Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 777

The rain is falling down.

Lin Feng smiled and walked on the challenge arena.

Around Lin Feng, a twisted black hole emerged.

Let you rain 100000 swords.

I just need a black hole to swallow it all.

The dense rain fell down and was swallowed up by the black hole. It was difficult to hurt Lin Feng at all.

"Come out".

Lin Feng grabbed it in one direction.


Then, the dense sword Qi burst out and killed Lin Feng.

Li Xiyu quickly retreated and could no longer hide his body.


Lin Feng gave a long roar, and all the sword Qi exploded.


"Li Xiyu\'s falling rain can\'t hurt Lin Feng at all"

"Yes, and Li Xiyu\'s hiding skill was broken by Lin Feng.".

"Lin Feng is too strong.".

Many people shouted in shock.

Li Xiyu\'s face was a little pale. She asked incredulously, "how did you find me?".

Lin Feng smiled, "I have my own way, but it\'s inconvenient to tell. If Sister Li still has moves, please show them.".

Li Xiyu took a deep breath.

She is the daughter of heaven.

Now, I feel such pressure for the first time.

A man a few years younger than himself.

But let yourself have a feeling that it is difficult to climb.

Li Xiyu has a strange feeling.

The man in front of me.

It\'s like looking up from a high mountain. You need to look up by yourself.

Li Xiyu doesn\'t know why she feels so strange.

Of course, Li Xiyu is a proud man.

She won\'t admit defeat easily.

"Rain will"!

Li Xiyu drinks lightly.

She changed the formula with her hands.

An amazing wave surged out.


A low roar came from all directions of the challenge arena.

In the pouring rain, a three meter tall statue, wearing armor and holding a huge sword appeared.

This is Li Xiyu\'s "spirit".

In the pouring rain, the condensed rain will.

Li Xiyu gathered twenty-four rain generals.

This is Li Xiyu\'s limit now.

She didn\'t keep it.

It has displayed its most powerful combat power.

Feel the terrible smell emitted by the twenty-four rain.

Countless people turn pale.

I\'m afraid every rain will have the fighting power to shake the friars in the realm of yin and Yang?

This is the top demon!

Even if they haven\'t broken through the realm of yin and Yang.

Can rely on their own mastery of the "spirit".

You can also challenge those yin-yang monks who do not understand the "spirit" at a large level.

Lin Feng is so.

So is Li Xiyu.

"Lin Feng showed such strong combat power before. Obviously, he should have understood the" spirit ", but he doesn\'t know what kind of" spirit "he has understood. So far, he hasn\'t shown it. Maybe now he is facing great pressure and wants to release his" spirit ".

An elder said.

The other elders nodded one after another.

They are also curious about what kind of "spirit" Lin Feng is.

It made him so powerful.

"Eh, the 24 rain generals are really good combat power. They can condense the 24 rain generals without breaking through the realm of yin and Yang. Once they break through, Li Xiyu\'s strength will increase greatly, but she has no chance of winning against me.".

Lin Feng\'s body moved.

Everyone will see.

On the challenge arena, a shadow jumps.

Bang Bang

A statue of rain will crumble.

This is a rain general who can fight with monks in the realm of yin and Yang.

It was destroyed without even a chance.

In an instant, all the twenty-four statues of rain will crumble.

The remnant shadow turned into Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "younger martial Sister Li, is it necessary to continue this war?".

"I\'m convinced to lose.".

Li Xiyu looked at Lin Feng with complicated eyes.

She had never thought that she would lose the war with such a big disadvantage.

Do your best.

And Lin Feng, the clouds are light and the wind is light.

The gap between the two sides.


The first duel of the semi-finals ended with Lin Feng defeating Li Xiyu.

"Lin Feng\'s speed was too fast just now? Did he suddenly realize the spirit of speed?".

Elder Wang Yuan said suspiciously.

The other elders also had a thoughtful expression. They vaguely felt that Lin Feng was just so fast that he didn\'t seem to be "spirit".

But if it wasn\'t "spirit".

How could it be so fast?

This is where they are puzzled.

In the second semi-final, Liu mengyan dueled with Xue Wushuang.

Xue Wushuang is the second strongest player in the inner gate.

Liu mengyan is in charge of qingtianfeng.

The eldest martial brother Huangfu is the key person cultivated by Qingtian.

It is widely said that Liu mengyan was determined as the first.

But obviously, Xue Wushuang doesn\'t want to admit defeat easily.

Xue Wushuang\'s weapon is a huge sword.

This is a sword that cuts iron like mud.

His offensive continued, killing Liu mengyan.

But Liu mengyan\'s Riyan sword is too powerful.

She urged Riyan sword, and a fierce beast shrouded in endless flames appeared.

The fierce beast, with three heads, was as huge as a mountain, with a green face and tusks. It was extremely ugly.

"Three headed Yan beast"!

The high-level watchers on the main challenge arena exclaimed.

The three headed Yan beast is the cultivation of the realm of creation.

Sheng chuanriyan\'s sword is Huangfu Qingtian\'s cutting a fierce beast, and then he made this sword with the body of the fierce beast.

Now it seems that the rumor is likely to be true.

Three Yan beasts manifest and directly sweep Xue Wushuang out.

Xue Wushuang was defeated.

"Rest for half an hour and then go to the finals".

The dignified voice of elder Guo Yan resounded through the audience.

Everyone began to talk.

Who will win the final?

On one side is Liu mengyan, the master of the treasure.

On one side is Lin Feng with outstanding strength.

Many disciples expressed their views.

At this time, the senior management on the main challenge arena was also discussing.

"Yan Yan Jian, not only simple but also made up of three parts of the body essence of the divine beast, is also integrated into the great fire of the great day, which is powerful and powerful."

Luo Shengtian said indifferently.

"I don\'t think so. Although Riyan sword is powerful, it\'s not Liu mengyan\'s own strength after all. I\'m optimistic that Lin Feng can defeat Liu mengyan.".

At this time, tianxian\'er suddenly said.

"Since sister Tianshi is optimistic about Lin Feng, how about making a bet?".

Luo Shengtian said calmly and confidently.

"What are you betting on?". Asked tianxian\'er.

"I got a piece of moon and star essence here. I\'ll use this baby to block Liu mengyan to win.".

Luo Shengtian took out a baby the size of a palm.


On the main challenge arena, everyone looked at the crack Moon Star essence in Luo Shengtian\'s hand.

Even elder Guo Yan was like this, and a hot light burst out from his eyes.

The moon splitting star essence is the essence stone produced by the fission of the moon.

It contains the power of the moon\'s essence. If you slap your hands so much, you can make the soul power upgrade at least five grades.

This is a peerless soul treasure.

Everyone\'s dream baby.

"I have a piece of fairy tears Kirin iron here, which is the material for making artifact. I\'ll bet with you.".

Tianxian\'er also took out an iron piece the size of a palm.

There was a tear mark on the iron.

This is the material that immortal tears, Kirin iron, the ancient giant gods are looking for but can\'t find.

"Hoo Hoo...".

The top leaders, core disciples and others in the challenge arena felt that their breathing became heavy.

That\'s a big bet.

"Dong Dong Dong......".

At this time, three melodious bells rang through.

Everyone was shocked.

Final, here we go!

Shua Shua.

Two rays of light shot from the challenge arena, covering Lin Feng and Liu mengyan respectively.

They landed on the arena of the final.