Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 795

"Boundless Taoist, I haven\'t seen you for a long time, and my accomplishments have increased.".

Nakaro faqiu opened his eyes and came out of the cracked mountain.

Then the mountain closed again.

The boundless Taoist threw back the huge mountains he held in his hand.

"Old man, not dead yet?".

Seeing the general, the boundless Taoist turned his mouth, but his eyes showed a trace of fear from time to time.

"It seems that they came here after knowing the demon tomb here.".

Said the girl.

"Xue Xiaoqian, I haven\'t seen her for so many years. She is still such a pure girl. How can I say she is an old woman who has practiced for hundreds of years. Isn\'t she ashamed to dress like this?".

Taoist Wuliang\'s mouth was very damaged. He looked at the leading Fujin school captain and couldn\'t help but turn his mouth.

Xue Xiaoqian sneered, "Miss Ben has a life of 5000 years. She has only practiced for 400 years. Of course, she is young and beautiful.".

Then Xue Xiaoqian looked at Lin Feng beside Wuliang Taoist priest and said, "why? You have new successors in the line of moving mountain Taoist priest? I remember you once found three successors. One of them died worse than the other. There are many crises in the demon tomb. Do you bring this boy in and let him die?".

Faqiu Zhonglang smiled strangely and said, "I don\'t think it\'s a descendant. It\'s like a friar who was fooled by this wicked Taoist to be cannon fodder.".

The boundless Taoist rolled his eyes and said, "how can you talk? The dog can\'t spit out ivory.".

Xue Xiaoqian said, "we don\'t have so much time to quarrel with you now. We\'ve explored here. The devil\'s tomb is not here. Below is a place of death. It\'s a tomb of yin and Yang. Fortunately, we\'re alert. Otherwise, we\'ll die in it.".

"Yin Yang tomb?".

Wuliang Taoist frowned slightly.

Lin Feng\'s heart moved. Naturally, he had heard of the tomb of yin and Yang.

The so-called yin-yang tomb is actually two tombs.

One Yin and one Yang.

Yang tomb is outside, which is easy to be found.

But Yang tomb is actually a fake tomb, which attracts people to enter, but it is full of dangers.

Once you enter it, you may die.

Yin tombs are real tombs, but Yin tombs are very hidden. It\'s difficult to find them.

This is Yang tomb!

After entering it, faqiu Zhonglang and MOJIN Xiaowei almost lost in it. Fortunately, they walked underground all year round and had a lot of means, so they escaped in time.

The boundless Taoist observed the surrounding mountains and said, "the Nine Dragons arch the moon. Is it that the Yin tomb is deep?".

Let\'s speculate again.

Xue Xiaoqian said.

The "Yin-Yang Feng Shui technique" inherited by touching the golden school captain is similar to the Dragon searching formula. You can explore the place where the ancient tomb is located.

The "Qimen eight trigrams" inherited by faqiu Zhonglang can also be deduced.

"Don\'t do it. We need to leave some behind. Neither side is a fuel-efficient lamp.".

The boundless Taoist whispered.


Lin Feng nodded.

He could feel that the path of the general was unfathomable. He was afraid that the boundless Taoist had suffered a loss in the hands of the general.

That\'s why I\'m so afraid.

Xue Xiaoqian is obviously not a simple character.

Moreover, there are too many people over there.

Although other school captains can\'t compare with Xue Xiaoqian, they all have their own skills.

Wuliang Taoist priest uses the Dragon searching formula to explore the place where the Yin tomb is located.

But he finally found that the place he explored was still the junction between the sixth mountain range and the seventh mountain range.

General faqiu Zhonglang and Xue Xiaoqian also set the location of the tomb here.

"It\'s strange. It\'s really strange that it\'s difficult to determine the location of the tomb. It seems that this tomb is really not simple.".

Wuliang Taoist frowned.

"Yang tomb is located between the sixth and seventh mountains. According to the calculation of tiangan Disha, the corresponding numbers of six and seven are nine and five respectively.".

Lin Feng touched his chin and said.

"Nine five?".

Wuliang Taoist priest, FA Qiu Zhonglang general and Xue Xiaoqian all frowned slightly and murmured the words "Nine" and "Five".

Suddenly, their eyes lit up.

"Nine... Five... To... Respect...".

The three people looked back and seemed to think of something. They all walked quickly towards the intersection of the fifth and ninth mountains.

"Try and see if you can find something here.".

Said the boundless Taoist.

Then they began to fix the tomb.

"Yes, it should be here. Although it is well hidden, there is still a trace of breath leaking out.".

Said the boundless Taoist.


Xue Xiaoqian gave a soft drink and saw a dark hole in the earth. She rushed in with the people in touch with the gold captain.

The method of faqiu Zhonglang was more strange, turned into a black flame and drilled into the ground.

"Let\'s go too".

Immeasurable Taoist jumped into the ground.

"Tu Dun".

Lin Feng naturally knew this kind of magic power. The Yellow Emperor Dragon Fist recorded in the five emperors\' dragon fist is the five elements belonging to earth, including the secret method of earth dun.


Everyone rushed deep.

They dived to a distance of 10000 meters. Finally, they saw a huge painted black mask appear underground.

Everyone\'s eyes lit up suddenly, and then they jumped into the light mask. They landed in a huge square.

FA Qiu Zhonglang smiled and said, "I\'m surprised that this boy still knows how to do things in heaven and earth.".

"We all know it, but we don\'t remember it for the first time. This boy\'s brain is quite useful. How about joining me to find the golden captain? I\'ll certainly train you well.".

Xue Xiaoqian squints at Lin Feng.

"I\'m not interested in stealing tombs. I\'m here to find some treasures.".

Lin Feng said faintly.

Xue Xiaoqian and FA Qiu Zhonglang sneered.

Do you really think the ancient demon tomb was entered casually?

You may die here if you are careless.

In Xue Xiaoqian\'s and FA Qiu Zhonglang\'s opinion, Lin Feng\'s underestimate of the devil\'s tomb will come to a bad end.

They no longer paid attention to Lin Feng, but walked towards the depths.

Lin Feng naturally knows that these people despise themselves, which is better.

The more you despise yourself.

The more likely you are to make a lot of money.

When we entered the depths of the square, we saw a huge altar in the depths of the square, on which there was a coffin.


Suddenly, the lid of the coffin was kicked open.

Endless magic fog surged out.

In the magic fog, a statue up to three meters high came step by step.

A terrible and evil smell emanates from the body of that existence.

It\'s hard to imagine how powerful his cultivation is.

"God devil, it\'s a god devil... Run away.".

Seeing the presence of the statue, Wuliang Taoist priest, FA Qiu Zhonglang general and Xue Xiaoqian shouted in horror, turned and ran away.

"The devil? Is this the devil?".

Lin Feng showed a creepy expression. He naturally knew how terrible the devil existed and where he dared to stay?

Turn around and run away.

But the demons are terrible.

The magic fog came.

A school captain named MOJIN was swallowed in an instant, his body exploded, turned into a blood mist, and was swallowed by the devil.

"Humble human beings, you are all the food of this seat.".

The demon sent out a deep roar.

Magic atomized out four magic hands and grabbed Lin Feng and others.

The four magic hands all emit the smell of destroying the sky and the earth.

It\'s creepy.

Click, click, click.

Lin Feng saw that the other three magic hands held Wuliang Taoist priest, FA Qiu Zhonglang and Xue Xiaoqian in their hands.

"It\'s over...".

Lin Feng was pale.

He found himself unavoidable.

The magic hand fell from the sky to be caught by him.