Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 760

"Are you a big man trying to bully me, a little woman?".

Dantai Xiyu bit her red lips and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said lightly, "have you become a little woman now? When you just wanted to stab me with a poisonous needle? Did you ever think you were a little woman at that time?".

Dan Taixi bit her lips.

She said, "even if I made a mistake first, can\'t you forgive me? Can I apologize to you?".

When dantai Xiyu said, her voice was charming and seductive.

This is flattery.

She is enchanting Lin Feng with charm.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "do you think you are a female emperor? Meishu is unparalleled? Besides, you are not suitable for practicing Meishu. This Meishu is useless to me.".

Seeing the failure of his flattery, Dan Taixi\'s face became more and more ugly.

Obviously, dantai Xiyu knew that it fell in Lin Feng\'s hands. I was afraid it would come to no good end.

Lin Feng said, "look at your means, they are not the right means. Is it evil? If I say evil, I only have hatred with huoyun island. It seems that you are from huoyun island.".

Dantai Xiyu\'s pretty face changed slightly. She never thought Lin Feng could guess her identity.

This man is too wise as a demon, isn\'t he?

No wonder she finds out who she really is.

Dan Taixi Yu said, "yes, I\'m from huoyun island. I\'m the granddaughter of the elder of huoyun island. My identity is not comparable to that of ordinary people. You\'d better let me go now, otherwise you should know the consequences.".

Lin Feng said, "are you threatening me?".

"I\'m just stating the facts, not threatening you.".

Dan Taixi tried to calm herself down and looked straight at Lin Feng.

The poor temperament of dantai Xiyu has disappeared now.

Obviously, the previous temperament was just pretended by dantaixi rain.

Lin Feng said, "whether it\'s a fact or trying to threaten me, I won\'t let you go easily. I\'m thinking, do I kill you directly, so that I can do it once and for all?".

"Even if you are afraid of death, you should let me die clearly. How did you see through me?".

Dan Taixi Yu said pale, as if he had given birth to endless regret. He should not rashly lurk around Lin Feng.

"Your partners are too anxious, and you are too anxious. Since they are chasing the treasure, they should not give up so easily. Of course, the flaw is not big at this time. Do you know what the biggest flaw is?".

Lin Feng looked at dantai Xiyu and said.

"What is it?".

Dan Taixi asked consciously under the rain.

"You\'re pretending to be ill," Lin Feng said, looking at dantai Xiyu, "If my guess is right, you pretend to be ill because you want to cover up your trembling body. Your body should not have been touched by a man? So when you come into contact with me, you will appear nervous and pretend to be ill to cover up. At the same time, you will also cover up your inner uneasiness. After all, you want to kill me. If you fail, the consequences will be very tragic, but you pretend to be ill to cover up, but it\'s wrong And revealed a flaw ".

"Have you guessed all this? So? Have you been playing with me?" Dan taixiyu looked at Lin Feng angrily.

"I\'m just guessing, but I\'m not sure. In fact, I hope you show your true feelings, because I had a very good impression of you at first, but you let me down.".

Lin Feng held the snow-white chin of dantaixi rain in his right hand.

"It\'s so beautiful. It\'s a pity to kill it directly.".

Lin Feng thought about how to deal with dantaixi rain.

Just when he was a little distracted.

Dantai Xiyu opened her red lips.

Shua Shua!

Two cold awns shot out.

It turned out to be two silver needles, which were sprayed out by dantaixi rain. She wanted to be distracted by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was suddenly killed by surprise.

Shoot Lin Feng with a poisonous needle.

And at such a close distance, it\'s hard to avoid.

But dantai Xiyu didn\'t expect that Lin Feng really avoided the past.

"Indeed, he is worthy of being a member of the evil way. He has many means.".

Lin Feng squinted at dantai Xiyu.

"You\'re lucky this time. You wait. I won\'t let you go...".

Dan Taixi glared at Lin Feng fiercely, but he didn\'t continue to fight with Lin Feng, turned and swept away.

Lin Feng didn\'t chase either.

This dantai Xiyu is not simple. Lin Feng feels that there seems to be a terrible force in dantai Xiyu\'s mind.

It is likely to be a brand of divine knowledge at the level of eternal giants.

If it is urgent, dantai Xiyu will activate the divine knowledge brand of the eternal giant.

It must be a more troublesome thing.

Lin Feng never stopped and left quickly.

The next day.

Many monks gathered in front of a lake. It is said that there is a cave in the depths of the lake, but there are powerful beasts guarding the lake.

And many people are here waiting for more monks to come.

Then everyone will besiege the cave.


At this time, a hot flame flew in the distance.

A beautiful woman came out of the fire.

The beautiful woman was charming in a red dress.

"Huofengjiao! Huoyun island is the most promising one to be promoted to the strong of the realm of nature within ten years".

Many people exclaimed, and countless eyes looked hot at huofengjiao.

At this time, huofengjiao\'s charming eyes also looked at Lin Feng.

"No, this woman is specially for me.".

Looking at huofengjiao\'s eyes, Lin Feng saw the cold and killing intention.

Is it the friar of huoyun island who invited huofengjiao to deal with himself?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng didn\'t dare to stay, turned and flew away.

Can you walk away? The sea of fire burns the sky.

Huofengjiao sneered.

She waved her jade hand.

In the sky, the sea of fire burns the sky.

Endless flames swept the world and shrouded Lin Feng in it.

A huge chain of flames condensed.

It seems to be a chain of laws.

"God, the chain of fire attribute law, has huofengjiao broken through the realm of nature?".

Many people exclaimed.

Lin Feng\'s face became ugly.

Trapped by a strong man in the realm of creation.

I\'m afraid I\'m in big trouble.