Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 762

That is a snow-white rabbit.

That rabbit is so strange that it has a pair of dragon horns.

A pair of big black eyes stared at Lin Feng.

"Dragon and rabbit?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

It turned out to be a dragon rabbit.

This is a rumored spirit beast.

It is said that the dragon and rabbit are the most spiritual animals in the world of heaven.

This kind of spirit beast is best at looking for natural materials and earth treasures.

Click, click.

The dragon and rabbit chewed on something with their two small claws.

Lin Feng looked and found that it was a real dragon fruit.

Real dragon fruit, a kind of natural treasure, is extremely rare. Taking real dragon fruit, the body will produce real dragon patterns.

When mana enters the pattern of the real dragon.

The pattern of the real dragon will immediately form a powerful scale of the real dragon.

The scale of the real dragon has a defense power similar to that of the Dao weapon level treasure.

"Sure enough, it\'s a dragon rabbit. The food is really dragon fruit.".

Lin Feng\'s expression was full of surprise.

If a real dragon fruit is auctioned at an auction house.

Can cause an uproar.

Now the Dragon rabbit is eating the real dragon fruit.

Eat with relish.

Lin Feng walked carefully towards the dragon and rabbit.

The Dragon rabbit is obviously still in its infancy.

Vigilance is not particularly strong.

When Lin Feng approached it slowly.

The Dragon rabbit looked at Lin Feng with big watery eyes, and even forgot to eat the real dragon fruit in his arms.

"Baby, good, stand there and don\'t move...".

Lin Feng\'s heart blossomed with joy.

When he was close to the Dragon rabbit.

The Dragon rabbit suddenly became alert.

His legs jumped suddenly.


He jumped two or three hundred meters.

Come on!

The speed of dragon and rabbit is too fast.

"So fast...".

Lin Feng was surprised.

The little thing stood in the distance and looked warily at Lin Feng.

A pair of big black eyes turned with a very curious expression.

Lin Feng took out a Zhu fruit, took it in his hand and whispered, "little guy, this spirit fruit is much better than your spirit fruit. Come and have a taste.".

See the Zhu fruit in Lin Feng\'s hand.

The Dragon rabbit\'s big eyes suddenly lit up.

It wanted to come forward and hesitated.

Lin Feng put Zhu Guo on the ground and stepped back.

He said, "come and eat quickly. I won\'t touch you.".


Seeing Lin Feng back, the Dragon rabbit turned into a residual shadow and quickly jumped at Zhu Guo.

The little guy couldn\'t resist the temptation of Zhu Guo.

When the dragon and rabbit rushed.

Lin Feng instantly offered to devour the soul of Wu.

It is formed by condensing the magnetic field and directly enveloping the dragon and rabbit.


Lin Feng saw that the Dragon rabbit was imprisoned in the air and showed a surprised expression. He quickly grabbed it.

The worried expression flashed out of the Dragon rabbit\'s big black eyes.

Before Lin Feng pounced.

The dragon and rabbit jumped suddenly.


The little thing broke Lin Feng\'s magnetic field.

Then Zhu Guo didn\'t want it and ran quickly to the deep.

Lin Feng received Zhu Guo, followed by the Dragon rabbit.

Little things are fast.

And Lin Feng\'s speed is not slow.

Followed by the dragon and rabbit, they shuttled quickly through the mountains and forests.

The Dragon rabbit saw Lin Feng\'s black eyes turning again.

Obviously, this little guy is not as simple as he looks.

The Dragon rabbit suddenly changed its direction and rushed towards a valley.

Lin Feng also chased into the valley.

But as soon as I chased into the valley, everything was spinning around.

White fog swirled around.

"Big array...".

Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly.

He was led into the array by dragon and rabbit.

The Dragon rabbit stood not far away and shouted to Lin Feng. His big black eyes were full of complacency.

Seems to be showing off his achievements.

How to look at the dragon and rabbit is an expression of schadenfreude.

"I was cheated by a rabbit.".

Looking at the elated dragon rabbit Lin Feng, he felt depressed.

This little thing is too dark.

A pathetic look is simply deceiving yourself.

"Belly black rabbit, wait. Don\'t let me catch you.".

Lin Feng shouted fiercely.

The Dragon rabbit grinned at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is too lazy to pay attention to the dragon and rabbit now.

He wants to crack the array here.

The array here is so clever that Lin Feng finds himself unable to understand the mystery.

This made Lin Feng frown slightly.

It seems to be a large array far beyond the earth level.

Lin Feng swept to the surrounding array.

He vaguely saw some mysterious places.

Nine gates of life and death.

Qimen gossip.

Tiangang thirty-six changes.

Disha 72 star.

These are the eyes of the large array, which are very complex.

Lin Feng\'s spirit array master level can only see these things now.


I can\'t see it.

But obviously.

This place is much more complicated than Lin Feng imagined.

"I don\'t know if I can find a way to live?".

Lin Feng frowned and thought.

The big array here is dangerous.

Slightly worse.

You may die.


Breaking the array must not be enough to make any mistakes.

The big array in this place won\'t give you a second chance to make a mistake.

Nine gates of life and death.

Hugh, life, injury, Du, Jing, death, shock, open and close the nine doors.

Nine doors take birth.

Qimen gossip.

Qian, Kan, gen, Zhen, Qian, Kan, dui, Zhen.

Eight trigrams take and exchange trigrams.

Exchange represents Ze. Water in Ze is for a living.

Tiangang thirty-six changes.

Mediate good fortune, overturn Yin and Yang, change stars, return to the sky and return to the sun, call the wind and call the rain, shake mountains and earth, ride the fog and clouds, delimit rivers into land, vertical golden light, turn rivers and stir the sea, point to the earth into steel, escape from the five elements, Liujia strange gate, know the future, whip mountains and move stones, bring back the dead, fly to support trails, take nine breath, lead out Yuanyang, subdue dragons and subdue tigers, replenish the sky and bathe the sun, push mountains and reclaim the sea, point to stone into gold Standing without a shadow, changing the shape of the fetus, the size is satisfactory, the flowers bloom in an instant, wandering to resist the Qi, seeing through the wall, returning the wind and returning the fire, mastering the five thunder, diving into the abyss and shrinking the earth, flying sand and stones, carrying mountains and seas, casting beans into soldiers, and nailing the head with seven arrows.

Thirty six changes bring the dead back to life and find a chance of life among the Jedi.

Disha 72 star.

Dikui, Disha, Diyong, Dijie, Dixiong, Diwei, DIYing, Diqi, DiMeng, Diwen, Dizheng, DIPI, DIHE, Diqiang, didark, earth axis, Dihui, dizuo, Diyou, Earth Spirit, earth beast, earth micro, earth comet, earth storm, earth silent, earth rampant, earth crazy, earth flying star, earth walking star Diqiao star, Dixing star, Dijin star, Ditui star, Diman star, disui star, Dizhou star, Diyin star, Diyi star, geographic star, Dijun star, dile star, Dijie star, Disu star, Dizhen star, Diji star, didemon star, Diyou star, Difu star, Dixie star, dikong star, Digu star, Diquan star, Diji star, dizang star, Diji star Earth damage star, earth slave star, earth observation star, earth evil star, earth ugly star, earth number star, earth Yin star, earth punishment star, earth strong star, earth bad star, earth health star, earth consumption star, earth thief star and earth dog star.

Earth Sha 72 takes earth prisoner star.

Imprisoned here.

I\'m in a desperate situation here.

Lin Feng deduced the Dragon search formula thousands of times, and finally deduced it

The nine gates of life and death take life.

Qimen Bagua exchange.

Tiangang thirty-six changes to bring the dead back to life.

Earth Sha 72 takes earth prisoner star.

Lin Feng is one with four big bursts of eyes.

A path appears.

He jumped out along the path.

Several ejections.

Lin Feng rushed out of the array.

Seeing Lin Feng rush out, the elated dragon rabbit was scared to make his hair rise.

It ran deep.

"I can\'t run away.".

Lin Feng chased all the way.

Run and chase.

They rushed deep into the valley.

When Lin Feng and dragon rabbit rushed to the depths of the valley, they all stared wide, full of incredible things that appeared in the depths of the valley.

One person and one rabbit, coincidentally, showed a creepy feeling.