Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 763

In the twisted darkness, a man wearing a black robe and emitting a dark smell could be seen sitting there with his knees crossed.

It\'s like death coming out of hell.




"The smell of magic......".

Lin Feng thriller.

He had never felt such a powerful smell of magic.

Lin Feng once saw the devil, the blood devil and the heavenly devil.

As powerful as the blood demon emperor and the heavenly demon emperor, the supreme power of the two evil ways is compared with the strong power of the evil way in front of us.

It\'s like fireflies competing with the bright moon.

There is no comparability at all.

It\'s hard to imagine how powerful this statue is.

Is it possible for others to break into such a terrible place where powerful demons are closed?

Who dares to break in.

There is only one way out.

The Dragon rabbit trembled with fear, jumped on Lin Feng\'s neck, grabbed Lin Feng\'s hair, and his little body was shaking all the time.

Lin Feng feels a little thirsty.

He raised some language and said, "I beg your pardon for entering here by mistake.".

The mysterious Demon power didn\'t speak.

Lin Feng\'s face is dignified. At this moment, I don\'t know whether to go or stay.

Inside the magic bead.

The demon king sitting on the solitary grave frowned slightly and said, "he\'s dead.".


Lin Feng was surprised and took a breath.

He looked carefully at the powerful devil.

I don\'t know how many years I have died, but it is still lifelike and the breath is so terrible.

It\'s not like a dead man.

It\'s terrible.


The Dragon rabbit pulled Lin Feng\'s hair and seemed to urge Lin Feng to leave quickly with it.

At this moment, the dragon and rabbit are too scared to take a step.

This little thing is psychic.

Therefore, the perception of danger is the most acute.

Now the Dragon rabbit feels great danger.

And the danger comes from the demon corpse.

Even if the demon corpse died, I don\'t know how many million years.

Still immortal.

Lin Feng didn\'t come forward.

Because if you rush forward, the power of the demon corpse can kill him.

At this time.

The magic bead in Lin Feng\'s Dantian trembled slightly.


A flash of light.

A twisted black fog appeared.

The demon king stood in the black fog. He looked at the mysterious demon corpse.

When the Demon King appeared, the Dragon rabbit fainted directly.

"The belly black rabbit was scared like this?".

Lin Feng put the dragon and rabbit into the animal control bag.

Then he looked at the demon king and asked, "who is the demon corpse? Do you know?".

Demon king did not answer Lin Feng.

He walked towards the demon corpse step by step. He murmured in a voice that only he could hear. "I didn\'t expect you to die here, Dark Lord. It was rumored that you went to look for the way of destiny in the rumor. You wanted to use the way of destiny to break the shackles of heaven and earth and seek the realm of immortality, but you never thought that your end would be like this.".

Memories flashed through the demon king\'s eyes.

It\'s really too long.

Memories of ancient times.

Even if the demon king recovers now.

But many memories have become extremely blurred.

The demon king has been sitting on the solitary grave meditating. Sitting down may be a few days, motionless.

He\'s trying to remember.

I hope I can remember those forgotten memories.

"After you left, the Taikoo war broke out, but there is a memory that I can\'t remember. I hope you still have memory.".

The demon king reached out and grabbed the body of the dark demon king.

He wanted to find some memories of the past through the body of the Dark Lord.

Lin Feng retreated quickly.

Because he didn\'t know if something terrible would happen.

When the demon lord\'s palm catches the Dark Lord\'s body.


A terrible force of darkness surged out.

The dark force wrapped the demon king in an instant.


The dark force wanted to devour the demon king.

"This is...".

The demon king suddenly changed his look.


The situation at this moment was unexpected to the demon king.

Black flames followed.

The demon king was shrouded in the burning black flame.


The demon king\'s body began to burn.


The demon king roared and wanted to break the black flame enveloping his body.

But he failed.

A gloomy voice came from the black flame.

"It can\'t be cracked. It\'s a black flame burning divine fire. You are now a Yuanshen body. You can\'t resist without a flesh body.".

The voice of Yin pity came out.

"It\'s you, the fire spirit of the black flame burning divine fire? Didn\'t you have been killed in those years?".

The demon king looked at a twisted face in the black flame in surprise.

That is the spirit of fire burning with black flame.

"In those years, you six great emperors besieged me and thought you had destroyed all my consciousness, but in fact, I was deceiving you. Do you know why my heavenly fire source would resist the refining of your five great emperors? It was because my consciousness was not destroyed that I resisted. I reached an agreement with the dark devil with the clue of the way of fate. He promised not to destroy my consciousness, and then I was killed The Dark Lord refined, and he concealed the truth about me from you.

The Fire Spirit said coldly.

The demon king said, "no wonder the strength of the Dark Lord was greatly improved in a short time, and once became the No. 1 existence on the list of undead emperors. It turned out that it was your credit. Did you plan to die for the Dark Lord?".

Huoling said proudly: "Yes, the Dark Lord thought he could control me, but he was very wrong. Tianhuo was conceived at the beginning of the founding of the world. It was too old to imagine. I had my own way to deal with the Dark Lord. When he fought with a strong man, I cracked the brand he imposed on my soul, then attacked his soul and swallowed his soul.".

The demon king sneered and said, "Oh, is it really that simple? You are obviously trapped here. If I guess well, you must have been in the great curse of the Dark Lord. His best means is curse. You can\'t get out of his body, and you will be completely trapped by the dark Lord.".

The Fire Spirit said angrily, "yes, I was indeed cursed by the Dark Lord. In another ten years, I would die, but I didn\'t expect you to appear here. I swallowed your yuan God and naturally could break the curse of the Dark Lord. His curse power has been weakened to the extreme since ancient times. This is a good time for me to get out of trouble.".

"You are so confident that you can swallow me?" said the demon king coldly.

The fire spirit sneered and said, "your strength and mine are less than one hundred million times that of the ancient times. In other words, they are extremely weak and can\'t use all kinds of means. However, there is one thing I am stronger than you, that is, my flame origin restrains you, and you will be swallowed by me.".

The voice fell and the black sky was burning.

The demon king uttered a cry of pain.

"Demon king is going to hang up? I\'d better slip away...".

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng turned to go.

The demon king shouted, "where are you going? If he gets out of trouble, you master the heart fire of purple flame and think he will let you live? Come back quickly and kill his will with me. The origin of sky fire belongs to you. If you refine the second sky fire, your strength will increase greatly, and there are countless good places.".

Lin Feng\'s face was uncertain.

Now I\'m afraid I\'ll die if I join hands with the demon king.

But if we don\'t work together.

Maybe it\'s the same as what the demon king said.

Ten dead without life.

"Kill the fire spirit of the black flame and burn the divine fire and refine the origin of the heavenly fire. If I can get the second origin of the heavenly fire, my cultivation will be crazy. Those who are brave and hungry will fight.".

Lin Feng bit his teeth and rushed to the black flame.