Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 769

Lin Feng didn\'t go out. Everyone lived in the world and did something.

Will have their own goals and plans, but that\'s someone else\'s business.

The old drunkard is Lin Feng\'s friend. He won\'t ask what the old drunkard is doing.

"Now I want to find the five element supernatural powers to practice, and then with the help of the five element supernatural powers, break through the realm of yin and Yang and the five Heaven".

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

There must be five elements in the sect.

The five element supernatural powers of Qingyun sect are recorded in zhutianlu.

These five magical powers are called: Jin Huangjin, Qingmu Gong, Heishui fist, fire emperor formula and earth emperor chop.

These five supernatural powers are ancient supernatural powers.

Very precious.

If you want to get it, you need to go to the task palace to get the corresponding task.

Then, earn a lot of sect contributions.

Can exchange these five magic powers.

But soon there will be an inner courtyard competition.

Lin Feng also plans to be a blockbuster in the big competition in the inner courtyard.

Take the first place.

Then you can enter the small world for a moment to practice.

It is the holy land of Qingyun sect.

Outside one day.

Ten days inside.

The inner courtyard is the first in the big competition. You can practice for three months.

These three months are calculated according to the time of the outside world.

If it is calculated according to the time in the small world in a moment.

It\'s equivalent to three years of cultivation.

Kill the sky for three years.

Therefore, Lin Feng is sure to win the first place in the inner courtyard.

"First prepare the big ratio in the inner courtyard, and then consider the five element magical powers.".

Lin Feng made a decision.

Half a month later, Huo Qilin returned to Qingyun sect.

"Eh, your cultivation has been raised to the four heaven of yin and Yang?".

Fire Qilin looks at Lin Feng in surprise.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "yes, I got an opportunity in the God ruins. First, I got the refining of the fragments of the world tree, and then the sky fire of black flame burning god fire. My cultivation has been promoted to the four heaven of yin and Yang".

Huo Qilin said, "you\'re lucky, you guy.".

Lin Feng smiled, then felt the situation of Huo Qilin, and said in surprise, "it seems that you have a good harvest? Divine power gushed out of your body again?".

Huo Qilin sighed and said, "yes, it did give birth to divine power, but unfortunately, I only found a little of the spring of life. Although I woke up the dry body with the spring of life, the divine power only recovered a small part".

Lin Feng said, "I\'m not in a hurry, but now I\'ve restored some divine power, which is a gratifying thing.".

Huo Qilin said, "now you have reached the four heaven of Yin-Yang realm, and then you will start to break through the five Heaven of Yin-Yang realm. The five element cycle realm needs to cultivate the five element supernatural powers. Have you ever cultivated the five element supernatural powers?".

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "I\'m also worried about the five element supernatural powers.".

"Is there no record of the five elements in the Taigu dragon elephant formula?".

Huo Qilin asked.


Lin Feng shook his head.

"In that case, I will teach you a five element magic power. This five element magic power is called five emperors\' Dragon boxing. It is an ancient magic power deduced by the ancestors of the human race, the five emperors among the three emperors and five emperors, and the real dragon family and one real dragon emperor in the ancient times.".

Huo Qilin said.

"Dragon fist of the five emperors? The supreme magic power deduced by the five emperors, the ancestor of the human race, and the real dragon emperor?".

Lin Feng immediately took a sip.

Archaic times.

The ancestor of the human race is the three emperors and five emperors.

The three emperors refer to the three ancestors of Suiren, Fuxi and Shennong.

The five emperors refer to the Yellow Emperor, Zhuanxu, Dihu, Yao and shun.

These people are the holy emperors in the history of the Terran.

It has made unprecedented contributions to the development of the Terran.

The five emperors were also invincible figures in the ancient times.

And the inheritance of the five emperors.

From this, we can see how powerful it is.

Fire Qilin Road, "Five Emperors\' Dragon boxing is one of the most powerful five elements supernatural powers in the world, but ordinary people can\'t practice it at all. Because the five emperors\' Dragon boxing integrates the will of the real dragon, and the flesh of the real dragon family surpasses the gods and demons, cultivating the five emperors\' Dragon boxing has extremely strict requirements for the physical body of the cultivator. If you don\'t meet the requirements, you will only explode and die, You have practiced the Taigu dragon and elephant formula, and your body has surpassed the gods and demons of the same level, which just meets this requirement ".

The voice fell.

Huo Qilin taught Lin Feng the cultivation method of the five emperors\' Dragon boxing with his mind.

Lin Feng\'s face brightened.

He felt like checking the information.

"Green emperor magic dragon boxing, red emperor fire dragon boxing, white Emperor Golden Dragon boxing, black emperor water dragon boxing and Yellow Emperor divine dragon boxing. Is this the five Emperor Dragon boxing?".

Lin Feng asked.

"Yes, this is the five emperors\' Dragon boxing. The five emperors\' Dragon boxing is cultivated separately. It is a magic power with five different attributes, corresponding to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. However, if the five emperors\' Dragon boxing is cultivated to the peak, it can integrate the five elements and complete the transformation".

Fire Qilin road.

"Five elements in one? Complete transformation? Will it transform into a more powerful divine power?".

Lin Feng asked in shock.

"Yes, it will be transformed into the supreme Avenue and the great five elements! If it is transformed to this level, you may peep into the avenue of heaven and earth. I think at that time, you may break through the realm of gods".

Huo Qilin said.

"The Dragon boxing of the five emperors is so powerful?".

Lin Feng was shocked.

"The supreme supernatural power created by the five great ancestors of the human race and the real dragon emperor is naturally powerful enough to be unimaginable.".

Huo Qilin said with a natural expression.

Lin Feng nodded.

It\'s exactly what Huo Qilin said.

The ancestors of the five great emperors of the Terran family.

This is the same level of existence as the archaic dragon elephant.

even to the extent that.

The five great emperors existed before the age of the ancient dragon elephant.

Lin Feng began to understand the Dragon boxing of the five emperors.

His thoughts invaded his mind.

He carefully examined the cultivation methods of the five emperors\' Dragon boxing.

Gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Between these five lines.

reinforce each other.

Wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates gold, gold generates water, and water generates wood.

Wood conquers soil, soil conquers water, water conquers fire, fire conquers gold, and gold conquers wood.

The five magical powers in the five emperors\' Dragon boxing also evolved according to the principle of five elements generating and conquering each other.

Lin Feng first practiced red emperor fire dragon boxing.

This magical power is extremely hot and sunny. It\'s just fierce.

Once cast, it will be violent and powerful.

Lin Feng has now refined the purple flame heart fire and the black flame divine fire.

He has some profound understanding of the avenue of fire.

Therefore, the cultivation of five emperors\' Dragon boxing begins with Red Emperor\'s fire dragon boxing.

This is the best choice.

In the following days, Lin Feng studied red emperor fire dragon boxing every day.

In the twinkling of an eye, a month passed.

This day.

In the practice room, Lin Feng beat down a set of fist techniques.

His boxing is the Red Emperor\'s fire dragon boxing.

Lin Feng fights thousands of times every day, and then understands the mystery.

Hard work is not in vain.

Lin Feng\'s understanding of Red Emperor\'s fire dragon fist is getting deeper and deeper.

Behind Lin Feng.

The flames soared into the sky.

In the flame, a man wearing a flame Dragon Robe appeared.

The man, noble, ancient, powerful, squinted at the heavens.

This is a Red Emperor.

The Holy Spirit in the fire.

Beside the Red Emperor, a fire dragon roared and shook the sky.

Lin Feng practiced his boxing skills, and even showed the virtual shadow of the Red Emperor and the fire dragon.

For a month.

Lin Feng finally succeeded in cultivating red emperor fire dragon fist.