Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 779

Majestic mana poured out of the body, and everyone was shocked by the power of Liu mengyan.

Lin Feng was slightly surprised. He never thought that Liu mengyan\'s strength was so powerful and hidden so deeply.

However, Lin Feng has nothing to worry about, because he is the cultivation of the four heaven of yin and Yang.

Lin Feng also hid his strength.

"It\'s over, it\'s over. Liu mengyan is the cultivation of the five Heaven of the realm of yin and Yang. Younger martial brother Lin will lose this time.".

Wang Hu is anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

Qin Yao and Shi Weizhu are also worried and look at Lin Feng.


Liu mengyan launched a fierce attack on Lin Feng directly.

She condensed a purple sword spirit.

This purple sword Qi is called "Ziyang sword Qi", which is a secret skill recorded in the ancient magic power of Ziyang sword formula inherited by Qingyun sect.

The Ziyang sword Qi is cut and killed, burning like the sun, burning hundreds of millions of creatures in the world.

Where the sword Qi passes.

All souls fall.

Liu mengyan urged the Ziyang sword Qi with the cultivation of Yin-Yang realm and five Heaven.

The power is naturally powerful.

"Lin Feng won\'t be killed by one move?".

Many people shouted in shock.

Liu mengyan\'s move is really too strong.

Even the elders in the main challenge arena looked dignified.

"Liu mengyan has broken through the realm of yin and Yang and the five heavens. Do you always know this?".

Tianxian\'er\'s face was slightly ugly and looked at Luo Shengtian.

Luo Shengtian is a popular man around Huangfu Qingtian.

Luo Shengtian has also been to the "secret land of heaven" experience obtained by Huangfu Qingtian.

Why is Huangfu Qingtian so young that he is more powerful than many of the older generation?

It is because Huangfu Qingtian mastered the way to enter the secret realm of heaven.

Therefore, Huangfu Qingtian is so strong.

Luo Shengtian smiled lightly and said, "what if you know? What if you don\'t know? Is it because I know this thing in advance, junior sister will destroy our gambling agreement?".

Obviously, Luo Shengtian is a pit for tianxian\'er.

No wonder he confidently took out such peerless treasure as moon splitting star essence to bet with tianxianer.

It\'s what you want.

But tianxian\'er didn\'t know Liu mengyan\'s breakthrough.

Tianxian\'er said, "I\'ll keep my word. Let\'s see what the war will be like.".

"Then thank you for your fairy tears, younger martial sister Qilin iron.". Luo Shengtian said with a smile.

Tianxian\'er snorted coldly and his face was as heavy as water. Luo Shengtian was obviously stimulating her.

Sprinkle salt on the wound.

"Ziyang sword Qi absorbs the power of hot Ziyang and blends into the body. This is a skill suitable for men to practice. As a woman, your body belongs to Yin. It\'s very different to practice Ziyang sword Qi.".

Facing the Ziyang sword Qi from the slaughter, Lin Feng stepped forward and said, "today, I also let you experience my sword Qi and let you know what is sword Qi".

The voice fell.

Lin Feng waved his right hand.


A sword spirit flew out.

The sword Qi was only an inch at first.

But soon.

The sword Qi suddenly increased.

Turn into a hundred meters in an instant.

Suspended in mid air.

Force down.

Like splitting Huashan.


Ziyang sword Qi collided with Lin Feng\'s sword Qi and broke directly.


The 100 meter sword fell from the sky and killed Liu mengyan.

Liu mengyan\'s face changed and retreated.

"What\'s the matter? Liu mengyan is the cultivation of the five Heaven of yin and Yang realm. Why was he suppressed by Lin Feng?".

Countless eyes looked at the duel on the challenge arena in disbelief.

Because Lin Feng hid his accomplishments.

And he didn\'t sacrifice "mana".

So many people think Lin Feng is "the realm of King Wu".


Even now, Lin Feng really only used the power he mastered at the peak of the Wu Wang realm.

As for the power of Yin-Yang realm, Lin Feng hasn\'t used it yet.

But even though Lin Feng only used the power of the peak of the realm of King Wu.

It\'s too terrible.

That sword breath.

It is made of the sword\'s meaning.

This is the "spirit" mastered by Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng is so strong, younger martial sister xian\'er. I don\'t think you will lose this war.".

Jin Yuandao said.

Tianxian\'er was surprised to see that Lin Feng had suppressed Liu mengyan in the challenge arena.

She did not expect Lin Feng to suppress Liu mengyan.

"Moon falling skill"!

Liu mengyan retreated and gathered a powerful attack to resist Lin Feng\'s attack.


When the moon falling skill is displayed, it suddenly makes a huge noise.

"What\'s that?".


Many people pointed to the sky and shouted with great shock.

I see.

Above the sky, a big moon.

drop from the clouds.

That big moon, if it can break the world.

Go towards Lin Feng\'s suppression.

This is the work of falling the moon.

Gather a round of big moon suppression.


Lin Feng frowned slightly. He had to give up attacking Liu mengyan and deal with the suppressed falling moon instead.


Lin Feng waved his right hand.

The sword Qi in the void rose into the sky and killed the falling moon falling into the sky.

The sword Qi and the falling moon were killed together.

The energy afterwave escapes.

The sound of concussion was like a giant beating a drum.

Shake everywhere.

And this time.

Liu mengyan has rushed to Lin Feng.

One punch swept at Lin Feng.

"Smash void fist".

Liu mengyan sneered.

The punch hit.

The surrounding void is slightly twisted.

If the void is to be smashed by Liu mengyan\'s fist.

Liu mengyan\'s accomplishments are not enough to smash the void. If she practices to the realm of nature, she may be able to do this.


Even if you can\'t crush the void.

But Liu mengyan\'s attack is still very powerful.

"No, Liu mengyan\'s smashing void fist is an ancient magic power. It\'s extremely difficult to cultivate. She succeeded. Lin Feng is afraid it\'s dangerous.".

See Liu mengyan use this move to smash the void fist.

All the disciples who have heard of the power of smashing void fist change color.

"Smashing the void fist is an ancient magic power? So, isn\'t Lin Feng going to lose?".

Many disciples exclaimed.

At this moment, they suddenly heard a loud roar.

"Get out"!

This roar.

It contains the power of "potential".

Liu mengyan took the blow.

If struck by lightning.

Fly backwards.

Wow, a mouthful of blood spat out in the air.

Everyone was dumbfounded at this scene.

Liu mengyan, the cultivation of yin and Yang and the five Heaven.

Lin Feng roared and spewed blood.

Lin Feng, isn\'t it terrible?

"Ah, how could this happen?".

Liu mengyan couldn\'t accept what had happened. She couldn\'t help screaming angrily.

"Lin Feng, I want your life"!

Liu mengyan\'s bitter voice came out.

Then she waved her right hand.

Everyone will see.

A blue light rose into the sky.

In the blue light, a big sun emerged.

The big day lifted off slowly.

In the big day, it is a nine story pagoda.

The nine storey pagoda was suspended in the air, emitting an unimaginable smell of antiquity.

That breath threatens the heavens.

Many people felt the breath from the pagoda and couldn\'t help kneeling on the ground and kowtowing to the pagoda.

"Da RI Qingtian tower, this is an ancient magic weapon obtained by elder martial brother Huangfu Qingtian from the secret realm of heaven. Unexpectedly, it was also given to Liu mengyan.".

Many people roared with shock.

Big day Qingtian tower.

This is an ancient magic weapon.

The big day Qingtian tower was suspended in the air and sent out the smell of destroying the sky and the earth, which directly killed Lin Feng.

Feel the terrible smell of the big day Qingtian tower.

Everyone showed a shocking expression.

The power of that baby is too powerful.

"Ancient magic tools, Lin Feng will definitely lose this time."

"Defeat is still the best situation. Maybe Liu mengyan will kill him."

Many people roared.

No one thought that Lin Feng could win the duel.

Many people even think Lin Feng will die miserably in the challenge arena.

"What an ancient magic power, Liu mengyan, do you think you can defeat me with a magic weapon? Today I\'ll let you know my real strength".

Lin Feng roared.

The voice fell.


The smell of terror emanated from Lin Feng\'s body.

The mighty mana like the sea surged out.

"Mana, it\'s mana. Lin Feng has hidden his accomplishments. He has broken through the realm of yin and Yang.".

"My God, Lin Feng didn\'t activate mana just now. He\'s so powerful. How strong will he be now to activate the realm of yin and Yang?".

Countless shocking eyes looked at the challenge arena, and everyone saw it.

Lin Feng stepped forward in the void.

With each step, the void trembles slightly.

His momentum is getting stronger and stronger.

Three thousand black hair dancing.

As evil as God.

Lin Feng clapped it with one palm.


He killed the Taigu magic weapon dari Qingtian tower with his palm.

The Taigu magic weapon big day Qingtian tower was blown out by Lin Feng.