Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 768

Huofengjiao naturally knows that it will come to no good end in Lin Feng\'s hands.

She tried to think of a way out.

But now, where is there a way out?

For a moment, I was confused.

Lin Feng looked at huofengjiao and said faintly, "didn\'t you think it would fall into my hands? Now it falls into my hands. What do you think I should do with you?".

Huofengjiao\'s face was pale, but she didn\'t speak.

Lin Feng walked over and pinched Huofeng Jiao\'s snow-white chin to let her look at herself.

"Asshole, let me go...".

Huofengjiao struggles.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "it\'s really beautiful. It\'s more charming than dantai Xiyu.".

Seeing the hot eyes in Lin Feng\'s eyes, Huofeng Jiao\'s pretty face changed slightly. She seemed to guess what Lin Feng thought.

Huofengjiao said quickly, "how about we make a deal?".

"What deal?".

Lin Feng asked.

"Somewhere in the East China Sea, there is a monk\'s cave left by the ancient strong. I\'ll tell you the location of the monk\'s cave. How about you let me go?"

Huofengjiao said.

Lin Feng sneered in his heart. There was an imperceptible cold in Huofeng Jiao\'s eyes, which was still seen by Lin Feng.

Obviously, huofengjiao wanted to lure Lin Feng with the news of the monk\'s cave.

Lin Feng guessed that the monk\'s cave was in danger. If he entered it, he would die and have no life.

However, Lin Feng didn\'t expose huofengjiao\'s mind. He said faintly, "I\'m not very interested in this monk\'s cave.".

"What do you want?". Huofeng Jiao\'s eyes flashed slightly, and then asked.

"100000 best spirit stones, I\'ll let you go"!

Lin Feng said.

"100000? Why don\'t you grab it?".

Huofengjiao screamed like a cat with its tail stepped on.

Even the giants of the ages.

The one-time 100000 best spirit stone.

Will it be very difficult?

Not to mention her?

Does this bastard treat himself as a big injustice? Want to kill yourself?

Thinking of this, huofengjiao wanted to tear Lin Feng to pieces.

Lin Feng asked, "how many do you have?".

"Three thousand"

Huofengjiao road.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "do you want to get out of 3000? Do you know that if someone else had died, do you know why I didn\'t kill you?".

Lin Feng looked at huofengjiao coldly.

Huofengjiao bit her lips and didn\'t speak.

"I\'m the most pitiful person.".

Lin Feng said faintly.

Lin Feng doesn\'t like to do such a thing.

Surrounded by mountains.

We went to Wushan.

A cloud and rain.

If into the cloud.

"If you want to be my concubine, you can come to me later.".

Lin Feng looked at huofengjiao and said before leaving.

Huofengjiao looked at Lin Feng with a gnashing expression.

Obviously not.

Lin Feng no longer stays.

Left the God ruins directly.

Along the way, he never stopped and flew towards the gathering place of monks.

Some friars have a transport array to land.

Lin Feng plans to take the transport array to Aolai country.

I don\'t know what Sikong did when he suddenly left.

Whether he has returned to the family now.

As for fire Qilin

Lin Feng failed to see the fire Qilin in the God ruins.

But Lin Feng doesn\'t worry about huoqilin.

But no one can calculate the Fire Kirin.

A month later, Lin Feng returned to the Sikong family of Aolai country.

Seeing Lin Feng back, Sikong Xinyan was very happy.

"Didn\'t your brother come back?".

Lin Feng asked.

Sikong Xinyan shook her head and said, "isn\'t brother Lin with you?".

"Things have separated on the road, but you don\'t have to worry. It\'s estimated that your brother will come back soon.".

Lin Feng said.

Sikong Xinyan nodded.

Lin Feng went to Sikong family ancestral hall to see Sikong\'s Yuanshen lamp picking the moon.

His magic lamp is still burning.

Sikong picked the moon and was not born.

"This guy didn\'t return to the family. Where did he go?".

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

After staying in Sikong family for three days, Lin Feng plans to start and return to Qingyun sect.

"Brother Lin, you must come to see Xinyan in the future."

Sikong Xinyan was reluctant to say.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll come to see you when I have time.".

Lin Feng spoiled and rubbed Sikong Xinyan\'s head.

The little girl\'s face is pink.

"If you have something to do, you can go to the Wanhua Pavilion and ask the people of the Wanhua Pavilion for help. They will help you deal with it.".

Lin Feng Road.

"Xinyan remembered.".

Sikong Xinyan nodded.

Lin Feng never stopped.

He came to Beihuang city in Aolai ancient city by transmission array.

Ten days later.

Lin Feng returned to Qingyun sect.

There are still two months to go, and the triennial inner courtyard competition will begin.

So during this time, the inner courtyard was bustling.

Many disciples are talking about Dabi in the inner courtyard.

In the evening, Lin Feng watched the operation of 90000 stars.

After the cultivation, I planned to rest and found that the old alcoholic left the residence secretly again.

"What the hell is the old alcoholic looking for?".

Lin Feng frowned slightly. He felt that the old wine ghost was not simple. He should have a special purpose to join Qingyun sect.