Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 781

"Elder martial brother Huangfu Qingtian......".

At this moment, countless disciples exclaimed.

Huangfu Qingtian.

A legendary figure.

Huangfu Qingtian is the prince of the yuhuaxian Dynasty.

At the age of eight, yuhuaxian went to the royal family to worship his ancestors. He was ambushed and suffered heavy casualties.

Huangfu Qingtian was arrested.

Everyone thought Huangfu Qingtian would die.

But I didn\'t expect to be saved by the old leader of Qingyun sect.

Later, when Huangfu Qingtian was twelve years old, he joined Qingyun sect.

Some people say that Huangfu Qingtian joined Qingyun sect to repay his kindness.

It is also said that Huangfu Qingtian joined Qingyun sect to find the long lost sky mending technique of Qingyun sect.

There are all kinds of statements.

But for whatever reason.

Huangfu qingtiandu has become a disciple of Qingyun sect.

Huangfu Qingtian is a genius.

At the age of 16, he reached the realm of yin and Yang, and at the age of 20, he has broken through to the peak of the realm of yin and Yang.

And this year.

Huangfu Qingtian is 26 years old.

No one knows how strong his cultivation is.

It has long been said that Huangfu Qingtian has broken through the realm of nature.

Because Huangfu Qingtian once killed the three Yan beasts in the realm of creation to refine Riyan sword.

Huangfu Qingtian is definitely the best among the young generation.

Even if you look at the young generation of friars in three thousand states of tianwu mainland, Huangfu Qingtian can be ranked in the top ten.

From this, we can see how powerful Huangfu Qingtian is.

Even if Huangfu separated from Qingtian, he also had unimaginable combat power.

"He is Huangfu Qingtian".

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

Since joining Qingyun sect, I have heard the name of Huangfu Qingtian countless times.

In the battle of Tianjiao in three thousand states.

Huangfu Qingtian once swept away countless Tianjiao. This is his battle of proof.

After this war, Huangfu Qingtian was listed as one of the top ten Tianjiao in tianwu mainland.

But that was five years ago.

In the eyes of countless people, Huangfu Qingtian is as inviolable as a God.

His strength even surpasses many sect elders.

Qingyun sect also put the hope of Revival on Huangfu Qingtian.

Now, Huangfu Qingtian\'s Avatar glanced at Lin Feng with cold eyes, which were cold eyes without any emotional fluctuation.

"Who gives you the courage to peep at the big sun Qingtian tower?".

Huangfu Qingtian walked towards Lin Feng step by step.

The breath of terror emanated from Huangfu Qingtian\'s body.

That breath exploded on Lin Feng.


Lin Feng felt as if he had been hit by an ancient mountain.

He was hit and flew straight out.

His face was as white as paper.

"Those who dare to provoke my majesty will pay a price.".

Huangfu Qingtian opened his big hand and slapped Lin Feng.

Huangfu Qingtian is too strong.

Too powerful to fight.

Lin Feng even found that his "potential", "war intention" and other means could not be used under the cover of Huangfu Qingtian momentum.

It can be seen from this.

Huangfu Qingtian was so strong.

"Huangfu Qingtian, this is the big ratio in the inner courtyard. You should restrain yourself.".

Just when this palm was going to blow Lin Feng.

Elder Guo Yan drank coldly, came to the challenge arena and slapped Huangfu Qingtian.


The two were banging together.

Elder Guo Yan defused Huangfu Qingtian\'s attack.

"The elder wants to be the enemy of Huangfu Qingtian?".

Huangfu Qingtian carried his hands and swallowed up the eight wastes with Qi.

This person is really too powerful.

Even if it\'s just an avatar.

Dare to speak to a sect elder in such a tone.

This is Huangfu Qingtian\'s domineering spirit.

Qingyun sect has only one Huangfu Qingtian.

But Qingyun sect has dozens of elders.

The position of the elder is not as important as Huangfu Qingtian.

Elder Guo Yan said in a deep voice, "this is the inner courtyard Dabi. Does the elder not have the qualification to control the inner courtyard Dabi?".

Obviously, elder Guo Yan\'s words are to protect Lin Feng.

Even if he offended Huangfu Qingtian.

This moved Lin Feng very much.

Huangfu Qingtian\'s eyes were cold and a mass of anger was brewing.

No one has ever dared to speak to him in such a tone.

Even the patriarch of zongmen is the same.

Huangfu Qingtian is a lawless figure at all. His strength is so strong that even elder Guo Yan doesn\'t pay attention to him. There are amazing fluctuations in his right hand. Huangfu Qingtian wants to make a move.

"Who can protect the person I want to clean up?".

Huangfu Qingtian\'s voice was cold.

Whether elders or disciples are around.

They all looked shocked.

Has Huangfu Qingtian been so strong?

In order to clean up Lin Feng, even elder Guo Yan has to deal with it together?

"Huangfu Qingtian"!


At this time, a cold drink came out.

Everyone looked out.

It\'s Lin Feng.

He looked coldly at Huangfu Qingtian.

Call Huangfu Qingtian by name.

This is the first time among the disciples of the sect.

Since Huangfu Qingtian became a senior brother.

No one dared to call Huangfu Qingtian by his name.

Even if you say the name privately, you will add the word "big brother" to show your respect.

Now Lin Feng dares to call Huangfu Qingtian\'s name like this, which is taboo.

Huangfu\'s cold eyes swept across the sky.

Lin Feng said coldly, "do you really think that a mere disciple of the sect can cover the sky with one hand?".

Hearing Lin Feng\'s words, many people\'s faces suddenly changed.

Lin Feng\'s remarks were too direct.

Tell Huangfu Qingtian\'s transcendent status in the sect.

But no matter how high Huangfu Qingtian is, he is still a disciple after all.

Not the elder of the sect, nor the deputy leader.

"You mole ants can be destroyed at the touch of a finger. Are you qualified to say these unimportant words to me?".

Huangfu Qingtian\'s voice showed a trace of cold killing intention.

Lin Feng sneered, "who hasn\'t been young? Give me time, and I can surpass you".


Lin Feng\'s words were like thunder on the ground.

Huangfu Qingtian is the top ten demon level Tianjiao in the three thousand states of tianwu mainland.

Five years ago, you could kill the great demon in the realm of creation.

Who dares to say such words in front of Huangfu Qingtian?

But Lin Feng dared.


Lin Feng took out the dagger and cut his right hand.

The blood immediately flowed out.

With his right hand facing the sky, he swore to the sky, "heaven is on the sky, as evidenced by the sun and the moon. Ten years later, I will fight for life and death with Huangfu Qingtian, with the shame of being bullied today.".

Take an oath.

Suddenly, a bloody Rune condensed into Lin Feng\'s mind.

This is the blood oath rune.

Lin Feng has no way back. Ten years later, if he doesn\'t find Huangfu Qingtian to fight to the death, he will also be killed by heaven for breaking his oath.

"Blood oath, this is not to die.".

"How can you surpass the elder martial brother Huangfu Qingtian in just ten years?".

"This war, before it is fought, life and death are determined.".

Around, many people talked.

What about ten years?

Huangfu Qingtian\'s talent is even more rebellious.

Cultivation is more powerful.

You\'re making progress.

Huangfu Qingtian is also making progress.

Even if I give you a hundred years, how can I catch up with Huangfu Qingtian?

Challenge me? If you don\'t know how to live or die, I\'ll let you live another ten years.

Huangfu glanced sideways at Lin Feng, full of disdain and contempt.

He turned into a golden light, rolled the big sun Qingtian tower and Liu mengyan, and flew to the direction of Qingtian peak.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared.