Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 783

Lin Feng walks among the peaks. Now the supreme peak has just been established. Although the facilities are complete, there are no disciples, no spiritual medicine, and no captive spiritual animals.

"Elder martial brother, now we\'re going to recruit disciples, plant miraculous medicine and keep spirit beasts in captivity to make the supreme peak full of vitality."

Wang Hu said.

Originally, Wang Hu called Lin Feng "younger martial brother".

But that\'s because Lin Feng started later than him, and they are all internal disciples.

Now Lin Feng has become the core disciple of the realm of yin and Yang.

Wang Hu\'s title to Lin Feng has also changed.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "you can first recruit the disciples who went to Guman mining area together, and then recruit the rest.".

Yes, I\'ll do it now. Wang Hu said.

"The important task of the supreme peak is entrusted to me. I will certainly take care of the supreme peak in an orderly manner.".

The old alcoholic grinned.

Lin Feng couldn\'t help rolling his eyes. If he handed the position of supreme peak manager to the unreliable guy, the old drunkard.

Then the supreme peak will be a mess.

Shi Weizhu is not suitable either, because Shi Weizhu is now closed and ready to impact the realm of yin and Yang.

So Shi Weizhu doesn\'t have much mind to manage these mundane things.

Wang Hu is the most suitable candidate. They are all disciples from butianfeng. They know their roots and know the bottom. They have experienced the life and death war in Guman mining area together and have deep feelings.

"Wang Hu, what do you think?".

Lin Feng looks at the old drunkard.

The old drunkard curled his lips. Naturally, he knew that Lin Feng asked him whether Wang Hu was suitable for the position of chief manager.

The old drunkard took a sip of wine and said, "it\'s OK to be careless.".

Lin Feng nodded.

Lin Feng plans to hand over many things of the supreme peak to Wang Hu, and he will soon enter the small world to practice in a moment.

Lin Feng won the first place and was rewarded for entering the small world for a moment.

For a moment, the small world has the law of time.

Six months.

In a moment, there are six years in the small world.

This is equivalent to killing the sky for five and a half years.

Lin Feng naturally wants to make good use of the six years in the small world to practice.

Breakthrough in self cultivation.

Array, refining medicine!

None of them will fall.

Soon after, Wang Hu, Mo Yuning, Wu Xiuer, Ma Yong and Liu Ge came to the supreme peak.

Wang Hu\'s face was very gloomy. He scolded in his mouth, "A group of white eyed wolves have forgotten the kindness of elder martial brother Lin Feng? Without elder martial brother Lin Feng, they would have died in Guman mining area. Now elder martial brother Lin Feng wants to recruit them, give them positions, and provide them with more cultivation resources to help them practice. They are so kind that they refuse to come to the supreme peak, and their conscience is eaten by the dog.".

"This is the heart of the people," Mo said.

Wang Hu said coldly, "what a heart, you will see. With elder martial brother Lin\'s talent, you will be able to defeat Huangfu Qingtian in ten years of life and death war.".

Mo Yuning smiled bitterly because it was not easy. They chose to agree to join the supreme peak because they would have been tortured if they had not died in Beihuang city if Lin Feng had not been in Beihuang city.

So the four wanted to repay Lin Feng\'s kindness.

The rest of the inner disciples were even more difficult to recruit, although Lin Feng showed great combat power and talent.

However, ten years later, he will fight with Huangfu Qingtian.

No one is optimistic about Lin Feng.

Since I\'m not optimistic.

Naturally, they will not bet on Lin Feng\'s future.

Joining the supreme peak has no future at all.

This is also the main reason why Wang Hu can\'t recruit people.

Seeing Wang Hu and others coming back, Lin Feng guessed the reason.

The old drunkard grinned and said, "come on, although you have become a core disciple now, you are almost the same as the lightpole commander.".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "along the way of cultivation, your own strength is the most fundamental. As for others, it\'s just a passing cloud. In the future, you will keep spirit animals and plant magic medicine on the supreme peak, and the supreme peak doesn\'t have to recruit disciples.".

"Yes, senior brother".

Wang Hu, Mo Yuning and others quickly responded.

The next afternoon, Guo Xiao came to Lin Feng.

"Younger martial brother, let me take you to the small world in a moment." Guo Xiao said with a smile.

"Is it far?".

Lin Feng asked.

"It\'s not far. It\'s about thirty miles away.".

Guo Xiaodao.

More than thirty miles is just the distance between two mountains.

Qingyun sect, mountains stretch for hundreds of miles.

Obviously, the entrance to the small world was inside the door.

Lin Feng and Guo Xiao come outside.

A crane flew in.

The two flew deep in the crane.

"Younger martial brother, do you see that the place surrounded by fairy fog is the entrance to the small world for a moment".

Guo Xiao points deep.

Lin Feng looked at it and saw that the area was surrounded by fairy fog and array patterns. It was obvious that there were strong prohibitions. If he dared to break in, he would be restrained and attacked.

When the two came to Xianwu, Guo Xiao hugged his fist and said, "I\'m the first in the inner gate competition. Younger martial brother Lin Feng, the new core disciple, came to practice in a small world in a moment.".


A loud noise came out.


The white fog began to disperse.

In the void, the golden light shines from the white fog world.

The golden light turned into a golden step.

All the way out.

"Younger martial brother, I can only send it here. I wish younger martial brother great progress in his cultivation in the small world in a moment.".

Guo Xiao said with a smile.

"Thank you for your blessing, elder martial brother. Then I\'ll go in.".

Lin Feng never stopped. After saying goodbye to Guo Xiao, he walked along the golden steps towards the depths of the white fog world.

When entering the white fog world, the originally dispersed white fog closes again.

Guo Xiao drove the crane away.

"Go, go back and restore your life".

Two disciples hiding in the dark looked at each other and left quickly.

They came to Qingtian peak.

They knelt outside the hall and said, "tell the elder martial brother that Lin Feng has entered the small world for a moment to practice.".

In the hall, Huangfu sat cross legged in the sky.

There were also more than a dozen disciples standing around.

These disciples.

Each breath is strong and deep.

These people are obviously the core disciples of Huangfu Qingtian, and even the Holy Son Luo Shengtian.

"Damn it, this opportunity should have belonged to me.".

Liu mengyan screamed, and a resentful look flashed in her eyes from time to time.

"Younger martial sister Liu, I will send you to heaven\'s secret place to experience again. You can hone your accomplishments in it.".

Huangfu Qingtian said.

"Thank you, senior brother.". Liu mengyan showed his joy and quickly saluted Huangfu Qingtian.

Luo Shengtian said, "elder martial brother, do you really want to make a ten-year appointment with Lin Feng? He made a ten-year appointment. He was obviously worried that elder martial brother would kill him, so he delayed for ten years.".

Huangfu Qingtian said, "naturally I know he wants to delay time, but since he puts forward a ten-year life and death war in front of so many people, if I refuse this, it will appear that I am too narrow-minded. Since he wants to challenge me ten years later, I will give him ten years.".

Luo Shengtian said, "elder martial brother is naturally not afraid of this person, but our younger martial brothers and sisters hate this person, so we want to eradicate this person in advance. Elder martial brother won\'t blame us?".

Huangfu Qingtian smiled and said, "it\'s none of my business for you to do your own things.".

Yes, we know what to do.

Luo Shengtian and others showed a gloomy expression.