Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 794

The Dragon searching formula was bought by Huo Qilin with his treasure and limitless Taoist priest.

Later, it was taught to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the boundless Taoist and said, "can I go to the devil\'s tomb with you now?"

The boundless Taoist nodded and said, "take a day off and let\'s start tomorrow.".

In the evening, Lin Feng sat cross legged on the bed and took out Li Jianxiao\'s storage ring.

The cultivation method of heaven and earth sword formula was found in Li Jianxiao\'s storage ring.

This sword formula is an ancient sword formula. No wonder it can make Li Jianxiao understand the meaning of sword.

It seems that Li Jianxiao is also a man of great luck. Maybe he got the sword formula from the "God ruins".

"What a heaven and earth sword formula".

Lin Feng began to understand the sword formula of heaven and earth.

The power of this sword formula is no worse than his four style sword formula. If he can practice it successfully, Lin Feng\'s understanding of Kendo will be more profound.

The next day.

Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist priest set out for Tianmo tomb.

Tianmo tomb is located in Tianmo collar, which is a dangerous place. It is said that Tianmo fell here, so this place turned into a dead land.

There are not only some terrible creatures in the Tianmo collar, but also some evil ghosts in the Tianmo collar.

So few monks go to the demon collar.

Ten days later, Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist came to Tianmo collar.

From a distance, nine mountains surround, but among the mountains, ghosts and fog roll.

Lin Feng said, "this is the terrain of the Nine Dragons arching the moon. It is a peerless treasure. It can become a dragon vein. It is the most suitable place for burial. How can it become ghostly? Is it the reason for the Tianmo tomb?".

Seeing the scene here, Lin Feng couldn\'t help frowning slightly.

Wuliang Taoist nodded and said, "it should have been a geomantic treasure land, but the Tianmo tomb has changed the direction of the earth vein here.".

Lin Feng used the Dragon search formula to evolve again and said, "I use the Dragon search formula to deduce that the entrance of the Tianmo tomb may be between the sixth and seventh mountains".

The boundless Taoist nodded and said, "go and have a look.".

The two entered the mountains together.

Just came to the second mountain range, there was ghost fog.

In the ghost fog, a fierce ghost, teeth and claws.

"It\'s really a place of yin and evil. It\'s still in the scorching sun. There are fierce ghosts. Ordinary friars of King Wu have only one way to die when they encounter these fierce ghosts.".

Lin Feng is about to kill these fierce ghosts.

Boundless Taoist stopped Tao, "wait a minute".

Lin Feng stopped and looked at Taoist Xiang Wuliang suspiciously.

At this time, Taoist Wuliang took out a black porcelain pot. He opened the pot and swallowed all the fierce ghosts.

The rest of the fierce ghosts screamed in horror and fled to the distance.

"Ghost pot, are you raising fierce ghosts?".

Lin Feng frowned slightly. It was a ghost way. It was very strange. When seen by righteous people, he would not be tolerated.

The boundless Taoist said, "I have got a treasure of ghosts. I will collect these ghosts and cultivate them for a period of time to repair the treasure of ghosts.".

"The ghost road is always evil. Be careful not to be countered by the most precious treasure of the ghost road.". Lin Feng reminded.

"Taoist priest, I have thousands of means. Can I be countered by the little ghost road?". The boundless Taoist said with a very bullish expression.

Lin Feng shook his head slightly and said nothing more. He and Wuliang Taoist came between the sixth and seventh mountains.

Just came here, only heard the roar from the depths of the mountains.

The dense army rushed out.

I saw that the troops were wearing gold armor and holding swords, with thousands of people.

Each is three meters tall and has a terrible breath.

"Who is this?". Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly. The comer was not good, and the other party had a heavy intention to kill.

"This is not a man, but a bean that will be sown by nakaro faqiu.".

Said the boundless Taoist.


Thousands of golden warriors shouted loudly, waved their swords and rushed to kill.

That terrible murderous spirit gathered together, as if to tear the world apart.

cast beans on grounds which are transformed by magic into soldiers.

This is the magic power that nakaro faqiu will master.

Just like the mountain moving Taoist, he also mastered many secrets, such as dragon searching formula and so on.

FA Qiu Zhonglang will naturally have many secrets.

"Unloading mountains and moving mountains".

The boundless Taoist roared.

He reached out his hands and grabbed them suddenly.

In the distance, a mountain range more than ten miles long was immediately caught by boundless Taoist priest.

This is the inheritance of the mountain moving Taoist.

Move mountains.

Nature can unload mountains and move mountains.

The boundless Taoist grabbed the huge mountain range and broke into the mountain range with a dragon searching formula in his right hand.


The high dragon chant resounded through the sky.

The mountain moved by Wuliang Taoist turned into a huge dragon with teeth and claws.

The Dragon roared, waved its huge claws and patted directly at the incoming Golden Army.

"It\'s a good move to unload mountains and move mountains. The inheritance of mountain moving Taoist is amazing.".

Lin Feng was shocked when he saw the boundless Taoist\'s great power.

Wuliang Taoist doesn\'t look very reliable on weekdays, but he is really powerful.

Bang Bang

After a fierce confrontation, the gold armored soldiers were photographed and flew out.

The golden light dissipated.

A golden warrior turned into beans and fell on the ground.

"Sure enough, it was the general of faqiu Zhonglang who became a soldier.". Lin Feng narrowed his eyes. The means of the hair Qiu Zhonglang general was also very strange.

See those golden armor warriors will be beaten back to their original shape by the mountain dragon.


A huge golden palm appeared and grabbed it at the mountain dragon.


The mountain dragon was caught.

"Touch the golden captain and break the golden hand".

The boundless Taoist couldn\'t help humming coldly.

Lin Feng was surprised. Even the school captain came.

There are also many inheritances of the golden school captain. The nine pulse golden school captain has his own abilities and powers.

Obviously, the captain who came here should "break the golden vein".

Break, break.

Gold refers to the treasure in the ancient tomb.

Breaking the golden vein means cutting off other people\'s access to the treasure in the ancient tomb.

Since you cut off others to get the baby, you can only get the baby by cutting off gold.

"Stone dragon spits breath".

Immeasurable Taoist gave a cold drink and made hundreds of Dharma decisions in succession.

The mountain dragon turned and spewed a breath towards the golden palm.


The huge golden palm exploded.

"The inheritance of the mountain moving Taoist is indeed very important".

A cry came, and then the earth cracked. A girl in colored tights came out, followed by more than 50 people in black behind the girl.

Obviously, this should be the successor of feeling the golden school captain and breaking the golden vein.

People were slightly surprised that such a young girl led the team in this operation.

It seems that the girl\'s ability is not simple.

Click click.

Suddenly, the mountain thousands away split from the middle.

I saw an old man wearing the same clothes as the blue generals sitting cross legged.

"General faqiu Zhonglang".

Lin Feng squinted at the old man.