Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 764

"Purple flame heart fire, come out!"

Lin Feng whispered.

He directly sacrificed the sky fire he refined.

After the purple fire flew out, it circled in mid air.

Lin Feng asked, "what should I do now?".

"Divine mind, divine mind and purple flame heart fire are integrated together to attack black flame and burn divine fire with me".

The demon gentleman said in a hurry.

Obviously, the situation of the demon king is very bad now.

His strength is waning.

That\'s because it was swallowed by the black flame.

The black flame burned the divine fire and said at this time, "Boy, don\'t listen to his nonsense. Do you know who this guy is? In ancient times, he was one of the giants in the immortal world who controlled the prison. He killed people without blinking an eye. His yuan God was broken and only the remnant soul was left, so I didn\'t fight you. I know his character too well. When his yuan God gradually recovers, you will die without a place to die, and I, black flame, burn god fire, am I won\'t deal with you. It\'s too dangerous for the sky fire to devour each other. I\'m likely to die. I\'m not willing to take risks, so boy, it\'s the wisest choice to leave here quickly. ".

Now the relationship between Lin Feng and the demon king has eased a lot.

So he trusts the demon more.

Not a black flame.

At the beginning, the Dark Lord reached an agreement with the black flame fire, and they were all killed by the black flame fire.

Lin Feng won\'t believe him?

"Shut up.".

Lin Feng sneered, and his mind melted into the purple fire.

Then he flew quickly.

Lin Feng manipulated the purple flame earth core fire to wrap the black flame fire.

The black flame burned the God, and the fire scattered a terrible wave.

At this time, Lin Feng felt that the purple flame was trembling.

This is the suppression of sky fire.

Black flame burning divine fire belongs to sky fire with dark attribute.

There are five kinds of dark attribute sky fire.

They are the dark emperor fire, the dark devouring god fire, the dark swallowing heaven fire, the dark exterminating fire and the dark burning god fire.

Dark god burning fire is the fifth sky fire among the five dark attribute sky fires.

But even so.

Among the 72 kinds of sky fires, the dark god burning fire can also be discharged to 65.

The purple flame earth core fire is the 67th.

The purple fire is in front of the black fire.

It belongs to the low-level sky fire.

Even if there is only a small gap between sky and fire.

But it will also form great racial oppression.


The repression is great.

Now Ziyan earth fire is oppressed by the race of sky fire.

Lin Feng felt that the purple flame earth fire seemed to want to escape.

"Combustion source!"

The demon king also found something wrong. He began to burn his original power.

Combustion source.

It\'s usually the last minute. There\'s really no way.

Someone will choose to do so.

Because it hurts too much.


The heart fire of purple flame was suppressed by the sky fire of black flame burning god fire, and wanted to escape.

So the demon king had to use his last resort.

The demon king obviously wants to live and die with the help of the heart fire of purple flame and the power of burning the origin of soul.

After burning its own source, it produces a lot of pure energy.

All this energy was infused into the purple flame core fire.

With the pouring of this majestic force, the purple flame earth core fire has also become strong.


The purple flame heart fire began to collide with the black flame to burn the divine fire.

Two kinds of sky fires collided violently.

"Damn it"!

The fire spirit of the black flame burning God couldn\'t help drinking angrily.

He was going to devour the demon king.

Now it has fallen short.

The fire spirit of black flame burning divine fire was naturally extremely angry. He looked at Lin Feng coldly and threatened, "boy, quickly remove the sky fire, otherwise, I\'ll make your life worse than death later.".

Lin Feng sneered, "the winner is not certain. Maybe I will refine you later.".

"Then we\'ll see.".

The black flame burned the God, and the fire aroused the anger of the thunder.

He also began to burn the source power to urge the sky fire source of the black flame to burn the divine fire.

Bang Bang

The two sides continue to collide.

This is a war of life and death.

Either you die or I die.

So, you can\'t shrink back at all.

The demon king is burning the power of his soul.

The same is true of the black flame fire.

The two sides engaged in a tug of war.

But in this constant tug of war.

Lin Feng can feel it.

The demon king is getting weaker and weaker.

It didn\'t take long for the demon king to recover.

Such a big consumption.

Naturally, it will gradually disappear.

This made Lin Feng\'s face slightly ugly.

If the demon king is defeated.

Then he will die.

"It seems that you can\'t hold on...".

The fire spirit of the black flame burning divine fire made a gloomy sound.

The demon king did not speak and looked dignified.

Continue to burn their source.

But the source will eventually consume almost the same time.

Seeing the war, Lin Feng also knew that the war had reached the most critical moment.

He must help the demon king defeat the fire spirit of black flame burning divine fire.


They\'ll all die.

Lin Feng locked his eyes on the xuanming magic book.

Like magic beads, xuanming magic books are extremely strange and powerful.

Lin Feng tries to summon xuanming magic book.

But what made Lin Feng quite speechless was.

The dark devil book was not moved at all.

"How about a drop of immortal blood?".

Lin Feng bit his teeth.


The mysterious devil book then flew out.

Lin Feng\'s mouth twitched.

This mysterious devil book is really weird.

But the dark devil book did not attack the fire spirit of black flame burning divine fire.

It\'s waiting.

Lin Feng reluctantly forced out a drop of immortal blood.

Dripping on the mysterious devil book.

As long as you can kill the fire spirit of black flame burning divine fire.


You can get the origin of sky fire of black flame burning divine fire.

This drop of immortal blood.

You didn\'t pay in vain.

Swallowed a drop of immortal blood.

The dark devil book, the devil light heavy sky, also rushed over quickly.

"This is...".

When the fire spirit of the black flame burning divine fire saw the xuanming Magic Book rushed over, he was surprised.

"Ha ha, look back.".

Seeing the xuanming magic book, the demon king laughed and joined hands with the xuanming magic book.

A more intense war broke out.

An hour later.

"Hundreds of millions of years ago, I deliberately killed the Dark Lord. It\'s not easy for me to live now. I see the hope of getting out of trouble, but now I want to die here. I\'m not reconciled.".

The fire spirit of the black flame burning god fire made a unwilling roar.

But the next moment.

His Yuanshen was smashed by the demon king and the xuanming magic book.

Then, the demon king and the xuanming magic book quickly devoured the yuan God fragments of the black flame burning divine fire.

After swallowing, the demon king quickly returned to the magic bead.

Xuanming magic book quickly flew back to Lin Fengdan field to hide.

The origin of sky fire is suspended in mid air.

Refining? Or not refined?

If you refine, you may die if two kinds of sky fires collide.

If you don\'t refine, you will miss this opportunity.

Lin Feng just hesitated for a moment and swallowed up the black flame.


The sky fire origin of black flame burning divine fire collided with Lin Feng\'s purple flame heart fire.


Lin Feng\'s body was lifted and flew out, spewing out a mouthful of blood in the air.

Two sources of sky fire.

Sure enough, they are incompatible with each other.


A more terrible collision followed.

Click, click!

Lin Feng\'s flesh began to crack like porcelain.

"Shit, are you dying?".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help scolding.

He was unwilling to die like this.

Lin Feng runs nine drops of immortal blood in his body.

A strong force of immortality emanated from nine drops of immortality blood.

Into Lin Feng\'s limbs and bones.

Lin Feng\'s body was quickly repaired.

Under the constant impact of two kinds of sky fires, Lin Feng\'s body was constantly destroyed and restored under the repair of immortal blood.

If it were not for the immortal blood, I would have died countless times.

After three hours of crazy collisions.


Two kinds of sky fires finally immersed.


Powerful mana poured into the black flame fire.


The black flame burned God, and the fire was branded with the smell of Lin Feng.

A terrible force.

A sudden outbreak.


Strong waves gushed out of Lin Feng\'s body.

Lin Feng\'s mana increased crazily.

His realm is rising steadily.

Yin Yang realm double heaven!

Yin Yang realm triple heaven!

Yin Yang realm, four heaven!

Lin Feng\'s realm was directly elevated to the peak of the yin-yang realm and the quadruple heaven before he stopped.