Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 782

In the room, Lin Feng sat cross legged. He was refining the baptismal pill obtained after zongmen Dabi.

Wash mana and make mana more pure and powerful.

This is the effect of the elixir.

The mind forms mana.

The mana of monks in the realm of yin and Yang is like a pond.

The monk\'s mana in the realm of creation is like a lake.

The monk\'s mana in the realm of life and death is like the sea.

Lin Feng\'s mana is now gathered together, just like a lake.

Lin Feng\'s mana is too powerful. He has gone beyond the realm of yin and Yang.

The only deficiency is that his mana is not pure enough.

This is because the realm has not been raised.

If the mana is not pure enough, the same mana naturally means that monks with pure mana can crush monks with less pure mana.

This is the gap.

Washing elixir can make mana more and more pure.

No way.

The prescription for xilingdan has been lost.

So Qingyun sect can\'t refine it.

These pills are inherited from ancient times and are extremely precious.

If Qingyun sect can refine it, it can give pills to gifted disciples.

How many masters do you have to bring up?

After refining the elixir, Lin Feng found that the mana contained in the mana lake became more and more pure.

Lin Feng regretted that there was only such a washing elixir.

If more, we can continue to improve.

Then Lin Feng refined the soul washing pill.

Now, he and Huangfu Qingtian have signed a ten-year contract of life and death.

This war.

Very critical.

Ten years seems far away.

But for a monk with a long life, it was just a flick of his finger, and ten years passed in a hurry.


Lin Feng didn\'t dare to delay. He had to improve his accomplishments quickly.

Otherwise, ten years later, there will be only a dead end.

Lin Feng refined the soul washing pill, and his soul was washed. Lin Feng felt that his soul power had to break through again.

This makes Lin Feng very happy. Maybe the soul power will break through to a new level in half a year at most.

The next day.

Lin Feng went to the Shentong pavilion to select two ancient Shentong.

The two ancient supernatural powers he chose were "ruthless sword" and "Sun Moon crazy knife cutting".

A sword.

A knife technique.

Lin Feng mainly wants to increase his understanding of "the spirit of Kendo" and "splitting heaven" by studying other sword techniques.

At noon.

When Guo Xiao came to Lin Feng, he said with a smile, "younger martial brother, I\'m going to invite Dali magic to build the mountain for younger martial brother now. Younger martial brother can now go to the spirit vein in the depths of the mountains to find the place to build the mountain. This is the token to go in and out of the mountains of the sect. With this token, younger martial brother can go unimpeded and choose to build the mountain anywhere.".

Once promoted to the core disciple, you can build your own mountain and cultivate your own forces.

If you can fly to the sky in the future, you will still have the opportunity to compete for the position of leader.

Even if you can\'t become a leader, you can also compete for the position of the leader of the twelve peaks of Qingyun.

Naturally, we need a bunch of confidants.

"Please bother Brother Guo.". Lin Feng hugged his fist.

Guo Xiao said with a smile, "younger martial brother, I won\'t stop if I\'m serious. Now go and invite Dali demon to come over.".

Lin Feng sends Guo Xiao out. At night, he can finally relax. Lin Feng comes to Shi Weizhu.

Shi Weizhu\'s boudoir is simple but warm.

Seeing Lin Feng come in, he blushed.

Lin Feng took out the yin-yang creation pill and said, "Zhu Er, you should settle down your accomplishments during this time, make all preparations, and then refine this yin-yang small creation pill to break through your accomplishments".

"Give it to me?".

Shi Weizhu was stunned when she looked at the yin-yang xiaozaohua pill.

She naturally knows the value of this pill.

If you get the auction, you can sell at a sky high price.

Lin Feng reached out and rubbed Shi Weizhu\'s exquisite and beautiful face and said, "you are my woman. Who else can you give it to if you don\'t give it?".

Shi Weizhu burst into tears and took the initiative to hug Lin Feng and offer a kiss.

Soon after.

The sound of blushing and heartbeat came out of the room.

Three days later.

There was a loud bang.

The earth is shaking.

"Look, it\'s a powerful demon.".

Countless disciples came out and pointed to the distance. They were all shocked.

I saw a powerful demon thousands of meters high coming towards this side. With each step he took, the earth would shake violently.

Dali Shenmo is the largest creature in tianwu continent.

If you want to build huge palaces, mountains, etc., you can sign contracts with powerful gods and demons at a huge cost.

Powerful demons will help build the desired peaks or palaces.

Lin Feng uses the Dragon searching formula to set the spirit pulse.

He found a spiritual pulse.

After the arrival of the great power demon, Lin Feng asked the great power demon to build the palace at the position he designated.

After receiving the order, Dali Shenmo went deep into the mountains and carried a ten thousand meter peak.

Start building mountains and palaces.

Countless disciples looked into the depths.

According to Lin Feng\'s requirements.

Among the peaks are one main hall, twelve auxiliary halls and seventy-two side halls.

In addition, Dali demon also built spiritual fields, thunder holes, gravity chambers and other places for cultivation.

It also opened up a forest of animals.

Some spirit beasts such as crane, spirit deer and so on can be kept in captivity.

Looking at the established peak, Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

"Are there any other requirements?". The great power demon asked in a loud voice.

"Already very good".

Lin Feng nodded.

"What\'s your name for this mountain?" asked the great spirit.


Lin Feng frowned slightly and thought.

The Tao you shape is the "supreme Tao".

In that case, it is called the supreme peak.

Lin Feng looked at the powerful demon and said, "this peak is named the supreme peak.".


Energetically, the demon nodded.

He waved his huge claws and carved the three characters of supreme peak on a cliff.

Divine power poured into three big words.

The golden light is dazzling.

"Feng Cheng, Shen Jiang"!

The powerful demon roared.

A huge portal appeared above the supreme peak.

It\'s a golden gate.

I don\'t know which time and space it is connected with.

I saw endless golden light falling from the golden God door.

"This is a spirit shower. When you land the spirit shower, you will form a large array to hold the spirit pulse under the mountain and not let the spirit pulse under the mountain disperse. At the same time, the spirit shower can also form various large arrays to separate the spirit field, animal forest and other places with large arrays. At the same time, the spirit shower will form a prohibition in thunder cave, wind Valley, gravity chamber and other places. Under the effect of prohibition, thunder cave, wind Valley and gravity Room and other places can officially become a place for cultivation. Without these great array blessings, this mountain is still just an ordinary mountain ".

Guo Xiao explained aside.

"So magical?"

Lin Feng was surprised.

At this time, the spirit shower has begun to condense into array patterns in the void. The dense array patterns are intertwined and integrated with the mountains.

Soon, the aura was swirling in the spirit field, the thunder was intertwined in the thunder cave, and there were dense wind blades in the wind valley.

Amazing changes are taking place in all parts of the whole supreme peak.

"It\'s really powerful. A spirit shower can complete the prohibition and blessing of the whole mountain.".

Lin Feng was also secretly surprised.

After the shower stopped.

From a distance, the supreme peak is surrounded by immortality.

It\'s like the legendary mountain where immortals live.