Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 771

Once every three years, the inner courtyard is more than ten days away.

The registration of the inner courtyard has also begun. There are tens of thousands of inner courtyard disciples, and not all of them will participate in the inner courtyard contest.

According to past experience, there are nearly 10000 disciples participating in Dabi each time.

These disciples are also those with outstanding strength in the inner courtyard.

Many people want to make a big splash in the inner courtyard and attract the attention of the top.

If you are liked by the great people of the sect and accepted as a disciple, you will prosper.

After another, many disciples began to sign up.

Tanaka didn\'t come back. It seems that he doesn\'t intend to participate in this inner court competition.

"Sign up".

The old wine ghost came to Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng couldn\'t help rolling his eyes and said, "do you want to participate, too? Can your old arms and legs?".

The old drunkard was very depressed and said, "how can I talk? I\'m in my prime of life...".

Lin Feng hurried out of the room.

The old drunkard is absolutely shameless when he boasts.

The square in front of the inner gate disciples\' temple is crowded with people. There are inner gate disciples everywhere.

Ten registration points have been set up in the square.


In the distance, there is a fairy light. In the fairy light, there is a woman, white as snow, with dusty temperament.

She is like a fairy falling to the earth.

"It\'s the saint fairy.".

Many disciples exclaimed.

"This is tianxian\'er, one of the top ten beauties of Qingyun sect? She is really beautiful.".

The old drunkard said with an intoxicated expression on his face.

Among the top ten beauties, tianxian\'er has the highest cultivation, so she has the best status in the sect.

The other nine beauties are far less than tianxian\'er.

Maybe those beauties don\'t lose to tianxianer in beauty.

However, the world of practitioners does not just look at beauty.

No matter how beautiful it is.

Strength is not good.

It\'s just a vase.

And tianxianer is not only beautiful, but also terrible.

Therefore, tianxian\'er ranked first among the top ten beauties of Qingyun sect.

Her beauty.

Like the nine heaven fairy, she can only watch from a distance and can\'t be close, so as not to desecrate her dusty temperament.

"Qingyun sect has seven saints and daughters. These saints and daughters are high above. How can tianxianer come today?".

Some disciples wondered.

The son and the daughter are the highest among the disciples.

Go further.

It\'s the deputy head teacher.

The vice leaders of Qingyun sect were promoted from the saints and daughters.

The vice head teacher will inherit the throne in the future.

Even if you can\'t become the leader of Qingyun sect.

It may also become the leader of the twelve peaks of Qingyun.

Therefore, tianxianer is likely to be a strong contender for the leader of Qingyun sect in the future.

Tianxianer\'s strength is naturally very strong.

It is said that she has begun to understand the power of the law.

Her realm has exceeded the realm of yin and Yang, but she has not entered the realm of creation.

Only the last step.

You can become a strong man in the realm of creation.

"Maybe it\'s for her Tianxian peak to select some talented disciples for training. After all, tianxian\'er wants to compete for the position of patriarch and cultivate his own power in the future. Now, the inner courtyard Dabi, this is a good opportunity to select disciples".

A disciple said.

At this time, a golden light came from the distance.

In the golden light, there is a man in gold.

"The son Jinyuan said!"

Many people screamed again.

He is also one of the seven sons and daughters, with a noble status.

"The two younger martial brothers and sisters are now back in the sect. It seems that they are going to select some excellent disciples to supplement the positions of tianxianfeng and yuandaofeng during the inner court competition?".

At this time, a light laugh came.

A man in Tsing Yi stepped in.

"Luo Shengtian!"

Many people exclaimed.

Luo Shengtian is very powerful among the seven sons and daughters of Qingyun sect. It is said that he can be ranked in the top three.

Moreover, this person has a close relationship with the eldest martial brother Huangfu Qingtian.

Since Huangfu Qingtian can become the senior brother of Qingyun sect, we can see how powerful Huangfu Qingtian is.

This person\'s accomplishments.

Public participation in nature.

It has been rumored that he has been promoted to the realm of creation.

Soon after.

Zongmen will seal Huangfu Qingtian as "vice leader sect".

Once you become a vice leader, your status will become different immediately.

Both Tian xian\'er and Jin Yuan Dao glanced lightly at Luo Shengtian.

Obviously, their relationship with Luo Shengtian is not very harmonious.

But they are all holy sons and daughters.

There are some superficial greetings and politeness.

"It seems that elder martial brother Luo has the same plan?". Tianxian\'er said with a pair of beautiful Danfeng eyes.

"This is an opportunity. Naturally, we can\'t miss it. Younger martial sister Tian and younger martial brother Jin, let\'s meet the elder.".

Luo Shengtian said.

These core disciples of the realm of yin and yang are qualified to select some disciples to take various positions in their own mountains.

However, it should be filed with the elder Guo Yan of the inner gate in advance.

Tianxian\'er and Jin Yuan nodded.

Immediately, the three entered the inner disciple\'s temple.

Countless disciples took back their eyes.

"These three people are all beyond the realm of yin and Yang, but they have not entered the realm of creation. I don\'t know what will happen to them now?".

Lin Feng felt a slight movement in his heart.

"Go, sign up...".

Said the old drunkard.

Lin Feng takes back his mind, finds a team with the old wine ghost and arranges the team.

I lined up for an hour and filled in my information.

Lin Feng leaves with the old alcoholic.


Suddenly, cold laughter came.

A dozen monks stopped Lin Feng and the old wine ghost.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. It was Liu mengyan, sun Zizhou and others.

Liu mengyan and grandson Zhou looked at Lin Feng gloomily.

"The origin of the ghost devil shark makes you improve your cultivation a lot?".

Liu mengyan said with a sneer.

Now Lin Feng has made great progress.

He practiced a method of collecting breath.

Cover up your true cultivation.

It is also difficult for ordinary people to find out Lin Feng\'s accomplishments.

Such Dharma is very common in the world of practitioners. Many people like to practice such Dharma to hide the real realm.

However, although I can\'t feel Lin Feng\'s realm.

But Liu mengyan could feel that Lin Feng was much stronger than before.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "it\'s really useful.".

Hearing Lin Feng\'s affirmative answer, Liu mengyan and grandson Zhou\'s faces were very ugly.

Sun Tzu zhoupi said with a smile, "it seems that you are very confident in the big competition? But in the big competition, experts are like clouds and swords have no eyes. Younger martial brother Lin should be more careful.".

Sun Zizhou has been hostile to Lin Feng since he refused to become the dead man of Huangfu Qingtian.

When he cheated Lin Feng overseas that Lin Feng handed over the origin of the ghost devil shark and they protected Lin Feng.

Lin Feng knew that this person not only wanted to get the origin of the ghost devil shark, but also wanted to kill himself and get the rest of his treasures.

But Lin Feng was not fooled, and finally resisted the siege of hundreds of monks with the Divine Shield handed down by Sikong to Baotian.

Leave with Sikong picking the moon.

At this time, sun Zizhou regarded Lin Feng as a "must be eradicated" role.

"Elder martial brother sun, you\'d better worry about yourself.".

Lin Feng responded faintly.

Sun Zizhou smiled and stopped talking, but took a deep look at Lin Feng.

"Let\'s go...".

Liu mengyan also took a deep look at Lin Feng, and then left with sun Zizhou and others.

The old drunkard said, "isn\'t that woman the steward of qingtianfeng? Qingtianfeng has great energy. They may be manipulative when drawing lots in Dabi. You should be careful.".

"Just a bunch of clowns.".

Lin Feng skimmed his lips, never stopped, and left with the old wine ghost.

Dong Dong Dong

Ten days later.

Three bells rang through the.

Countless people rushed towards the inner disciple mountain square.

Because of the three-year inner courtyard ratio.

Here we go.