Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 767


The existence of the pinnacle of yin and Yang.

The strength is extremely strong.

Lin Feng had fought with huofengjiao before.

At that time, Lin Feng had just broken through the realm of yin and Yang, so he was not huofengjiao\'s opponent.

But now, Lin Feng\'s cultivation has broken through three levels in a row, and his cultivation has increased greatly.

Even if the fire is beautiful.

Lin Feng also believes he can fight one.

In Lin Feng\'s mind, mana forms an ocean.

His savings are so strong that even many monks at the peak of yin and yang can\'t compare with Lin Feng in terms of mana.

Huofengjiao looked coldly at Lin Feng and said, "today you fall into the big array. No matter how fast you are, you can\'t escape. If you know the truth, you will surrender honestly, and you will suffer less sin at that time.".

Lin Feng smiled lightly. He looked at huofengjiao and said, "you are quite confident in yourself"!

Huofengjiao said, "it\'s easy to deal with you.".

"Then try and see who will win today.".

The voice fell, and Lin Feng swept away directly at Fengjiao.

Seeing that Lin Feng dared to take the lead, huofengjiao sneered.

She quickly swept towards Lin Feng, slapped at Lin Feng and went away.

I saw a huge flame palm condensed out of the void.

The flame fell from the sky.

Just like when the Buddha suppressed the fighting Saint ape in the ancient times.

A slap in the face.

Direct repression.


Lin Feng drank coldly, stepped forward in the void, waved his right fist, and condensed the power of endless thunder.

Decepticon thunder formula!


Lin Feng punched.

Endless thunder surged into the sky.

The thunder light ball collided with the flame palm.

Both are annihilated.

"He withstood my blow.".

Huofengjiao\'s face was full of disbelief.

Just this blow.

I have exercised 70% of my strength.

It was resisted.

This makes huofengjiao unbelievable.

"You broke through...".

Huofengjiao felt Lin Feng\'s state, and her face suddenly changed.

Two months ago, Lin Feng just entered the realm of yin and Yang.

It has only been more than two months, and it has broken through the four heaven of yin and Yang.

Break through three levels in a row.

In more than two months, I have completed the road that others have to take for several years, or even more than ten years.

That\'s too bad, isn\'t it?

Crack the sky!

The sword is full of meaning!

Lin Feng looked indifferent and ignored huofengjiao\'s shock.

Blade and sword Qi.

Dao Yi.


Instant unity.

The power suddenly rises to the extreme, and instantly kills Xiang huofengjiao.

Feeling the power of the blow, huofengjiao\'s face changed slightly.

Because Lin Feng\'s blow made her feel the pressure.

"The God of fire came to the world".

Huofeng Jiao drank coldly, and his hands changed into thousands of Dharma decisions.

I saw endless flames surging in the void.

In the flame, a great and godlike existence is condensing.

"Come to the world from the flame and become a God in the flame. I will be immortal forever and the God of fire will come to the world.".

The mysterious existence sent out bursts of low roars.

He stepped out of the flames.

Then attack Lin Feng\'s sword and merge this blow.


The two sides collided.

Terrible energy afterwaves surged out, and the surrounding mountains and forests were destroyed.

This move of the God of fire came into the world with amazing power and resisted Lin Feng\'s attack.

But huofengjiao\'s face has become extremely ugly.

She never thought Lin Feng was so strong.

Huofengjiao starts to urge the big array. She plans to use the big array to deal with Lin Feng.

"The wind blows and the clouds fly...".

A deep cry rang out.

"The wind is blowing.".

The fire phoenix Jiao, who was planning to gather a large array to deal with Lin Feng, looked slightly dignified.

How can there be a wind in the big array?


The breath of destruction surged out.

At this time.

Above huofengjiao, a big hand like blocking the sky and the sun condenses.

The taboo technique of covering the sky recorded in the ancient dragon elephant formula was displayed by Lin Feng.

Big hands cover the sky.

A slap fell.

Seeing the huge palm that was blasted down, huofengjiao\'s face was slightly pale.

She can\'t believe it.

A monk with four heavens in the realm of yin and Yang.

Can be so powerful!


All this is true!

Lin Feng showed his fighting power against the sky.

Let her, the monk at the peak of Yin-Yang realm, also feel the pressure.

"Wu Soul: near the end of the world".

Facing the blow of Da Zhetian\'s hand, huofengjiao sacrificed her martial soul.

A cliff appeared.

When the big cover came.

But I can\'t cross that cliff and hurt huofengjiao.

"Eh, is there such a martial spirit?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

The spirit of huofengjiao is really strange.

It turned out to be a cliff.

to see little of each other though living nearby.

Seemingly close.

But separated by cliffs.

That is hundreds of millions of time and space apart.

Whatever your moves are? Can\'t attack each other.

"Hum, no matter how powerful the martial spirit is, it also has flaws. I\'ll break your martial spirit by force.".

Lin Feng sneered.

Tao word out.

Was sacrificed by Lin Feng.


The word Tao extinguishes and covers the sky.

Two powerful attacks bombarded the unreal cliff.

Click, click.

The cliff is broken.

Huofengjiao\'s face changed greatly.


The next moment, she was blown out.

"You broke my soul".

Huofengjiao lost her mind and couldn\'t believe it.

A monk with four heavens in the realm of yin and Yang.

The monk who is crushing his ten Heaven of Yin-Yang realm.

Why is that?

Huofengjiao wondered how Lin Feng improved his strength.

She doesn\'t even want to believe that Lin Feng has such a strong combat power.

But everything is true, and I can\'t allow myself not to believe it.

Lin Feng stepped forward, his voice was indifferent, "you tried every means to catch me, but your strength is not enough. I\'m afraid it will fall into my hands today.".

"Boy, don\'t be complacent. I still have a big array that hasn\'t been activated.".

Huofengjiao gnashed her teeth and her voice fell. She activated the array.


A flame bird condensed and came towards Lin Feng.


This is an ancient beast.

This kind of large array, called "huoluan" large array, condenses huoluan against the enemy.

If a monk in the realm of creation is trapped in it, he may die.

Therefore, even if her strength is not Lin Feng\'s opponent, huofengjiao has no fear.

"See how you die.".

Huofengjiao sneered.

She seems to have seen Lin Feng killed by huoluan.

"It\'s too early to be proud. I forgot to tell you that I\'m the elder of the spiritual array division trade union.".

Lin Feng sneered and burst out array patterns. Those array patterns quickly disappeared into the surrounding mountains and forests.

"How could it be? You are so young? How could you be the elder of the spiritual array division union?".

Huofengjiao cried incredulously.

Naturally, she knew what the great elder of the spiritual array master union represented. At least, the existence was a high-level spiritual array master.

And I\'m just a medium level spirit array master.

The next moment huofengjiao knew that everything Lin Feng said was true.

Because of the large array she arranged, many array eyes were broken.

The fire Luan condensed in the void dissipates.

And Lin Feng has rushed to huofengjiao\'s body.

Tao word out!

Word death!

Two kinds of Tao characters are displayed at the same time to suppress Xiang huofengjiao.

Huofengjiao\'s look changed greatly. It\'s too late to avoid.

She quickly offered a defense magic weapon to resist.

But the power of Tao word extinction and Tao word death is too powerful.

With a click, the defense magic weapon was smashed directly.

And huofengjiao was blown out.

Mana is directly dispersed.

The body fell to the ground and couldn\'t lift any strength.

Be aware of your situation.

Huofengjiao\'s face suddenly turned pale as paper.