Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 770

The night was cool.

It\'s late at night.

Lin Feng sat cross legged on the top of a mountain.

He looked at the bright moon and was thinking about his "Tao".


Very important.

What is Tao?

A simple explanation is your own way.

For the perception of the way of heaven, find a way suitable for yourself in the way of heaven.

Ancient emperor.

Preach successfully.

Only then can we break the shackles of the divine realm and become a strong emperor.

But more people fail in their own "Tao".

Finally, it fell and disappeared in the long river of history.

Ordinary friars, if they do not have the ambition to become the great emperor, naturally do not have to establish their own way.

If you practice according to the way of others, you may also become a strong person.

But such people are doomed not to become "gods" and "great emperors".

Lin Feng shoulders the task of finding his people and rescuing his mother.

He wants to become a "emperor".

Perhaps only in this way can we successfully find people and save our mother in the future.

So understanding his "Tao" is too important for Lin Feng.

"Tao, what is my Tao?".

Lin Feng murmured.

Taigu dragon elephant formula is the way of Taigu dragon elephant.

Decepticon thunder formula is the way of ancient Thor.

What Lin Feng needs is his own way.

He wants to put his "Tao".

Establish as the core.

And all the magical powers cultivated.

Whether it\'s Taigu dragon elephant formula, batian thunder formula, or five emperors dragon boxing, etc.

All should revolve around their own "Tao".


How difficult is it to understand the Tao?

Even if Lin Feng has such a strong understanding, he can\'t understand it for a long time.

"Tao comes from the heart".

At this time, a voice came out.

A middle-aged man came.

Lin Feng looked.

It was found that it was the Lord of Tianfeng who mended the sky.

He quickly got up and saluted to the sky.

"Sit down.". He made up the sky and smiled.

Lin Feng knows that she has a serious problem with her body.

Non medicine stone can heal.

So he left Qingyun sect for a trip. He has been there for nearly three years.

Lin Feng felt happy from his heart when he came back to mend the sky.

"Elder, are you well?".

Lin Feng asked.

He sat down opposite Lin Feng.

He smiled and said, "don\'t worry, you\'ve recovered.".

"That\'s lucky.".

Lin Feng\'s face was full of joy.

Mending the sky is like a kind elder.

He naturally hoped that the sky could be restored.

"Your accomplishments have improved rapidly, but you need to settle down.".

After a pause, he continued "In the process of cultivation, we should pay attention to step-by-step, steady and steady. Only in this way can the foundation be firm. For example, the main hall starts from the foundation. If the foundation is unstable, no matter how high and magnificent the main hall is built, it is flashy and flashy, and it is easy to collapse. The same is true for cultivation. If the foundation is unstable, it is difficult to achieve much after all.".

The words made up the sky were obviously a reminder to Lin Feng.

Now, he needs to consolidate his cultivation, not rush to break through again.

"Remember, disciple".

Lin Feng said solemnly.

Mending the sky is like an elder. He teaches earnestly and has good intentions.

Then he asked, "have you ever understood your own way?".

"I\'m stupid. In recent years, I\'ve been trying to establish my own Tao, but I haven\'t made any progress."

Lin Feng said.

"You\'re not stupid, but you have too much obsession." he said, and then he asked, "why do you practice Taoism?".

Lin Feng said, "I am responsible and have family hatred. I want to find my captured relatives and rescue my mother.".

The way of mending heaven, "Tao is centered on" self ", which is its own" Tao ", which is called" Tao I "by monks. After monks shape the" Tao I ", all cultivation will focus on the" Tao I ", and you are unable to shape your own Tao because you Practice for you, not for yourself, but for others".

"But if all worlds practice just for themselves and abandon their relatives, friends and lovers, what can they do even if they are invincible? In the end, they are only alone.".

Lin Feng said.

He smiled and said, "this is the difference between" Tao I "and" responsibility ". You practice Taoism because you bear too many responsibilities, so you can\'t form your own Tao. Now, what you have to do is to distinguish" Tao I "from" responsibility ".

Lin Feng savored these words to mend the sky.

He Bu Tian continued, "there are different experiences between heaven and earth, all creatures and different lives. This is the meaning of" I ". I represent different creatures in all heaven and earth, and of course, I also represent yourself. Tao is the avenue of heaven and earth. Tao I is the way you want to go".

"And responsibility is what you want to accomplish. Shape the" Tao and me "and constantly strengthen your cultivation, and then you can complete the" responsibility ". You can have a good experience.".

Lin Feng sat in place, stunned.

He is comprehending the words of mending the sky.

"My responsibility is to find people, rescue my mother, return to Dongjun Shenzhou to avenge my relatives. This is the driving force of my cultivation, but this is not the Tao.".

"The real Tao is centered on me. I see. I understand.".

Lin Feng\'s eyes became brighter and brighter.

He began to understand vaguely, what is "Tao me"? What is "responsibility"?

Lin Feng closed his eyes.

Feel the feeling in your heart carefully.

"Tao, what kind of Tao should I shape?".

"Shape me, follow my own way, and make myself stronger and stronger. Who is the peak at the end of the divine road? Since you want to establish the road, you should establish the most powerful road. You will be the top of the mountain and see the small mountains. In the divine Road, I am the supreme, and I will shape the supreme road.".

Lin Feng\'s will is stronger and stronger.

My understanding of Tao is becoming more and more thorough.

In Lin Feng\'s Dantian, there seems to be a mysterious path.

In endless darkness.

The path radiated a faint light.

That is Lin Feng\'s "Tao me".

Follow the path.

No one knows where it will arrive.

Maybe it\'s a cliff.

Maybe it\'s a road.

Along this road, make gods.

Make the emperor!

"The supreme way".

Lin Feng murmured.

He uses the supreme way to condense his own magical powers.

Any kind of Tao can form its own magic power.

It\'s like the ancient dragon elephant formula created by the ancient dragon elephant.

In Lin Feng\'s Dantian, a virtual shadow should be condensed faintly.

It seems to be a shadow of a fist.

When the shadow of the fist appeared.

In Lin Feng\'s Dantian, Taigu dragon elephant virtual shadow, thunder god virtual shadow, five emperors virtual shadow, real dragon emperor virtual shadow... They all have their own way.

The supreme way.

Now, these virtual shadows surround the illusory fist shadow.

The illusory shadow of the fist turned into Lin Feng\'s appearance.

Lin Feng sat cross legged with a virtual shadow.

The virtual shadow of Taigu dragon elephant, the virtual shadow of Thor, the virtual shadow of the five emperors, the virtual shadow of the real dragon emperor and so on are all around Lin Feng\'s virtual shadow.

All the Tao respect Lin Feng\'s "Tao me".

The supreme way.

Lin Feng finally shaped his own way.

Only by establishing one\'s own way can there be the possibility of peeping at gods and even the great emperor in the future.

Now, Lin Feng finally has such qualification.

But whether Lin Feng can become a God in the future.

Even become the supreme emperor.

It depends on the future opportunities and good fortune.