Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 793

In the restaurant, Lin Feng had a drink with Wuliang Taoist priest.

Lin Feng didn\'t care about killing just a Li Jianxiao.

"Back then, Dongjun Shenzhou wanted you. You left Dongjun Shenzhou and now come back. It seems that you want to disturb the situation in Dongjun Shenzhou.".

The boundless Taoist narrowed his eyes and said.

"My goal is to destroy the ancient capital of Aotian". Lin Feng Road.

Taoist Wuliang trembled with fear and almost didn\'t sit on the ground.

Aotian ancient capital is the first of the top ten ancient cities in Dongjun.


"Are you sure you\'re kidding? There are so many experts in Aotian ancient capital, especially their city leader Dugu Aotian, who has unfathomable accomplishments. If I guess right, Dugu Aotian should be a monk in the realm of creation".

Said the boundless Taoist.

"Naturally, I know that slowly drawing it will destroy the ancient capital of Aotian". A cold light flashed through Lin Feng\'s eyes.

Taoist Wuliang touched his chin and said, "if I can destroy the ancient capital of Aotian, I will dig the ancestral grave of Dugu family. Anyway, if I don\'t do it, it will be cheaper for me to touch Xiaowei Jin and Zhonglang FA Qiu".

Lin Feng was surprised and said, "don\'t you have lost the tradition of Taoism and disappeared long ago?".

"It\'s just an error spread by the outside world. In fact, it\'s that the pulse of our mountain moving Taoist is about to disappear. Because we are excluded by the orthodox Taoist sect, we have been surrounded and suppressed by the so-called famous and decent sects for some time, and suffered heavy losses. In my generation, I\'m the only one left.".

The boundless Taoist sighed.

Lin Feng suddenly understood why Wuliang Taoist liked to dig the so-called famous and decent ancestral graves.

In fact, with the boundless Taoist\'s ability, you can go to find some wild tombs and even ancient caves.

However, Wuliang Taoist priest digs some ancestral tombs of a large sect, which should have something to do with their being encircled, killed and nearly extinct.

The ancestors of Wuliang Taoist died miserably, which made Wuliang Taoist have hatred in his heart, so he dug the ancestral graves of those large sects for revenge.

At this time, the boundless Taoist continued, "now the scale of the descendants of faqiu Zhonglang should be about hundreds, and there are more and more school captains who touch gold, in groups".

"Oh? School captains in groups? So many people?". Lin Feng was surprised.

"This has something to do with the origin of MOJIN Xiaowei. You should know the Qin Empire?". Said the boundless Taoist.

Lin Feng nodded.

The great Qin Empire, one of the four ancient imperial dynasties in Zhongzhou, was as famous as the three ancient imperial dynasties of the great Xia Dynasty, the great Zhou Dynasty and the great Shang Dynasty.

This is the famous Taigu force.

"In the ancient times, the winners of the ancient family began to compete for the world for years, and their power became more and more powerful. However, with the war, it was bound to consume a lot. Gradually, the winners could not bear it. At the same time, an expert of the winner liked to study strange door escape, five elements and eight trigrams, etc. He formed a team, named Wu jinxiaowei, and then won The master of the family led mujin Xiaowei to go deep underground, steal the treasure in the ancient tomb and support the expansion of the winner. The strength of the winner became stronger and stronger. Until the establishment of the Qin Empire, mujin Xiaowei played an important role. ".

The boundless Taoist talked about the origin of the school captain who touched the gold.

Lin Feng said, "all the school guards who touch the gold act in groups? What was the fate of the school captain who touches the gold later?".

The boundless Taoist sneered and said, "after the establishment of the Qin Empire, knowing that the continuous excavation of ancient tombs over the years could not be leaked, he ordered all the school officers who touched the gold to be killed.".

"Hiss, it\'s a good move to kill all. It\'s too cruel.".

Lin Feng took a breath.

The boundless Taoist nodded and said, "but the first batch of school guards were all capable people. Although many of them were killed, some of them still escaped, and the Taoist tradition can continue to be inherited. Now the school guards have nine branches, which are inherited from the ancient times".

"What will happen to nakaro faqiu?". Lin Feng asked.

"This is a Taoist tradition that only appeared after the end of ancient times. In the last years of ancient times, gods and Demons fought, countless gods and Demons fell, and then many places established cemeteries to bury gods and demons. Then, some people should be found to guard these cemeteries, and the people who guard the God and demon cemeteries are called general faqiu Zhonglang. They spend all day with the corpses of gods and demons. They were supposed to let them guard the corpses of gods and demons, However, these faqiu Zhonglang generals steal from themselves, not only stealing the blood of gods and demons, but also some faqiu Zhonglang will dig out the bones of gods and Demons and look for the magic powers branded in the bones of gods and demons. Therefore, among the three special occupations of mountain moving Taoist, golden school Captain and faqiu Zhonglang, faqiu Zhonglang will be the most shameless, sinister and despicable guy. They need everything. ".

Boundless Taoist priest will look contemptuous when talking about FA Qiu Zhonglang.

However, Lin Feng also heard some gnashing of teeth. He muttered in his heart, could it be that Wuliang Taoist had suffered from the loss of FA Qiu Zhonglang before?

Of course, Lin Feng didn\'t ask, so as not to mention the sadness of Wuliang Taoist.

They talked while eating, and their feelings seemed to be getting more and more familiar.

Lin Feng continued to ask, "did you come here? But what\'s the matter?".

The boundless Taoist lowered his voice and whispered, "there is an ancient tomb and an ancient demon is buried here.".

"Ancient devil?".

Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

"Yes, it is said that he is still a demon. He came here to dig this demon tomb.".

Said the boundless Taoist.


This is the most terrible devil, that is, the devil living in the extraterritorial world. In the middle ages, the heavenly devil invaded the tianwu continent, resulting in the destruction of life.

Lin Feng didn\'t expect that there was a heavenly demon tomb here.

The demons who can come to tianwu from the outside world should be the demons above the divine realm.

So the value of this day\'s magic tomb is too great.

If we can dig out the devil\'s tomb, we will certainly get unimaginable benefits.

"Tianmo tomb? Well, there may be Tianmo stone. Follow the mountain moving Taoist to dig the ancient Tianmo tomb. If you can get the Tianmo stone, I\'ll give you a chance.".

The demon king said.

Lin Feng nodded. He looked at Wuliang Taoist priest and said, "Taoist priest, is it too dangerous for you to go to Tianmo ancient tomb alone? I\'ll accompany you. Two people are safer than one.".

The boundless Taoist glanced and said, "come on, digging ancient tombs is not something that ordinary people can do.".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Taoist priest, please look.".

Wuliang Taoist looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng gently touched his right hand on the table, and the wine in the water cup turned into a water dragon, circling in the air and waving his teeth and claws.

"Dragon searching formula".

The corners of Taoist Wuliang\'s mouth twitched violently.

Then he cursed, "it must be the fire Qilin who followed you who taught you the Dragon searching formula. The grandson promised me not to spread the Dragon searching formula. When the Taoist priest saw it, he would skin it alive.".

The boundless Taoist shouted angrily.