Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 796

"Wake up...".

A cold cry came.

Like the divine voice of heaven, it suddenly exploded in Lin Feng\'s mind.

He opened his eyes.

I found out.

Standing on the square, the boundless Taoists around, Xue Xiaoqian, general faqiu Zhonglang, and the golden school captains around Xue Xiaoqian, all stood still.

Everyone looks miserable.

"What\'s going on?".

Lin Feng was pale.

He saw so many people die.

But now it seems that everything was an illusion.

"It\'s the magic stone. It must have created an illusion. We must grab the magic stone later.".

The demon king looked very excited.

Lin Feng found that at this time, faqiu Zhonglang appeared on the surface of his body and fluctuated violently.

Nakaro faqiu is about to wake up.

Lin Feng had previously guessed that among the three people, faqiu Zhonglang, Wuliang Taoist and Xue Xiaoqian, faqiu Zhonglang\'s Taoism is the most profound.

Now it seems so.

Lin Feng quickly closed his eyes to avoid being discovered by FA Qiu Zhonglang. He woke up from the demon illusion in advance.

Sure enough.

After Lin Feng closes his eyes, faqiu Zhonglang will wake up.

Then came the boundless Taoist priest, and then Xue Xiaoqian.

"What a magical illusion, it makes us fall into endless illusions. If we stay in this illusion for too long, we will be trapped and die in the illusion.".

FA Qiu Zhonglang said solemnly.

"Wake up...".

Xue Xiaoqian didn\'t dare to hesitate and quickly awakened the school captains around her.

If it takes too long, these people will never wake up again.

A school captain was awakened.

Wuliang Taoist patted Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also "youyou" opened his eyes.

"The sarcophagus has disappeared. We entered the illusion when we came in. It seems that the illusion here is not simple. Go and have a look.".

The voice fell, and immeasurable Taoist priest soared into the sky and flew to the huge stone platform.

The others did not fall, and flew to the stone platform one after another.

The stone platform has a large area and is supported by four huge columns.

In the center of the stone platform, there are three things.

A fist sized, black painted stone.

A scroll, which probably records the top magical powers of the Tianmo family.

And a mysterious token the size of a palm.

Can be put here, obviously, have a great origin.

"Tianmo stone, Tianmo order and scroll. No wonder we are all in a dreamland. It is the ghost of this Tianmo stone".

Xue Xiaoqian was surprised. Her beautiful eyes stared at the magic stone.

And faqiu Zhonglang will keep an eye on the demon order.

"It is said that the heavenly devil order is the treasure of the heavenly devil family. There are only 36 pieces in total. There is one here.".

Faqiu Zhonglang will murmur.


At the same time, faqiu Zhonglang and Xue Xiaoqian will besiege the boundless Taoist priest.


Wuliang Taoist scolded, "Wuliang, you have three treasures. Everyone can get one equally. Do you want to steal it?".

"Why share it equally with you? I got the heavenly demon order and Xue Xiaoqian got the heavenly Demon Stone. As for the third scroll, it is likely to be the divine power of the heavenly demon family. We will share the divine power at that time without your share.".

Faqiu Zhonglang will sneer.

The boundless Taoist said with an ugly face, "originally, an agreement has been reached to deal with me.".

Faqiu Zhonglang would laugh and say, "boundless Taoist, your tradition has been passed down to now, and you should end the tradition. From then on, let me do this thing of excavating ancient relics with Fujin Xiaowei.".

Qiu Zhonglang dropped his voice and became a soldier. Thousands of gold armor soldiers rushed to the altar.

Xue Xiaoqian giggled and said, "boundless Taoist, if you retreat now, you can still live. If you don\'t appreciate it, you can only die.".

Xue Xiaoqian waved, and more than 50 Fujin school captains behind her rushed to the altar.

"Boy, it\'s up to you whether you can get the baby or not.".

The boundless Taoist shouted in a deep voice.

"No problem".

Lin Feng ejected.

Xue Xiaoqian and FA Qiu Zhonglang are both sneering.

In their opinion, Lin Feng used to die.

Can Lin Feng alone deal with thousands of gold armor soldiers and touch gold school captain?

Those school captains who touch gold are all accomplishments in the realm of yin and Yang.

Each power is boundless.

Thousands of gold armor soldiers are invulnerable and have infinite power.

Lin Feng also died when he went.

"Boundless Taoist priest, since you are so indifferent, we can only erase you.".

FA Qiu Zhonglang and Xue Xiaoqian look indifferent. They attack Wuliang Taoist and want to kill Wuliang Taoist.

"Kill this dead boy first.".

More than 50 school captains sneered and rushed towards Lin Feng.


And thousands of gold armored soldiers roared and killed them.


A dangerous situation!

"Hum, let you know my strength today.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent. In the Dantian, the light soared to the sky.


A magic charm flew out.

Lin Feng stands on the magic talisman.

The magic talisman never stayed and rushed directly to the depths.

On the supernatural talisman, there are the virtual shadows of the ancient dragon elephant, the ancient Thunder God, and the five great emperors of the human race, Yellow Emperor, Zhuanxu, Emperor Hu, Yao and shun.

Bang Bang

The magic talisman suddenly rotated in the void. A school captain who touched gold was knocked out and vomited blood in the air.

A gold armored soldier was also hit and flew out, and his body exploded directly in mid air.


Too strong!

Now Lin Feng can be called invincible.

Anyone, whether it\'s MOJIN Xiaowei or faqiu Zhonglang, can only be met by Lin Feng\'s magic talisman.

Death or injury.

"Ha ha, three treasures, I\'ll take it.".

Lin Feng laughed and grabbed the three treasures in his hand.

"Boy, you want to die.".

FA Qiu Zhonglang and Xue Xiaoqian, who had originally besieged Wuliang Taoist priest, wanted to split their eyes when they saw this scene.

They were determined to get those three magic treasures.

But now, the boy they didn\'t pay attention to before has got those three treasures.

The boy\'s life is only in his early twenties.

How could it be so powerful?

Even defeated thousands of golden armor soldiers and more than 50 golden school captains.

"Taoist priest, I\'ll go first. Get rid of them and come to me.".

Lin Feng glanced indifferently at FA Qiu Zhonglang and Xue Xiaoqian.

These two people are terrible.

But they made the mistake of belittling themselves.

As a result, the forces on both sides eventually lost everything.

Lin Feng quickly rushed up and blinked and disappeared.

"Earth Dragon, Earth Dragon...".

The boundless Taoist roared, and he stepped on the ground.


The loud noise shook the sky, the earth cracked, and the "earth dragons" condensed from rocks and soil at both ends killed Xue Xiaoqian and Zhonglang at FA Qiu.

Boundless Taoist has numerous means.

Although he was defeated by the joint attack of FA Qiu Zhonglang and Xue Xiaoqian, he could do it if he wanted to get rid of them.

Wuliang Taoist rushed out.

FA Qiu Zhonglang and Xue Xiaoqian broke the Earth Dragon and roared angrily.

Then he quickly chased out.


Half a month later, a beast cart went in the direction of gentleman city.

A young childe sat cross legged in the animal cart.

It\'s Lin Feng.

He took the Tianmo stone, rubbed a copy of the content on the Tianmo scroll and gave it to Wuliang Taoist priest.

He left quickly with Wuliang Taoist priest. Ten days ago, he separated from Wuliang Taoist priest in an ancient city. Lin Feng rented an animal cart and took the animal cart to scholar\'s city. On the way, he left the magic power on the understanding of heaven and Demons scroll.

This magic power is called "the great law of the disintegration of demons". It is a very terrible magic power and a desperate move. Once it is displayed, it can break out ten times the combat effectiveness, but the price is also extremely heavy. It will not only lose most longevity, but also decline greatly if it is backfired.

But such a terrible magic power is really useful as a unique skill to press the bottom of the box when you are desperate.


Suddenly, with a flash of light, a woman rushed in and fell into the cart.

The woman was wearing a fire red dress, tall and beautiful, with a charming feeling.

But the woman\'s face was a little pale. She made a "Shh" gesture to Lin Feng and motioned him not to make a sound.