Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 776


The whole huge square, whether high-rise, or those core disciples, sons, daughters, or ordinary disciples.


Have been deeply shocked.

Even, it\'s hard to believe what you see.

Sun Zizhou.

The inner court ranks sixth in existence.

Even Lin Feng couldn\'t catch it.

This is too ridiculous.

"Is younger martial brother Lin so strong?".

Qin Yao murmured, shocked.

Although I know Lin Feng\'s strength is very strong, I never thought it would be so strong.

Even Shi Weizhu, Wang Hu and others are extremely shocked.

"Ha ha, brother Lin is really powerful. I knew he could soar for nine days. I didn\'t expect him to rise so soon.".

Guo Xiao, who maintained order, was also very excited to see Lin Feng\'s great power.

"Is that too strong?".

Until then, the onlookers\' disciples returned to their senses and talked about it one after another.

On the main challenge arena, the elders also began to talk.

Lin Feng swept off the challenge arena.

Many people came to greet Lin Feng and wanted to get to know Lin Feng.

The competition continued.

Soon the first fifty were decided.

The duel between fifty and twenty-five began half an hour later.

Up to now, they are basically the top experts in the inner court.

Although there will be no such situation as Lin Feng\'s killing his opponent in one move.


One fight after another.

It was also wonderful, causing bursts of applause from many disciples.

At this time, a big war was going on in the challenge arena. Liu mengyan fought against Chen Lun, who ranked 12th in the inner gate.

Chen Lun is known as the king of small guns.

His shooting is outstanding.

So as soon as he came up, Chen Lun held a long gun and stabbed 36 guns in a row.


The gun is heavily shadowed.

The dazzling spears are condensed together, like raging waves, enveloping the willow dream smoke.

"It\'s a good move. The overlord\'s thirty-six guns are brave, strong, violent and powerful. Chen Lun has cultivated the overlord\'s thirty-six guns to a great level.".

Seeing Chen Lun\'s shooting, an elder immediately applauded the case.

It\'s really brave and invincible to use a set of fallen shooting techniques.

A gun is the king of hundreds of soldiers.

Once cast, it will be wild and domineering.

Overwhelm your opponent with absolute momentum.

If Chen Lun knows "potential" or "war intention", and then integrates with his own shooting skills, he will be invincible.

"Powerful, really powerful. I wonder if Liu mengyan can resist it?".

"You underestimate Liu mengyan too much. Since Liu mengyan is determined to be the first, it shows that the eldest martial brother Huangfu Qingtian has made complete preparations. Liu mengyan must have many powerful magic weapons to help her improve her combat effectiveness.".

Some disciples are talking.

Facing Chen Lun\'s attack, Liu mengyan took out a treasure.

This is a sword with hot light.

It\'s called Riyan sword!

Liu mengyan took the Riyan sword and killed it with one sword.


The flames soared into the sky.

In the endless flame, Riyan sword cleaved Chen Lun\'s spear.


Chen Lun\'s long gun broke directly.

The sword is full of Qi.

A sword Qi directly pierced Chen Lun\'s chest.

Chen Lun flew out upside down and fell to the ground. He was seriously injured and fainted.

"It\'s actually Riyan sword. It\'s said that the eldest martial brother Huangfu Qingtian killed a big demon in the fog magnetic Lake five years ago. He took his bones and soul and refined it. Once sacrificed, the flame will soar to the sky with infinite power. He can cut gold and silver and cut iron like mud.".

"The shooting method is mysterious, but it is useless. The other party\'s magic weapon is powerful. One sword cuts the long gun. No matter how powerful the shooting method is, it can\'t play an effect.".

Many people began to talk.

I feel that Chen Lun was defeated.

Lost on the magic weapon.

Soon after, Lin Feng also played. His opponent was a girl named Xue Xiaoyue.

Xue Xiaoyue was petite and lovely. She looked at Lin Feng with a shy face and said pitifully, "please call senior brother later.".

Lin Feng nodded.

Xue Xiaoyue directly sacrificed a strange sword as big as a door panel and smashed it at Lin Feng.

The strange sword is five meters long and three meters wide.

So huge.

Under the command of Xue Xiaoyue, it was like an arm.

This made everyone look stunned.

Not to mention that this weapon is really weird.

It\'s hard to believe that Xue Xiaoyue is such a small, lovely and pure girl waving such a big and strange weapon.

"Xue Xiaoyue, my goddess, shit, what\'s in her hand?".

Many disciples twitched violently when Xue Xiaoyue offered up a weapon as huge as a door plank.

Xue Xiaoyue\'s petite body contained an extremely powerful force. Lin Feng shook it and was slightly surprised.

In terms of strength alone, Xue Xiaoyue\'s strength is not much worse than when he was ten days in the realm of King Wu.

I don\'t know whether Xue Xiaoyue has cultivated any skills or because of her physique. She has such a powerful power.

After attacking for more than ten rounds in a row, Xue Xiaoyue was out of breath, stamped her feet with hatred, then jumped out of the challenge arena and left with the huge sword like a door plank.

Soon the top 25 will win, and one will be empty in the next round.

Twenty five, Jin and thirteen were drawn by the participating disciples themselves, and Lin Feng drew the empty lot.

The rest are in a duel.

After the thirteen finalists came out, it was followed by the thirteen Jin Qi.

In this round, a disciple named Zhang Sheng drew a blank lot.

Lin Feng\'s opponent in this round is Song Jian, who ranks ninth in the inner door.

Song Jian soon fell into Lin Feng\'s hands.

Then the duel between each group began.

The top seven also won.

The top seven are Lin Feng, Qin Yao, Liu mengyan, Zhang Sheng, Li Xiyu, Zhang Shihao and Xue Wushuang.

Xue Wushuang\'s inner courtyard ranked second, Zhang Shihao ranked third, Li Xiyu ranked fourth, Qin Yao ranked seventh and Zhang Sheng ranked eighth.

Long Jinyu, who ranked first, did not participate.

This round of duel, Li Xiyu is empty.

In the drawing of lots, Lin Feng vs. Zhang Shihao, Qin Yao vs. Xue Wushuang, and Liu mengyan vs. Zhang Sheng.

After many wars.

Lin Feng defeated Zhang Shihao.

Xue Wushuang defeated Qin Yao.

Liu mengyan defeated Zhang Sheng.

The top four.

They are Lin Feng, Xue Wushuang, Liu mengyan and Li Xiyu.

Then came the semi-finals.

Everyone perked up.

Lin Feng vs. Li Xiyu in the first game of the semi-finals.

Li Xiyu is one of the top ten beauties of Qingyun sect. She is tall and has a beautiful face. Her best magic power is called "rain falling".

Li Xiyu also knew that Lin Feng was powerful, so she came up and attacked wildly.

The rain came out.

It rained heavily above the challenge arena.

The falling rain, like a sword, chopped at Lin Feng.

"Melting rain like a sword, Li Xiyu is so strong.".

Watching the battle on the challenge arena, many people exclaimed.

"Where\'s Li Xiyu?".

Suddenly someone shouted in shock.

When the heavy rain fell, Li Xiyu disappeared.

The dense rain turned into sword Qi and chopped at Lin Feng.

100000 rain, 100000 sword.

The power of Li Xiyu\'s move is really terrible.

Let Lin Feng avoid.