Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 780

A treasure like the big sun Qingtian tower is an ancient treasure. Once urged, it will be infinitely powerful.

But now, the big day Qingtian tower was slapped by Lin Feng and flew out.

This is too amazing.

How majestic is this magic power to shoot and fly ancient magic tools such as big sun Qingtian tower?

It\'s hard to imagine what level Lin Feng\'s combat power has reached.

"This is really a blockbuster. I didn\'t expect Lin Feng to be so powerful.".

Tianxian\'er smiled.

She naturally hopes Lin Feng can win.

In this way, she can win the bet.

And Luo Shengtian\'s face was as gloomy as water.

"What a Lin Feng. He has reached such a high level of cultivation and has been hiding his accomplishments. It seems that he is for this inner door competition.".

"I think Lin Feng has a high probability of beating Liu mengyan and becoming the biggest winner of the big match.".

Many elders whispered.

"You flew the big sun Qingtian tower.".

Liu mengyan looked at Lin Feng in disbelief. She couldn\'t even believe what she saw.

Big day Qingtian tower is such a powerful magic weapon.

How could it be blown out?

But this is true.

Liu mengyan looked gloomy. She quickly summoned the big sun Qingtian tower to her side.

Since dari Qingtian tower is an ancient magic weapon, it is naturally wonderful.

Now Liu mengyan starts to urge dari Qingtian tower. She plans to use this treasure to suppress Lin Feng.

Powerful mana poured into the big sun Qingtian tower.

The big day blue sky tower sent out more and more powerful breath fluctuations.

Feel the strong breath fluctuation in the big day Qingtian tower.

Lin Feng\'s face did not change slightly.

After all, the big sun Qingtian tower is an ancient magic weapon.

The magic tools forged by the ancient strong have terrible power.

Now Liu mengyan wants to activate the big day Qingtian tower. Lin Feng naturally doesn\'t intend to give Liu mengyan this opportunity.

He rushed to Liu mengyan quickly, but at this time, the power of big day Qingtian tower had begun to show.


Dari Qingtian pagoda sends out amazing fluctuations.

A blue light flickered.

The big day Qingtian tower began to get bigger.

From more than ten centimeters, it soon became a huge tower more than ten meters high.

After getting bigger, the big day Qingtian tower will be suppressed from heaven towards Lin Feng.


Lin Feng gave a low cry and hit the big sun Qingtian tower with a fist.

Bang when a blow.

Lin Feng smashed the big sun Qingtian tower with his fist.

This treasure was shaken by Lin Feng.

Shaking violently.

Bang Bang

Lin Feng blew out more than ten punches in a row.

One punch after another hit the big sun Qingtian tower.

Big day Qingtian tower was blown out by Lin Feng.

Seeing this scene, everyone was moved.

That\'s an ancient magic weapon.

And it\'s an activated archaic magic instrument.

It still can\'t hurt Lin Feng.

Instead, he was blown out by Lin Feng.

Is Lin Feng\'s cultivation too powerful?

Liu mengyan\'s face also became extremely ugly.

"I will never lose. This time, it\'s mine.".

There was a crazy expression in Liu mengyan\'s eyes.

Suddenly, a cloud of smoke came out of Liu mengyan\'s head.

Liu mengyan.

They are burning their own longevity yuan.

She wanted to burn Shouyuan to urge the big day Qingtian tower.

The power of this ancient magic weapon is definitely not just the power just shown.

Liu mengyan actually failed to activate the power of ancient magic tools.

However, if you burn Shouyuan and bless archaic magic tools, the power of archaic magic tools may be awakened.


Liu mengyan burns a hundred years of life and blesses the big day Qingtian tower.

Her cold voice came out, "Lin Feng, die"!

The voice fell.

The big day Qingtian tower quickly flew to Lin Feng.


The baby flew to Lin Feng\'s head.

Waves like destroying heaven and earth surged out of the big sun Qingtian tower.

That wave enveloped Lin Feng.

Everyone saw that Lin Feng\'s body was shrinking rapidly.

"No, this magic weapon is weird"!

Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly. He wanted to get away.

But I found it too late.

The big sun Qingtian tower was excited. A blue light came out.

The blue light shone on Lin Feng.

Then Lin Feng was involved in the tower on the first floor of dari Qingtian tower.

"Lin Feng was swallowed by the big day Qingtian tower".

"Then it\'s troublesome. Won\'t you be trapped and die in the big day Qingtian tower?".

Many people exclaimed.

Archaic magic tools.

It\'s really powerful.

Qin Yao, Wang Hu and others are worried.

Shi Weizhu is pale. If Lin Feng is really dead, the sky is falling for Shi Weizhu.

"Ha ha, what a big day Qingtian tower. It\'s really an ancient magic weapon. In less than a quarter of an hour, the boy is afraid that he will be tempered and killed in the big day Qingtian tower."

Luo Shengtian couldn\'t help laughing.

Unspeakable madness.

Tianxian\'er\'s pretty face sank slightly.

Then he sighed again.

Now Lin Feng has been collected by dari Qingtian tower.

It means that the war is over.

Elder Guo Yan naturally doesn\'t want a genius like Lin Feng to die miserably.

He was about to forcibly stop the duel, which was over, and then rescue Lin Feng.

At this time.

Bang Dang! Bang Dang! Bang Dang!

A loud noise came from the big sun Qingtian tower.

Everyone\'s eyes turned to the big day Qingtian tower.

I saw the big day Qingtian tower expanding rapidly.


Suddenly, the gate on the first floor of dari Qingtian tower was directly smashed.

A light flew out of it.

The light grew rapidly.

Then he became Lin Feng.

"How could you come out alive?".

Liu mengyan shouted in disbelief.


Lin Feng looked indifferent and didn\'t answer. Instead, he rushed to Liu mengyan, waved his right fist, and shot Liu mengyan.

Liu mengyan\'s face changed slightly. She quickly manipulated the big day Qingtian tower to hit Lin Feng.

"I\'ll take your big sun Qingtian tower.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Powerful mana poured into the big sun Qingtian tower.

He wants to forcibly cut off the connection between Liu mengyan and dari Qingtian tower.

"Whimsical, see how I killed you with the big sun Qingtian tower".

Liu mengyan\'s voice was cold. Under her urging, the power of the big sun Qingtian tower increased greatly.

Like an ancient mountain.

Lin Feng waved his right fist and collided with the big day Qingtian tower.

Dari Qingtian tower was resisted.

At the same time, a powerful mana poured into the big sun Qingtian tower.


Liu mengyan screamed, and Lin Feng wiped out her thoughts left in the big day Qingtian tower, so she was eaten back.

She fell directly from the air and fell on the challenge arena. Her hair was emitting and she screamed like a madman.

Lin Feng naturally has no sympathy for Liu mengyan, a snake hearted woman.

He reached out and grabbed the big sun Qingtian tower, trying to refine the treasure.


At this time, a cold drink came from the big sun Qingtian tower.

That voice shocked Lin Feng back again and again.

Then, the golden light poured out from the big sun Qingtian tower.

A young friar, standing in the golden light, was surrounded by the imperial spirit, like the reincarnation of the ancient emperor.

The young man\'s eyes came. What kind of eyes were they?

Deep, mysterious, people lost!

He was like a God\'s residence, standing there, making everyone feel like standing on a high mountain.

Many people even couldn\'t help but want to worship the young monk.

"Who is he? How could he be so terrible?".

Lin Feng looked unprecedentedly dignified.

He knew it was just an incarnation.

But even though it was just an incarnation, it made him feel the smell of death.

That young monk is too scary.