Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 772

"Empty challenge arena, open!"

On the square, the voice of elder Guo Yan fell.


The loud noise shook the sky.

Huge challenge arenas rose into the sky and were suspended in the air.

This is a void challenge arena formed by a large array.

There are hundreds of such challenge platforms.

Elder Guo Yan and many elders also have more than a dozen core disciples of the realm of yin and Yang.

They all came to the void challenge arena.

Among the most eye-catching core disciples are naturally the Holy Son Jinyuan Dao, Luo Shengtian and the holy daughter tianxianer.

In addition, core disciples include Li Jianxiao, Han Yashi and others.

They also came here to watch the war. Perhaps they also planned to select some talented disciples after Dabi to supplement their own mountains and cultivate their own forces.

"Dabi adopts the elimination system. When promoted to the second round, he will get one point. He will get two points from the second round to the third round, and four points from the third round to the fourth round. Each promotion will double the points. If he can enter the top 100, he will be rewarded with the best spirit stone. If he can enter the top 10, the rewards will be more abundant. The first prize includes the ability to enter the small in a moment After six months of cultivation in the world, 30000 spirit stones, one yin-yang nature pill, one soul washing pill and one soul washing pill. You can choose two ancient supernatural powers at will. You can take out your own identity token to view the rewards of other rankings. The information has been passed into your identity token ".

Elder Guo Yan said.

Many disciples hurriedly checked their identity tokens.

There were voices of discussion everywhere in the square.

"The reward for this first place is much richer than rumored.".

Lin Feng was surprised.

"Why is the first prize so generous this time? There are 20000 top-grade spirit stones, one soul washing pill, one soul washing pill and two ancient supernatural powers more than in previous years.".

Many disciples were puzzled.

The best spirit stone is extremely rare.

Precious and unusual.

The first place in the inner courtyard was awarded 30000 top-grade spirit stones.

This is a big deal.

In addition to the best spirit stone, the most precious are the soul washing pill and soul washing pill.

These two pills are Tianji pills.

And the prescription was lost.

I don\'t know how much higher the value is than the Yin Yang nature pill.

The elixir can wash mana.

Remove impurities from mana.

Make mana more pure.

Soul washing pill is to wash the soul.

Wash out the impurities in the soul.

These two pills are too precious. Washing the cultivator\'s mana and soul is equivalent to directly improving the "talent" of the user.

The two ancient supernatural powers are equally precious. Successful cultivation can greatly improve their strength.

"I heard that the first prize has been set as Liu mengyan, so the reward will be so rich.".

A disciple whispered.

"What? Is there such a thing?".

Many people were surprised.

"Of course, how capable is senior brother Huangfu Qingtian? As long as he speaks, the sect elders will cooperate, and Liu mengyan will also participate in the contest. Liu mengyan is a popular man around senior brother Huangfu Qingtian. It is said that he will become the woman of senior brother Huangfu Qingtian in the future. It is not incredible that senior brother Huangfu Qingtian will come forward and decide to be the first.".

Many disciples whispered in private.

Lin Feng also heard the comments of some disciples around him.

I can\'t help frowning slightly.

He was wondering before.

Why are the rewards so generous this year?

It was Huangfu Qingtian\'s reason.

It seems that these disciples are right. Huangfu covers the sky with his own hands.

"Start of the first round of assessment".

Elder Guo Yan said in a deep voice.


The prohibition on the challenge arena is on.


Suddenly, a ray of light came and enveloped Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s body soared into the air.

The next moment he landed on a challenge arena.

Except Lin Feng.

Another disciple landed on the challenge arena.

This is a disciple of bachongtian in the realm of King Wu.


The disciple landed like a dragon. The Dragon swam around the world and jumped towards Lin Feng.

"The dragon goes to sea".

The disciple gave a long roar and had killed Lin Feng.

"Well done.".

Lin Feng gave a long roar and split out with one palm.

With a move of "Eagle catching dragon", his right hand was like an eagle claw and grabbed the attacking disciple.


The disciple\'s wrist was caught by Lin Feng and could no longer struggle.

"I lost.".

The disciple said helplessly.


Lin Feng hugged his fist.

Then, a group of disciples came to the stage for a duel.

Qin Yao, the old drunkard, Shi Weizhu, Wang Hu and others all came to the stage to promote easily.

On a challenge arena.

With one palm, sun Zizhou split the disciples against him and flew out.

Click, click!

The disciple\'s bones were broken. I don\'t know how many. Sun Tzu Zhou came to the disciple and kicked him.

Click, click.

Another four or five bones were broken, and the disciple was kicked off the challenge arena.

"What a cruel means...".

Many people take a breath.

Inside door big ratio, point to point.

But there is no rule that you can\'t do heavy work.

So there are some disciples who are ruthless.

These people are often of extraordinary origin, so they are reckless.

Like Sun Tzu Chau, he is a disciple of qingtianfeng.

It\'s the people around elder martial brother Huangfu Qingtian.

Sun Zizhou naturally has no scruples.

In another challenge arena, a disciple named Zhang Hai spat blood out of his rival disciple. The disciple fell to the ground and convulsed.

There are many challenge arenas, one war after another.

And then.

Lin Feng made great strides and defeated one opponent after another.

Qingtianfeng disciple is here.

Liu mengyan was supported by a group of disciples, and Gong Wei was among them.

Her cold eyes swept to Lin Feng who had just defeated her opponent and came down from the challenge arena.

"The boy has killed the top 400. It seems that he is likely to enter the top 100.".

Sun Zizhou\'s eyes twinkled with cold.

He had a serious intention to kill Lin Feng, and there was no cover up.

Zhang Haidao said, "younger martial brother is willing to share his worries.".

Sun Zizhou smiled and said, "it should not be a problem to deal with the boy with the strength of younger martial brother Zhang".

"Don\'t be careless. In the overseas world, Lin Feng shows good combat effectiveness. I\'m afraid he has a powerful magic weapon.".

Liu mengyan said.

She took out a jade talisman and gave it to Zhang Hai. She said, "this is the heaven and earth Qianyuan jade talisman. After activation, the combat power will be greatly improved in a short time. Just in case, elder martial brother Zhang took this jade talisman.".

"Thank you, younger martial sister Liu.".

Zhang Hai\'s eyes suddenly lit up and quickly accepted the jade charm.

The jade talisman was personally refined by Huangfu Qingtian. Now Liu mengyan gave it to him.

It was obviously given to him.

Liu mengyan looked at sun Zizhou and said, "elder martial brother sun, you can only meet elder Liu Mingcang. In the next round of duel, let elder Liu Mingcang put elder martial brother Zhang Hai and Lin Feng together.".

"OK, I\'ll go now.".

Sun Zizhou nodded and quickly walked in the direction of elder Liu Mingcang, who was responsible for the draw of the inner courtyard.