Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 778

On the challenge arena, Lin Feng and Liu mengyan looked at each other from a distance of more than ten meters.

Countless eyes looked at the two people on the stage.

The final is naturally eye-catching.

Liu mengyan looked at Lin Feng with a commanding attitude and said, "I didn\'t expect you to come to the end. It\'s really beyond my expectation, but everything should be over.".


The voice fell, and Liu mengyan had a sword wrapped in the flame in his hand.

It is Riyan sword.

"It\'s not easy to defeat me with a sword.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

"I will use this sword to pierce your elixir field.".

Liu mengyan said coldly.

"As the saying goes, the most poisonous woman\'s heart, this statement is really reasonable.".

Lin Feng glanced at Liu mengyan indifferently.


Liu mengyan\'s eyes were suddenly cold, holding Riyan sword and killing with a sword.


The sword awn condensed by a flame went towards Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng doesn\'t use weapons?".

"Do you want a flesh hard Anti Japanese Yan sword?".

Many people are stunned.

Riyan sword.

It\'s a treasure to cut gold and silver and cut iron like mud.

How can flesh and blood compete?

Many people think Lin Feng is too big. They don\'t know how powerful Riyan sword is.

Facing the attack of Riyan sword, Lin Feng stepped forward, emitting an invisible "potential" in his body, covering Lin Feng\'s body for three meters.

When the sword Qi from Yan sword came over that day.

A dull loud noise came out.

The sword Qi cut by Riyan sword broke directly three meters away from Lin Feng.

It\'s hard to get close.

"How is that possible?".

A famous elder shouted in disbelief. They all stood up suddenly and looked at the two dueling in the challenge arena.

Their eyes were fixed on Lin Feng.

They don\'t even know what happened.

That\'s the sword Qi of Riyan sword!

Why is it even difficult to get close to Lin Feng\'s body? It\'s too incredible.

Shocking and moving.

But all this.

It really happened in front of us.

These elders were so shocked, not to mention those ordinary disciples.

"It\'s just a sword. It\'s hard to hurt me.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent and walked towards Liu mengyan step by step.

His breath is getting stronger and stronger.

"Is it" potential ".

Even elder Guo Yan stood up and looked at Lin Feng with shocking eyes.

Even a monk in the realm of creation.

Can understand the meaning of "potential".

It is also rare.

Lin Feng, understand the "potential"?

"What? Potential? Is it really potential? Even friars in the realm of creation can hardly understand" potential ". How can Lin Feng understand it?".

The elders around shouted in disbelief.

Those ruthless disciples in the realm of yin and Yang were also shocked.

Their core disciples are still seeking to understand the "spirit".

Lin Feng, an inner disciple, actually understood the "potential".

Isn\'t that incredible?

"It should be potential. I once saw the elder martial brother Huangfu Qingtian show potential. Although potential and potential are also different, that feeling is definitely not wrong, but Lin Feng\'s cultivation has not been improved, so it is much weaker than the potential of the elder martial brother Huangfu Qingtian".

Jin Yuan Dao took a deep breath and said.

He looked at Lin Feng with a pair of envious eyes.

Tianxian\'er\'s beautiful eyes lit up and said, "I knew Lin Feng was not simple. He actually understood the" potential ". Since he can understand the" potential ", he must also understand the" spirit ". It\'s a terrible talent. I\'m afraid he won\'t give more than his senior brother Huangfu Qingtian\'s talent.".

Luo Shengtian\'s eyes were gloomy, and his eyes to Lin Feng were full of jealousy.

I have understood "potential" for ten years and haven\'t seen its way.

And how can this boy understand "potential"?

On the challenge arena.

Lin Feng stepped forward.

The "potential" radiates.

Liu mengyan was affected by Lin Feng\'s "potential", and his face was pale.

"Potential" is the most terrible ability in battle.

Once the "potential" is aroused.

It will deal a heavy blow to the enemy.

This blow is not just physical.

And willpower.

Physical injury is second.

The injury of will is the most terrible.

If a person\'s will is defeated.

Then this man is completely finished.

Deng Deng Deng Deng

Liu mengyan, holding the Riyan sword, retreated.

She seemed unable to bear the "potential" emanating from Lin Feng\'s body.

"It\'s not a level of battle at all.".

"Strong! That\'s too strong!".

His eyes looked at Lin Feng in shock.

Master Liu mengyan of Riyan sword.

Basically did not encounter too much pressure to reach the finals.

Many people thought that in the final, Lin Feng would be defeated miserably in the hands of Liu mengyan, who mastered Riyan sword.

But I never thought that the result should be like this.


Liu mengyan also knew that she could not continue to retreat. She urged Riyan sword and shouted loudly.


The roar resounded from heaven and earth.

Three Yan beasts manifest again.

Riyan sword is activated.

With the help of the powerful smell of the Sun Yan sword.

Liu mengyan jumped up with Riyan sword in his hand and killed Lin Feng.

"What a Riyan sword, it\'s really a peerless treasure, but no matter how powerful this treasure is, it\'s hard to hurt me.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent and faced the attack of Riyan sword.

He went out together.

It\'s made of hundreds of feet of blades and awns.

Breaking the sky is like tearing the world apart.

Everyone felt that there was only one knife between heaven and earth.

"God, what kind of attack is this?".

Even elder Guo Yan roared in shock.

He couldn\'t believe that it was an attack by an inner disciple.


The blow instantly tore three Yan beasts.

Then he killed it on Riyan sword.

Liu mengyan holding Riyan sword was shaken back.

And there was a gap on Riyan sword, which greatly lost spirituality.

"Did you hurt my Riyan sword?".

See Riyan sword damaged.

Liu mengyan screamed angrily.

She put away Riyan sword and looked at Lin Feng coldly.

Then he shouted angrily, "Lin Feng, you are looking for death. Today I will let you know my strength. You are an ant in front of me.".

The voice fell.

Liu mengyan\'s body suddenly sent out a terrible wave.

"Isn\'t it?".

"Is it?".

A famous elder looked at Liu mengyan on the challenge arena in shock.


The next moment, the majestic mana surged out of Liu mengyan\'s body.

Liu mengyan floated into the air.

Three thousand green silk danced.

Her body was covered with powerful mana.

"The realm of yin and Yang! Liu mengyan really broke through the realm of yin and Yang! Such a powerful fluctuation, I\'m afraid it has reached more than five days of the realm of yin and Yang".

An elder roared in shock.

Liu mengyan\'s voice became sad and joyless, she said, "No mistake, I broke through the realm of yin and Yang in the divine ruins. Later, senior brother Qingtian took me to the secret realm of heaven for five months. There is a strong law of time in the secret realm of heaven. It is the secret realm inherited by the ancient supreme emperor of heaven. I got a great opportunity in it and made rapid progress. Now it is the five Heaven of the realm of yin and Yang".

"Oh, my God, the realm of yin and Yang and the five Heaven, Lin Feng will lose this war.".

Many people looked at Liu mengyan in shock.

Today\'s Liu mengyan is too powerful.

Everyone knows.

Lin Feng has absolutely no hope of reversing this war.