Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 761

The law of fire property is in the air, blocking heaven and earth.

The fire burned the heavens, and Lin Feng was trapped.


Suddenly, Lin Feng was surprised.

Because he found something wrong.

The chain that blocks heaven and earth is not the real chain of fire attribute law.

The real law chain can destroy heaven and earth.

The surrounding void will twist.

But what we see now is not so.

"It turned out to be just a chain of fire attribute laws simulated.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

If it\'s just a simulated fire attribute law chain.

Then Lin Feng is fearless.

"It\'s not a real fire attribute law chain. It\'s simulated by huofengjiao, but it can simulate the fire attribute law chain so truly. It seems that huofengjiao is not far from breaking through the realm of nature."

Some friars also found the differences of these fire attribute law chains, and couldn\'t help saying aloud.

"Boy, I\'ll catch you and take you back to huoyun island.".

Huofengjiao said coldly.

She shot Lin Feng.

Boom, boom

Dense fireballs hit Lin Feng.

It\'s as powerful as destroying heaven and earth.

Suffocating and scary.

"It seems that the boy has just entered the realm of yin and Yang for a short time. Huofengjiao is the peak level of the realm of yin and Yang. There is a difference of nine realms between the two sides. I\'m afraid he will be caught by huofengjiao.".

"I don\'t know how they got angry?".

"People in the evil way are cruel and cruel. If that boy is caught on huoyun island by huofengjiao, he will be tortured by life rather than death.".

Many people whispered.

Huoyun island.

The first evil force overseas, with many experts.

In the East China Sea World, who is not talking about huoyun island?

Lin Feng looked indifferent, stepped forward, waved his right fist and swept at these dense fireballs.

Bang Bang

One punch after another, he swept the fireball out.

Many people were surprised to see this scene.

The killing power of those fireballs is so amazing.

And has extremely powerful burning properties.

The boy shook the fireball with his fist.

Is this too fierce?

Many people have a shocked expression.

Huofengjiao saw that the fireball had no effect on Lin Feng.

Then she showed new moves.

Hundreds of meters of huge flame meteorites fell from the sky.

Such a huge flame meteorite fell.

That impact.

It\'s hard to imagine how strong it is.

All the flame meteorites hit Lin Feng.

"Hurry up...".

Many friars watching around felt that the terrible power of the falling flame meteorite was creeping backward. They were afraid of being hit by the flame meteorite, which would be a disaster.

"Boy, how do you resist this move?".

Huofengjiao snorted coldly.

"Crack the sky"!

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Split the sky and cut it out.

Between heaven and earth.

Condense into a thousand meter blade.

The awn of the knife swept out.


Huge flame meteorites were all chopped up.

"What a powerful move. No wonder you can kill so many experts in huoyun island. You have a lot of secrets. Now, I\'m more and more interested in you.".

A fine awn came out of Huofeng Jiao\'s eyes.

"Tut Tut, I\'m also very interested in you.".

Lin Feng bit the word "sex" very hard, and his eyes swept to huofengjiao\'s hot body.

I looked more at several key places.

Huofengjiao felt that her body was touched by a pair of big hands.

She suddenly became angry.


Huofeng Jiao drank coldly, and she pinched her hands.

The sound of a loud bang came out.

I saw the law chain covered in the void sweeping directly towards Lin Feng.

Although these law chains are only simulated.

But it\'s also terrible.

Lin Feng killed the law chain sweeping to the sky.

His attack was broken in an instant.

This made Lin Feng feel creepy.

After breaking through the realm of yin and Yang.

The power of splitting the sky is also different.

But now.

The split sky was broken in an instant.

A monk at the peak of yin and Yang.

It\'s really powerful.

After all, more than nine levels.

The law chain continued to sweep towards Lin Feng.

Block heaven and earth.

Let Lin Feng have no hiding place.

"Your accomplishments are too low. No matter how many means you have, you can\'t compete with my virtual law chain.".

Huofengjiao looked coldly at Lin Feng, "you are destined to be my prisoner. I want to see what you will look like when you are caught by me?".

The law chain continues to go towards Lin Feng.

"Will you be caught in a jar?".

Many people whispered.

Crack the sky!

The sword is full of meaning!

Lin fengleng shouted and the swords merged!

Blade and sword Qi.

Vertical and horizontal excitation.

Keng Keng!

Dao Mang and sword Qi then hit the law chain.

But something terrible happened.

Even though it is a combined blow of splitting heaven and Tongtian sword.

There is still no way to break the chain of Feng Jiao\'s law.

This is the chain of law.

It\'s too strong.



In the distance, waves like destruction of heaven and earth surged out.

Lin Feng looked.


A figure came quickly.

Cui Ziya!

Eternal giant Cui Ziya!

After seeing Cui Ziya, Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed.

It\'s Cui Ziya.

A friar recognized Cui Ziya\'s identity and immediately exclaimed.

This is an ancient giant level existence.

Squint at tianwu.

Now Cui Ziya comes, aiming at Lin Feng.

"No? Cui Ziya is here for this boy? Who is this boy?".

Many people have a look of amazement.

Even a monk in the realm of creation.

May not be able to enter Cui Ziya\'s magic eye.

Not to mention the realm of yin and Yang?

But now.

Although Cui Ziya is still far from here, his breath locks Lin Feng.

Obviously for Lin Feng.

This is incredible.

Huofengjiao\'s face sank slightly.

If Cui Ziya exists at this level, he also comes for Lin Feng.


What else can I do for her?

"Cui Ziya\'s demon is really haunted.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Tao word "out".

Tao word "death".

He whispered.

The left hand condenses the word "out".

The right hand condenses the word "death".

One left and one right.

Then sacrifice.


The word "extinction" and the word "death" are powerful.

The two Tao words hit the law chain.

Accompanied by a dull loud noise.

The virtual law chain of huofengjiao cohesion was instantly destroyed.

Lin Feng flew away quickly.

"How is that possible?". Huofengjiao cried incredulously.

She is the cultivation of entering the realm of nature with one foot.

The virtual law chain just condensed is one of her strongest means.


Now, it was broken by a monk with Yin-Yang realm.

This is too ridiculous.

"Boy, you can\'t run away.".

At this time, Cui Ziya, with a gloomy face, came from a distance.

Lin Feng unfolded his golden wings to push the speed to the extreme.

Turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared without a trace.

Ten days later.

Lin Feng came to a place called Forbidden Magic Mountain in the God ruins.

Outside the forbidden mountain range, there is a huge stone tablet 100 meters high.

There are four big ancient characters written on the stone tablet.

Forbidden mountain!

These four words are written in magic blood.

Endless years have passed, and the blood has not dried up.


At this time, there was a cry in the distance, and Lin Feng looked at it.

He looked surprised.