out of here.".

The cold sound came from the animal cart.

Most of these animal carts are pulled by psychic armored flying beasts.

A beast cart.

It is worth three top-grade spirit stones.

How expensive?

People who can ride animal carts are definitely not simple characters.

"Hum, we are from Aotian ancient capital Ning family.".

The friar sneered and opened the cart directly.

There were three men and two women in the cart.

Obviously, these three people are doing things that turn things upside down.

The curtain is opened.

The two women screamed and hurriedly covered their bodies with clothes.

The man was furious.


The man clapped it with one palm.


The blow killed the monk who opened the curtain.

Then the friar was slapped out.


The body exploded in mid air.

"Who dares to kill my Aotian guduning family? Do you want to live?".

The roar was so loud that more than a dozen monks rushed.

Aotian guduning family is a very important family.

This family.

Although not as good as the Dugu family, the aristocratic family of the ancient capital of Aotian.

But in the ancient capital of Aotian, it can also be ranked in the top three.

"Aotian ancient capital Ningjia? It\'s ridiculous. Could it be that I Yuwen would be very afraid of your Ningjia?".

Yuwenji put on a dress and came out with a sneer on his face.

"What? Yuwenji? Yuwenji, one of the eight scattered cultivation of the magic way?".

Many people cried in horror.

There are eight scattered cultivation of the devil\'s way, and each strength is against the sky.

Even the Taigu forces will not easily get angry with them.

"Hurry up, Yuwen kills people without blinking an eye.".

The friars among the animal carts shouted, hurriedly urging the animal carts to rush to the distance.

And the friars who ride Griffins also run crazy.

"These people kicked the iron plate. Take this opportunity to hurry up and urge the animal cart to leave.".

The beautiful eyes of the woman in red brightened and turned to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded and asked the three armored flying beasts to leave quickly.

These armored flying beasts accelerated after getting Lin Feng\'s order.

Lin Feng pulled the driving curtain and looked at Yuwen pole not far away.

This Yuwen looked very handsome at the age of about thirty or forty, even to the extent of some evil.

Since this person can be as famous as magic knife Na Lanjing.

It can be seen that cultivation is strong.

I\'m afraid it\'s unimaginable.

The cart soon drove away.

Ning family looked at Yuwen very pale.

"Spare your life, spare your life".

The monks of Ning family, who were originally arrogant and arrogant, looked at Yuwen pole one by one.

Yuwen said with a sneer, "although I\'m a demon master, I\'m not a demon. Did I say I killed you? As for being scared like this?".

Hearing Yu Wenji\'s words, a group of faces showed joy.

"But the death penalty is avoidable, and the living crime is inevitable! Since you do something wrong, you have to pay the price.".

Yu Wenji waved with his right hand.


In the void, the sword flickered.

Poof poof

The sound of tearing came out.

Then, a dozen arms flew into the air.

More than a dozen Ning friars screamed, and they were cut off one arm by yuwenji.

"Go away".

Yuwen said coldly.

Those nuns of Ning family did not dare to show resentment when they were cut off.

Hear yuwenji let them go.

These people, if granted amnesty, flew quickly towards yuwenji for fear that if they were slower, they would be killed by yuwenji.

"Thank you for helping me. My name is Shi Ningmeng. I don\'t know what to call this childe?".

After introducing herself, the woman in red asked Lin Feng\'s name.

"Lin Feng".

"Well, you as like as two peas who were wanted many years ago,"

Shi Ningmeng looked very surprised.

But then she shook her head and said, "you shouldn\'t be that guy. If so, how can you still be in Dongjun China? You should have been caught long ago. There are countless people with the same name and surname.".

Then Shi Ningmeng looked at Lin Feng\'s face carefully.

Lin Feng was still a teenager when he left the ancient capital of Aotian.

Now he is a young man.

There are natural changes in appearance.

Plus Lin Feng, who was wanted many years ago.

Even though some people have seen the portrait, they probably have forgotten it over the years.

Seeing Lin Feng now, it is difficult to connect him with the wanted teenager.

Lin Feng looked at Shi Ningmeng and said, "those people seem to be the people of Aotian ancient capital? Do you have a grudge against Aotian ancient capital?".

"I was chased and killed by the cheap woman Ning Hanshuang. I got a treasure in an ancient relic. When the cheap woman saw it, the cheap woman chased and killed me all the way.".

Shi Ningmeng said gnashing his teeth.

Lin Feng couldn\'t help rolling his eyes.

Is this stone dream naive?

Or because you didn\'t pay attention to yourself?

He even said everything about his baby.

Not afraid to kill her to win the treasure?

Shi Ningmeng seemed to know that he had slipped his tongue and vomited Xiaoxiang. He looked at Lin Feng with alert eyes and said, "won\'t you do it to me, too?".

"If I want to do it, will I leave you time to ask me?" Lin Feng said faintly.

Shi Ningmeng patted his attractive huge waves and looked like a breath.

Lin Feng continued to ask, "you said you were chased by a woman called Ning Hanshuang. Who is Ning Hanshuang?".