Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 791

A loud bang came out.

The blue stone door opened and Lin Feng came out.

In a moment, after six years of hard cultivation in the small world, his cultivation finally broke through the six heaven peak of yin and Yang.

Next, we should continue to sharpen our accomplishments and prepare to break through the seven heaven of yin and Yang.

Although in a moment, the small world has been in the past six years.

But in the real world, only six months have passed.

It was a cold winter when Lin Feng entered the small world for a moment.

It\'s hot summer now.

The sound of cicadas can be heard.

"Congratulations, senior brother.".

Wang Hu, Mo Yuning and others calculated the date and waited outside.

Lin Feng nodded, and then said in surprise, "why don\'t you see sister Shiwei Zhu?".

Wang Hu said with a bitter smile, "elder martial sister Shi Weizhu and elder martial sister Bai Ying are now competing, so they didn\'t come.".

Lin Feng had a big head.

He had thought before that if Bai Ying met Shi Weizhu, would they make trouble because of themselves?

After all, women are jealous.

Now it seems that the two may have really fallen out.

"Come on, go back and have a look.".

Lin Feng Road.

The party returned to the supreme peak.

When I came to the supreme peak square, I saw two beautiful figures fighting together.

One person uses a whip.

One person uses a short blade.

It\'s hard to fight.

"Elder martial brother, I remember that the spirit beast hasn\'t been fed yet. Now I\'m going to feed the spirit beast. Elder martial brother, leave.".

Wang Hu quickly found a reason to run away.

This is obviously a woman\'s jealousy.

And the Lord is coming.

As for the others, what are they doing here?

Mo Yuning and others also find excuses to leave.

On the square, there are only Lin Feng, Bai Ying and Shi Weizhu.

See two women fighting.

Lin Feng plundered into the battlefield and separated them.

"Get out of the way...".

The two women hummed together.

Lin Feng said, "the sword has no eyes. If you accidentally hurt your body and leave scars, isn\'t it beautiful?".

I want you to take care of it.

They snorted at the same time, and then walked towards the hall where they lived.

Both Shi Weizhu and Bai Ying move their steps lightly.

They walked slowly, hoping Lin Feng could come up and coax them.

But turning his hair, Lin Feng stood in place like a wood and didn\'t move.

Both women stamped their feet with hatred and quickly returned to the temple where they lived.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

The palm and back of the hand are all meat.

What can I do?

Coax Shi Weizhu first.

Bai Ying is determined to be angry.

Coax Bai Ying first.

Shi Weizhu must also be angry.

Lin Feng can only choose not to coax on both sides and let them calm down.

"Originally I wanted to play one dragon and two phoenix in the evening. Now it seems that I can only think about it.".

Lin Feng sighed helplessly.

Men want three wives and four concubines, naturally no problem.

But I\'m sure women will be jealous.

Lin Feng returned to the main hall.

Soon Wang Hu came to the main hall.

"Has anything special happened during this time?".

Lin Feng asked.

Wang Hu said, "after elder martial brother entered the small world for a moment, Luo Shengtian once asked the zongmen for elder martial sister shiweizhu. He wanted elder martial sister shiweizhu to practice in his holy heaven peak. Fortunately, at that time, elder martial sister shiweizhu broke through the realm of yin and Yang, and Luo Shengtian failed.".

Hearing this, Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly cold.

Obviously, Luo Shengtian asked Shi Weizhu to spy on Shi Weizhu.

"Luo Shengtian and Huangfu Qingtian are friends. Now the woman who dares to peep at me doesn\'t know whether to live or die.".

A chill flashed through Lin Feng\'s eyes.

He said, "don\'t stop, go on.".

Wang Hu nodded and then said, "then elder martial sister Bai Ying came. When she first came, she had a close relationship with elder martial sister Shi Weizhu, but it didn\'t take long for them to get into a quarrel. They played a small fight in three days and a big fight in five days".

Speaking of this, Wang Hu secretly glanced at Lin Feng.

Seeing Lin Feng\'s face unchanged, I couldn\'t help admiring him.

Sure enough, he deserves to be younger martial brother Lin. he is not only powerful, but also handy in dealing with women.

Lin Feng asked, "is there anything else important?".

"Other things are mainly about the distribution of sect welfare, the cultivation of spiritual medicine and the captive breeding of spiritual animals".

Wang Hudao.

"You have to deal with these things. Did younger martial sister Shi Weizhu and younger martial sister Bai Ying ever choose to build the mountain?".

Lin Feng asked.

"Elder Guo Yan sent someone to ask, and they all refused.".

Wang Hudao.

Core disciples build mountains.

But not all core disciples will choose to build mountains.

For example, on Qingtian peak, in addition to Huangfu Qingtian, there are more than a dozen core disciples who do not build the peak, but practice on Qingtian peak of Huangfu Qingtian.

This also saves a lot of trivia.

Lin Feng waved back Wang Hu. He got up and walked towards Shi Weizhu\'s residence.

Bang bang.

Lin Feng knocked at the door.

Shi Weizhu opened the door and saw that it was Lin Feng. She couldn\'t help humming. She wanted to close the door to prevent Lin Feng from entering, but she was picked up by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng enters the room and closes the door.

"Let me go.".

Shi Weizhu struggled gently.

"Zhu\'er, I\'m going to miss you. Don\'t you miss me?".

Lin Feng said softly.

Hearing these affectionate words, Shi Weizhu immediately softened his heart.

But then I thought that Lin Feng and Bai Ying had been in the small world for so long.

There is inevitably some jealousy in my heart.

She hummed, "who are you kidding? Don\'t think I don\'t know. You and Bai Ying have been practicing for a year.".

"Bai Ying is the body of yin and spirit. Double cultivation is of great benefit to cultivation, and she is really a poor woman. As a sister, you should be generous.".

Lin Feng said.

"Then do you blame me for my small belly? Put me down quickly and find your Bai Ying. How considerate she is.".

Shi Weizhu began to struggle again.

When women don\'t want to be reasonable.

It\'s no use saying anything.

Lin Feng certainly knows this.

The best way to conquer a woman is to conquer her body.

Lin Feng holds Shi Weizhu and walks to the bed.

Nature is to go to Wushan and turn over clouds and rain.

In the evening, several of the supreme peak prepared a simple welcome banquet for Lin Feng\'s exit.

Lin Feng told everyone at the banquet that he was about to leave Qingyun sect and go out to do something.

Let\'s practice on the supreme peak.

Lin Feng didn\'t say anything and didn\'t mean to let others follow.

Shi Weizhu and others saw Lin Feng\'s eyebrows slightly dignified, so they guessed that this matter was very dangerous.

Shi Weizhu was still fighting with Bai Ying.

Now that separation is imminent, what are you fighting for?

All worried about Lin Feng.

They finally made up.

This makes Lin Feng very happy.

When their feelings gradually heat up.

Lin Feng felt that if he put forward the matter of one dragon playing two Phoenix, maybe the two women wouldn\'t refuse.

It\'s exciting to think about it.

Three days later, Lin Feng left Qingyun sect.

He\'s going back to East China.

First of all, Lin Feng promised Han Zihua to refine pills for her and treat Han Zihua\'s wife.

Lin Feng is a man of his word.

Now that he is already a Tianjie herbalist, he naturally wants to help Han Zihua.


Lin Feng wants to go back to Dongjun Shenzhou and try to assassinate Dugu Aotian.

The Revenge of the Lin family\'s dead people.

Third uncle\'s revenge.

Lin Feng kept it in mind.


There are many people that Shaolin Feng cares about in Dongjun Shenzhou.

Such as Shangguan Feier.

Qingtian peak.

Huangfu Qingtian takes Liu mengyan to the secret place of heaven.

The qingtianfeng affair is temporarily presided over by Luo Shengtian.

After Lin Feng left, the disciple monitoring the supreme peak came to Qingtian peak and reported it to Luo Shengtian.

After Luo Shengtian, he called more than a dozen core disciples of qingtianfeng.

"Lin Feng has left Qingyun sect. Who will kill him?". Luo Shengtian asked.

"I have just cultivated the heaven heaven heaven and earth sword technique. I just used Lin Feng to sacrifice the sword, so I will cut him.".

Li Jianxiao said.

"OK, please bother younger martial brother Li.". Luo Shengtian smiled.

It\'s a piece of cake. Li Jianxiao smiled and was full of confidence. He said goodbye to the people and left immediately.

A month later.

Lin Feng crosses the fog magnetic lake.

Came to Dongjun Shenzhou.

"Today, when I return to Dongjun Shenzhou, it will be the day of your death."

Lin Feng looked indifferent, spread out his golden wings and flew towards the nearest Yuzhou City.


Lin Feng just left. Not long ago, a figure came after him.

It\'s Li Jianxiao.

"Killing this son in Dongjun Shenzhou is the best place. It\'s not easy to find out if zongmen wants to find out.".

Li Jianxiao sneered and caught up.