Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 759

Lin Feng found that the girl was shaking all the time and said, "is there something wrong with her body? I\'m a pharmacist and know some medical skills. Let me check it for you.".

The girl said, "I\'m fine. Don\'t worry about me, childe. I\'ll lie down for a while.".

Lin Feng nodded. He hugged the girl\'s soft body and didn\'t make excessive movements.

Lin Feng asked, "I don\'t know what your name is?".

The girl said with a pink and tender face, "my name is dantai Xiyu. You can call me Xiyu. I don\'t know what to call you?".

"Lin Feng".


Dantai Xiyu said, "it\'s brother Lin. Xiyu will remember it all his life.".

Lin Feng said, "it\'s just an easy thing to help when you see injustice. Sister Xiyu doesn\'t have to worry about it.".

After a pause, Lin Feng asked, "why did those people in black chase you before?".

Hearing Lin Feng\'s question.

Dan Taixi burst into tears when she was raining. She said, "I don\'t know those people. They came to chase me for treasure.".

"Snatch the treasure?".

Lin Feng frowned slightly. If it was for this reason, it was also quite easy to understand.

Killing and seizing treasures must be seen everywhere in the God ruins.

In addition, dantai Xiyu is so beautiful.

Such a woman.

And a treasure.

Is the easiest thing to be targeted by others.

Lin Feng said, "but fortunately, you met me and didn\'t succeed by those people.".


Dantai Xiyu began to cry.

Crying pear blossom with rain, heartbroken.

Lin Feng comforted, "those people have left. You don\'t have to be afraid of them anymore. If they dare to come, I\'ll take it out for you.".

Dan Taixi said, "I don\'t cry for myself, I cry for several of my classmates. In order to protect me, they all died miserably in the hands of those people in black.".

"People can\'t come back to life after death. In order to save your dead classmates, you should also live well.".

Lin Feng said.

"I will live strong.".

Dan Taixi rain said seriously.

"Yes, we should be strong to live, and live happier and happier.".

Lin Feng encouraged.

"Brother Lin, you are really a good man", Dan Taixi\'s big rain eyes looked at Lin Feng without blinking.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I\'m not as good as you said. You\'re still very weak. Have a rest.".

Dan Taixi nodded, hugged Lin Feng\'s waist with both hands and rested close to Lin Feng\'s arms.

At this time, dantai Xiyu\'s right hand suddenly and slowly lifted up.


A cold light flashed suddenly.

In the dantai Xiyu, the slender jade like index finger and middle finger.

There was an extra silver needle with blue luster.

It turned out to be a poisonous needle.

The corner of the mouth of dantaixi rain is slightly upturned.

The poisonous needle in his right hand pierced Lin Feng\'s neck.


Dantai Xiyu was quite proud.

I told those guys at zongmen long ago.

Killing is easy.


You can kill a powerful opponent.

When the opponent is a man.

Women only need to show a little weakness.

Can quietly kill this man.

Now, the man in front of us is going to be killed by himself.

Then let the fools in the sect see.

What is murder.

Encirclement and suppression?

That\'s the worst way to kill.


It must be a loss to both sides.

But his own method is so simple that he only needs a poisonous needle to pierce his skin.

Dantai Xiyu thought he was going to succeed.

But suddenly, Lin Feng suddenly turned over and pressed Dan Taixi rain under him, and grabbed Dan Taixi rain\'s right hand.

"You...". Dan Taixi looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

"So you really came to kill me.".

Looking at the poison needle in dantai Xiyu\'s hand, Lin Feng shook his head slightly and said, "for a moment, I really hope I guessed wrong."

Dan Taixi looked at Lin Feng pale and asked, "how did you find it?".

"There are too many flaws".

Lin Feng looked at dantai Xiyu and said, "you say, how should I punish you?".