Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 766

Lin Feng and dragon rabbit go deep into dangerous places to find natural materials and local treasures.

Although there were many crises, the harvest was also very huge. Lin Feng got a lot of good things.

He has taken a lot of natural materials and earth treasures during this period. He is consolidating his cultivation.

The next step is to prepare to break through the five Heaven of yin and Yang.

This important heaven is called the realm of the five elements. The five elements are one and the cycle is endless.

It\'s not easy to break through the five elements.

I don\'t know how many monks in the realm of yin and Yang were trapped and died in the four heaven of the realm of yin and Yang.

Poor in his life, he can\'t break through the five Heaven realm of yin and Yang.

Want to break through.

First of all, we should cultivate the "five element supernatural powers".

Five elements, gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

What\'s the magic power?

The impossible happened. When this happens, we call it "divine power".

If you stand in place and hold your hair, you will still stand in place under normal circumstances.

But if you hold your hair and float it in the air, this is the magic power.

Friars begin to cultivate martial arts from martial artists, and martial arts are the first to cultivate (martial moves are called martial arts, which are divided into four levels: Yellow level, Xuan level, earth level and heaven level).

There are all kinds of secret arts when the martial arts of heaven level go up.

There are countless kinds of secret arts, strong and weak.

Above the "secret arts" is the "magic power".

Magical powers are generally divided into two types.

The first is the level of "supernatural power" when it is created by idle power first.

Second, some of the top secret arts can evolve into magical powers.

Of course, it is not easy to make the top secret arts evolve into magical powers. It needs to deduce new operation routes again and again, and the requirements for soul power are extremely strict.

If the soul level is not reached, forced deduction is likely to be possessed.

Therefore, if you want to deduce a new operation route of top secret arts, you need to break through the realm of yin and yang to try.

Either of these two types of supernatural powers.

The power is extremely great.

Once the cultivation is successful, it is a peerless killing move.

For example, after Lin Feng broke through Yin and Yang, he deduced a new operation route and transformed into a divine power.

At the arcane level, the Decepticon thunder formula can condense up to a Thunderball as big as the mouth of a bowl.

After evolution into a supernatural power, once urged, it can condense into a lightning ball with a diameter of 100 meters.

The power of Decepticon thunder formula has been increased hundreds of times.

The top unique skills created at the level of "supernatural power" are no less powerful than the Decepticon thunder formula at the level of supernatural power.


Now Lin Feng is facing a breakthrough in the realm of yin and Yang.

But Lin Feng needs the five element magic power. He doesn\'t have the five element magic power for the time being and can\'t continue to break through.

Of course, Lin Feng just broke through from the realm of King Wu to the realm of yin and Yang.

Then it broke through three levels in a row.

Reached the realm of yin and Yang, four heaven.

Breakthrough speed is too fast.

So Lin Feng is not in a hurry to break through again.

Now it\'s best to settle your accomplishments, lay a solid foundation and make a breakthrough, so as to have greater potential in the future.

If you are eager to break through and the foundation is unstable, it will cause great damage to cultivation.

Lin Feng constantly looks for powerful fierce beast challenges to stabilize his realm.

This day.

Lin Feng heard that a very ancient relic appeared in the depths of the God ruins. It is said to be the relic of the war between the gods.

Among the relics, there are the inheritance and loss of the gods.

This attracted countless monks.

When Lin Feng came here, he found that there was already a sea of people here.

Monks are everywhere.

Lin Feng saw several terrible figures.

The female emperor, Tianshan grandma, Cui Ziya, Ying prison, Tian et al.

These are the giants of the ages.

"They\'re here, too.".

Lin Feng frowned.

He\'s going to withdraw.

Because the secret of Lin Feng\'s body has been exposed in the thirty-three ladder world.

Now the demon king seems to be silent because he was seriously damaged during the life and death war with the black flame fire spirit.

Now in this situation, if you meet Cui Ziya, win prison, heaven and other ancient giants, you will die.

What\'s more?

In the God ruins, Lin Feng has made great achievements.

Now it has been several months since he entered the God ruins. He plans to leave the God ruins and return to Qingyun sect.

As for the deepest chance.

He\'s not going to find it.

The battlefield of the gods is full of broken prohibitions.

Once entered, it must be a near death situation.

These monks entered it to look for opportunities. They were afraid that countless people would die miserably in it.

Lin Feng was about to leave when a soft voice came: "dare you ask, but younger martial brother Lin Feng?".

Lin Feng looked and found that it was a woman who was talking. The woman was tall and wearing a long skirt. She was very beautiful. There was a trace of charm between her eyebrows and eyes.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "exactly. I don\'t know what to call this elder martial sister?".

"Han Yashi, I wonder if younger martial brother has heard of it?".

The woman smiled.

"But Han Yashi, one of the 72 core disciples of the sect?".

Lin Feng was slightly surprised.


Han Yashi nodded.

Lin Feng didn\'t expect Han Yashi to know herself.

However, there seems to be nothing incomprehensible. Although these core disciples are high, they will also pay attention to some newly rising disciples in the inner gate.

Therefore, it is not inconceivable that Han Yashi has read her own materials.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I didn\'t expect to see the people of the sect here. Is elder martial sister going to enter the battlefield of the gods?".

Han Yashi nodded and said, "I really have this plan. Several friends have planned to enter the battlefield of the gods together. I once saw that younger martial brother got a bronze mirror in Mochou cave. It\'s amazing, so I\'m going to invite younger martial brother to explore together. What do you think?".

Lin Feng said, "I\'m going to return to zongmen. As for the battlefield of the gods, I\'m not going to explore, so, elder martial sister Han, I\'m sorry...".

Han Yashi suddenly had some regrets.

She nodded, chatted with Lin Feng and left.

Lin Feng flew out of the God ruins.


It was getting dark.

When passing through a valley.

Suddenly, array patterns intertwined in the valley.

The wave of terror swept the world.

A large array was activated in an instant.

The big array trapped Lin Feng.


Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly.

"Cluck, cluck, as expected, when you left the battlefield of the gods and walked in this direction, I went to the place where you must go to arrange the array in advance, just to trap and kill you here.".

Cold laughter suddenly came in.

Large array interleaving.

White fog swirled around.

A beautiful woman with long legs and thin waist came in from outside the array.


Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the man who arranged a large array to trap himself.

It was huofengjiao from huoyun island.