Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 758


The beast roared and shook the sky. A mountain monster with a height of kilometers roared and moved the mountain forest.

The mountain forest monster waved his huge fist and hit Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s right hand stretched out, and powerful mana surged out and wrapped his palm.

He directly grabbed a punch from the mountain troll.


The giant mountain monster\'s huge fist was caught by Lin Feng.

The mountain monsters roared.

It wanted to struggle, but Lin Feng didn\'t give Shanlin troll the chance.

He hugged the giant monster\'s fist and threw it out for hundreds of meters.

A large area of mountain forest was destroyed.

The mountain giant monster got up from the ground, dared not fight with Lin Feng again, and ran away.

"Ha ha, the strength after the breakthrough is really strong.".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing.

The realm of King Wu and the realm of yin and yang are not at the same level at all.

After the breakthrough, the combat power has been improved too much.

The realm of yin and Yang is ten days.

The first day is called mana realm, which transforms mana and opens the brain.

The second heaven is called the realm of divine travel. The yuan God communicates with God and roams the world.

The third realm is called the realm of yin and Yang. Yin and yang are one and know the way of heaven.

The fourth realm is called the realm of heaven and man, which perceives heaven and earth and integrates into the sky.

The fifth realm is called the five element realm. The five elements are one and the cycle is endless.

The sixth realm is called the realm of oneness, which integrates mana and Yuanshen.

The seventh realm is called the golden elixir realm, which condenses the golden elixir and feels the disaster of heaven.

The eighth realm is called the heaven and earth catastrophe. When the catastrophe comes, we can survive.

The ninth realm is called the heaven and earth of Dharma, which condenses Dharma, like God and magic.

The tenth level is called Xiaozao Huajing, which is to understand nature and change life against heaven.

This is the ten small realms of yin and Yang.

Every small realm contains the development and application of its own potential.

Yin Yang realm!

Is to deeply develop the body.

And the realm of creation.

Is the power to master the laws of heaven and earth.

There are essential differences.

Now Lin Feng is the realm of yin and Yang, a realm of heavenly mana!

Of course, Lin Feng understood "spirit", "potential" and "Xingtian war intention".

Plus he has Skyfire.

At the same time, he practiced the most top secrets such as "Taigu dragon elephant formula", "batian thunder formula" and "splitting the sky".

Now his strength is not Lin Feng\'s opponent even though he is a monk in the realm of yin and Yang.

Lin Feng walked towards the depths of the ruins.

The ruins are vast.

There are countless opportunities.

Lin Feng naturally wants to seize these opportunities.

Improve your accomplishments as much as possible.

The next day.

Lin Feng rested in a mountain forest.

In the distance, a 17-year-old girl flew quickly.

The girl is tall, fair skinned and has a delicate and beautiful face.

A pair of big watery eyes are full of pity.

But now the girl looks pale and looks back from time to time, as if she is avoiding something.

The girl flew to the place where Lin Feng rested. She was out of support and fell into the mountain forest without moving.

Just now Lin Feng saw the girl and was amazed by her perfect figure and her pitiful beautiful face.

Seeing the girl fainting in the forest, Lin Feng walked over and helped the girl up.

At this time, the girl opened her eyes. After seeing Lin Feng, she showed a pure smile, then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"I\'m not vigilant. Don\'t you worry about what I\'ll do to you? Does this face look like a gentleman\'s face?".

Lin Feng touched his pretty face.

"Another burden".

Looking at the girl in his arms, he smiled bitterly. He could only carry the girl on his back and find a place for her to have a good rest.

Lin Feng just left with the girl on her back. There was no meeting.

A dozen monks in black came after him.

These people are covered.

They surrounded Lin Feng and the girl.

One of the men in Black said coldly, "boy, leave the woman you carry on your back, otherwise, we\'ll kill you.".

Lin Feng frowned.

Before, he saw that the girl was flustered. Was it because he was avoiding these people in black?

"What a trouble...".

Lin Feng skimmed his mouth.

Before the thought of the girl "sleeping", she held herself in trust and fell asleep on her back.

In addition, the girl has a pitiful temperament that people can\'t help but pity her.

Lin Feng naturally won\'t give the girl to these people in black with unknown origin.

He glanced coldly at the people in black and said coldly, "get away from me.".

"Boy, die.".

A man in black shouted angrily and came to Lin Feng with a slap.

Decepticon thunder formula!

The thunder gathered and swept at the man in black.


This blow.

He killed the man in black.

If the man in black is struck by lightning, he flies out upside down.

"This son is ferocious. Let\'s go.".

The head collar in black, who had not spoken, said in a deep voice.

A group of people in black left quickly.

Looking at the people in black who left, Lin Feng frowned slightly and showed a thoughtful expression.

But he didn\'t stay.

Leave here with the girl behind your back.


A bonfire burns in a cave.

The girl lay on a blanket.

Late at night, Lin Feng heard a movement. He opened his eyes and found that the girl woke up.

You wake up.

Lin Feng smiled.

The girl sat up from the ground, looked at Lin Feng gratefully and said, "thank you for saving me.".

Lin Feng said, "it\'s just a little effort. Don\'t thank me.".

The girl said, "for the childe, it may be a little effort, but for me, it is a life-saving grace. The childe\'s kindness is unforgettable.".

"A good recovery is my greatest reward, and it\'s not worth my efforts to save you.". Lin Feng Road.

At this time, the girl\'s body shook slightly and seemed to faint again. Lin Feng quickly helped the girl.

The girl\'s body was directly paralyzed in Lin Feng\'s arms.