Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 792

Xiaoyao town is a border town near Wuci lake.

People come and go here and it\'s very lively.

Many monks choose to rest in Xiaoyao town.

Xiaoyao town has even established spiritual array division branch, herbalist branch and mercenary Association branch.

Many cities do not necessarily have the branches of the three major trade unions.

Xiaoyao town has, which shows the particularity of Xiaoyao town.

Lin Feng came to Xiaoyao Town, and the sound of Hawking in the street was heard all the time.

There are many monks who come and go.

Lin Feng did not go to Wuci town this time, because he planned to go to Junzi city to meet Han Zihua and fulfill the agreement with Han Zihua that year.

Lin Feng stayed in an inn and planned to take a day off. He took a bath and changed into clean clothes. Lin Feng walked outside.

when the evening lights are lit

The town is also very lively at night.

On both sides of the street are rows of shops selling all kinds of things.

Of course, more are small vendors.

"The newly unearthed ancient magic weapon, let\'s have a look, have a look.".

Lin Feng heard a familiar voice.

His eyes lit up slightly as he looked.

Boundless Taoist!

It\'s this guy.

A descendant of the mountain moving Taoist.

Many people gathered around the small stall next to Wuliang Taoist.

I saw all kinds of bottles and broken magic tools piled up here.

Many people pointed and talked about whether all kinds of things here were worth buying.

"I want it all...".

Lin Feng came out.

"Where\'s the boy? We came first and haven\'t chosen yet.".

"Yes, there must be a first come first served?".

"I want this, I want this...".

"Taoist priest, pass me the rusty dagger quickly"

"I want the pot with the dragon pattern.".

Many people no longer hesitate to shout.

Boundless Taoist priest was immediately happy.

What he sells is basically fake.

The only time I went astray was to sell the tin to Lin Feng.

This made Wuliang Taoist depressed for a long time.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "it seems that Taoist priest\'s business is good.".

"Thanks to your boy.".

Wuliang Taoist\'s eyes turned wildly, and Lin Feng knew that the black guy was making some crooked ideas.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "my accomplishments have increased greatly recently. I\'m trying to find some stupid thieves who are unkind to me to move their muscles and bones.".

Taoist Wuliang grinned and said, "ha ha, benefactor is more powerful than ever. How can a stupid thief dare to stare at benefactor?".

Obviously, Wuliang Taoist is insincere. He has always wanted to take back the heaven swallowing pot, but now Lin Feng\'s cultivation has greatly increased, which makes it difficult for Wuliang Taoist to start.

Lin Feng said, "I haven\'t seen you for many years. How\'s the Taoist priest these years?".

The limitless Taoist thief smiled twice and said, "it\'s not bad. I\'ve excavated several... Ancient... Relics".

Lin Feng twitched at the corners of his mouth.

The mountain moving Taoist, general faqiu Zhonglang, and lieutenant MOJIN.

What do they do?

Grave robbers.

The reason why the moving mountain Taoist was rejected by orthodox Taoism and expelled from the Taoist door was that the moving mountain Taoist often dug other people\'s ancestral graves.

The so-called "ancient ruins" of Wuliang Taoist priest obviously means ancient tomb.

It seems that this guy has got a lot of good things. The ancient tomb that can be watched by a mountain moving Taoist is definitely extraordinary.

"Let\'s find a restaurant and talk about the past?" Lin Feng said.

"Thank you for your hospitality.". The boundless Taoist said that this guy has always been able to take more advantage and will never take less.

Lin Feng didn\'t care. He and Wuliang Taoist priest walked towards a restaurant.

At this time.

A monk came across.

He wears a hat.

Holding a sword.

He walked step by step.

His body was surrounded by a sword.

The powerful sword Qi forms the sword meaning.

Many people were blown out.

"It\'s awesome. I understood the meaning of the sword. It\'s for you.".

Taoist Wuliang was very thief and jumped out at the first time.

He looked as if he had nothing to do with himself.

"Sword idea! What a powerful sword idea! This kind of sword idea! I\'m afraid it\'s no worse than the sword idea I understand!"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes.

He understood the meaning of the supreme sword in four ways: "the sword cuts the heaven and earth, the sword meaning reaches the heaven, thousands of swords belong to the Pope, and one sword is eternal".

Lin Feng\'s sword intention is very powerful, and the man\'s sword intention in front of him surprised Lin Feng. Obviously, his sword intention has also reached a level of unpredictable ghosts and gods.

"There are countless sword builders in the world, but those who can understand the meaning of the sword are rare in the sky. Li Jianxiao didn\'t expect you to understand the meaning of the sword.".

Lin Feng looked at the man walking step by step. He narrowed his eyes slightly.

Li Jianxiao, the core disciple of Qingyun sect, a genius of kendo, is one of the most trusted core disciples of Huangfu Qingtian.

At the beginning, he even accompanied Liu mengyan to Shenxu.

"Are you ready to die?", Li Jianxiao\'s voice was cold, and thousands of swords surrounded him.

The sword idea is getting stronger and stronger.

Next to the street, there were countless stunned onlookers.

Because the sword meaning of Li Jianxiao is too powerful.

Let countless people feel suffocated.

"Kendo will, it\'s terrible to understand Kendo will.".

Some powerful monks looked at Li Jianxiao with a creepy expression.

Even many strong people in the realm of creation may not be able to understand the will of kendo.

This requires understanding.

"You are too arrogant," Lin Feng shook his head.

"I\'m confident.".

Li Jianxiao\'s voice was indifferent. "I entered the Tao with the heaven and earth heaven and earth sword technique and understood the supreme sword meaning. Today I sacrifice your blood to the sword and make my heaven and earth heaven and earth sword technique complete.".

The voice fell, and Li Jianxiao pulled out his sword.

"Heaven and earth heaven and earth sword technique!"

He gave a loud cry, took a long sword and chopped it.

Everyone immediately felt it.

Everything between heaven and earth has disappeared.

In this world, only Li Jianxiao is the master and eternal.

Countless monks even knelt on the ground and worshipped Li Jianxiao.

This is the sword meaning of heaven, earth and Heaven Sword technique.

Between heaven and earth, I am the master.

"The boy is dead...".

Many people exclaimed.

In their opinion, Li Jianxiao\'s sword technique has the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods.

And Lin Feng.

Destined to die under this sword.

"What a move! Heaven and earth sword technique. Your name of swordsmanship genius really deserves its reputation.".

Lin Feng looked up at Li Jianxiao.



Everyone saw that Lin Feng disappeared.

Between heaven and earth.

There is only one blade and one sword.

Nine days.

The blade awn and sword Qi are combined into one.

In an instant, he killed Li Jianxiao.


The sound of tearing came out.

When the dazzling light dissipates.

When the crowd looked, Lin Feng stood more than ten meters away with his back to Li Jianxiao.

"Is the fight over? Who wins and who loses?".

Many people wonder.

"Why?". Li Jianxiao murmured.

"For you, sword intention may be the strongest means. For me, sword intention is just one of the weakest means among many magical powers I have mastered.".

Lin Feng\'s voice was indifferent.

I see.

Li Jianxiao laughed miserably.


The next moment, his body was torn apart by the blade and sword.

Broken limbs, broken arms, falling everywhere.

Kendo genius Li Jianxiao.
