Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 765

"Look, ahead is the Shuanglong mountains.".

A large number of monks came to a mountain, and a monk pointed to the mountain.

From a distance, it looks like a giant dragon with two teeth and claws.

The reason why so many monks came.

It was because a friar accidentally entered the Shuanglong mountains and saw a colorful fairy tree in the Shuanglong mountains.

Colorful fairy trees can bear colorful fairy fruits.

This is a natural treasure.

Extremely rare.

It\'s expensive.

A colorful fairy fruit can prolong life by a hundred years.

A monk can eat up to five colorful fairy fruits.

Five colorful fairy fruits can prolong the monk\'s life by 500 years.

If a baby like colorful fairy fruit is put on the auction house for auction, it will certainly be able to make a sky high price.

"Shall we go in and look for the colorful fairy tree now?" asked a friar, who couldn\'t wait to explore it.

A monk said, "there are countless prohibitions in the Shuanglong mountains. There are dangers everywhere. You must have a spirit array master to guide you. Otherwise, you will die.".

Originally, many monks who were eager to enter to find the colorful fairy tree stopped quickly.

A middle-aged monk said, "are there any spirit array masters among you?".

At this time, an old man said, "we have sent someone to invite Master Wu Yan.".

Hearing the words "Master Wu Yan", many people began to talk.

Master Wu Yan is a high-level spiritual array master with high prestige in the East China Sea World.

If master Wu Yan comes, he will surely be able to get through the Shuanglong mountains unimpeded.

While these monks were waiting for Master Wu Yan to arrive.

In the Shuanglong mountains, one man and one beast came out.

This is a very strange combination.

It was a young monk and a rabbit.

"Look, it\'s a dragon rabbit...".

When he saw the rabbit, a friar suddenly exclaimed.

Suddenly, the eyes of the monks became hot.

Dragon and rabbit are strange animals in heaven and earth.

Can freely shuttle through the dangerous array.

You can go in and out of many dangerous places to find natural materials and local treasures.

If you can get a dragon rabbit.

Natural materials and earth treasures are inexhaustible.

It is said that ancient gods in the archaic era were looking for traces of dragons and rabbits everywhere, but it was difficult to find them.

Because such creatures are too rare.

The Dragon rabbit jumped on Lin Feng\'s shoulder and stared at the monks around him with big black eyes.

Lin Feng was also slightly surprised.

He did not expect that there would be so many monks outside.

But Lin Feng didn\'t care.

He walked towards the outside.

"Boy, stop...".

Suddenly, a cold cry came out.

A dozen monks came out of the crowd.

Lin Feng looked, he was slightly surprised.

He knows the speaker.

Hey, Maggie.

The little Lord from Fire Island.

At first, the ghost devil shark failed to cross the robbery.

Many monks compete for the origin of the ghost devil shark.

Ion Qi is among them.

But Lin Feng has no friendship with this ion Qi.

He looked at Li Qi lightly and asked, "what\'s up?".

Ion Qipi said with a smile, "it seems that you have taken the colorful fairy fruit in the Shuanglong mountains. You have a strange animal like dragon and rabbit, and you have won a lot of natural materials and earth treasures? So many of us have worked hard to come here, can\'t we return empty handed? How about sharing those natural materials and earth treasures with us?".

This ion Qi obviously wants to cover the white wolf with empty hands.

Lin Feng said faintly, "if you want Tiancai and Dibao, you can find it yourself.".

Ion Qi said with a sneer, "guys, this boy keeps dragon rabbit in captivity. I don\'t know how many good things he has collected. Since he doesn\'t know interest, we might as well kill him and take his baby.".

Ion Qi\'s words immediately moved many people.

Cultivator world.

This is cheating.

Killing and seizing treasure can be seen everywhere. Lin Feng is just a person.

It is the so-called "every man is innocent and bears his sins".

Many people not only focused on Lin Feng\'s Tiancai and Dibao, but also on Lin Feng\'s pet dragon rabbit.

The natural materials and land treasures disappeared after they were used up.

But if you can take the dragon and rabbit away.

Then you can keep looking for natural materials and earth treasures.

A friar sneered and said, "boy, if you want to live, hand over the Tiancai Dibao and the dragon and rabbit, and spare you not to die.".

Lin Feng looked at the friars around him indifferently. He said coldly, "those who are not afraid of death can come up and grab it.".

"What are you waiting for? Kill this boy and you will get a lot of good things.".

Ion Qi shouted loudly and directly offered a flying sword to kill Lin Feng.

Seeing the action of ion Qi, many greedy friars shot one after another.

Twenty seven monks in Yin Yang realm and more than 100 monks in Wu Wang realm attacked Lin Feng.

These monks urged all kinds of magic weapons to attack Lin Feng.

Those magic weapons sent out waves of destruction.

That smell is terrible.

The monks around were unbearable and turned pale.

"I\'m afraid the boy will be killed.".

Many monks said pale, looking at Lin Feng\'s eyes as if they were looking at a dead man. "

They don\'t think Lin Feng can resist the joint attack of hundreds of strong men.

When the numerous magic weapons came, Lin Feng jumped up.

Those magic weapons were immediately killed in the air.

Hundreds of monks who besieged Lin Feng looked gloomy. They obviously didn\'t expect Lin Feng to avoid the blow.

These people continue to urge magic weapons to launch a new round of attack on Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng\'s right hand was condensed by the power of thunder.

"Batian thunder formula".

Lin Feng whispered, and a huge thunder light ball with a diameter of about 100 meters condensed.

Lin Feng was suspended in the air. He directly smashed the huge thunder ball into the crowd.


The thunder ball exploded directly.

A breath of destruction surged out.

Bang Bang

Then, a Friar\'s body exploded directly.

Even the monks in the realm of yin and yang can\'t bear it, and their flesh is directly fried into a blood mist.

"How did this happen?".

Ion Qi couldn\'t believe it. He quickly offered a weapon level defense magic weapon to resist.

However, the weapon level defense magic weapon was destroyed in an instant.

Ion Qi\'s face turned white. He felt remorse in his heart. Why did he provoke this guy?

The next moment, ion Qi\'s body also exploded directly.

Where did the friars who attacked Lin Feng dare to attack Lin Feng?

One by one, they ran away madly.

But no one can escape.

The energy of thunder light ball explosion condensed by Decepticon thunder formula will devour everyone.

Bang Bang

A sad scream.

The sound of body explosion came out one after another.

When the energy of the explosion dissipates.

Everyone saw that at the center of the war, there were broken limbs and arms everywhere.

Twenty seven monks in the realm of yin and Yang.

More than 100 monks in the realm of King Wu.

He was killed by the young monk.

"Isn\'t that terrible? Kill so many experts in one move?".

The frightened and pale eyes looked at Lin Feng standing in the middle of the sky.

Many people secretly rejoice that they just didn\'t do it.

Otherwise, you will be dead.

Lin Feng glanced at the friars around him. He left with the Dragon rabbit.

Until Lin Feng left.

The monks here dare to gasp.

Many people were sitting on the ground.

"It\'s terrible. Who the hell is he? He looks like he\'s only about 20 years old and has such rebellious strength.".

A middle-aged monk said pale.

Many people shake their heads and they want to know.

What is the origin of that young monk? He is so young that he is so terrible.