Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 757

"Hmm? Two people besieged me? But you underestimated my strength. Today I\'ll let you know how many means I have mastered.".

Facing the attack of the two giants, Lin Feng is still calm.


The breath of terror surged out of Lin Feng\'s body.

This is potential.

Lin Feng\'s condensed "potential".

When Lin Feng\'s "potential" is displayed.

Everyone was startled.

Everyone had a look of disbelief and horror.

A monk in the realm of King Wu.

Can you condense the "potential"?

Isn\'t that incredible?

"Boy, you must die"!

Cui Ziya and Ying prison know what the "potential" of Lin Fengwu represents.

It\'s too evil.

They want to kill Lin Feng and win the treasure.

Hatred ends.

Then, we must eradicate such demons.


If you grow up in the future, won\'t you build a great enemy?

Think of it here.

The breath of stormy waves surged out.

The power of "potential" was urged to the extreme.

The "potential" of the two giants oppressed Lin Feng together.

Lin Feng also felt the pressure.

It\'s really difficult to compete.

But Lin Feng not only understood the "potential".

He also understood the "war intention of Xingtian".

The war spirit of Xingtian is more powerful.

"Potential" and "Xingtian war intention" are superimposed instantly.

Lin Feng\'s combat power soared rapidly.


With the dull sound of collision.

The two great giants who bear such a strong collision.

It was shocked and retreated in an instant.

"Two different" potentials "? How is this possible?".

Cried the two giants at the level of eternal giants.

Although they didn\'t feel what Lin Feng showed the second time.

But in essence, it is very similar to "potential".

"Potential" can be divided into many kinds.

Everyone understands the "potential" differently.

Just like Lin Feng\'s "potential".

Strictly speaking, it is called "fighting potential".

Because when he was fighting with thousands of troops and horses, his own breath combined with the will of countless armies.

This is the trend of battle.


Every friar understands a "potential".

But Lin Feng.

But I understand two.

Moreover, he is only the realm of King Wu!

I realized two "potentials".

It\'s too bad.

No wonder Cui Ziya and Ying prison day were so shocked.


Lin Feng didn\'t stop to shake back the two giants. He shot out as fast as lightning.

He rushed out in an instant.


Cui Ziya and Ying prison are gloomy.

They quickly chased out.

These two people.

Although cultivation can be called against the sky.

But now we can\'t use mana, and the speed has decreased sharply.

In contrast, Lin Feng\'s shrinking into inches did not weaken much at all.

Soon, the two were thrown away.

They want to catch Lin Feng in the forbidden space.

It\'s as difficult as heaven.

Lin Feng raised his speed to the extreme and rushed out of the world of 33 heavy ladders in half an hour.


Suddenly, the terrible smell surged, and Lin Feng was attacked secretly.

"Boy, die!"

A cold voice came out.

Bai Yuge raised her right hand and slapped Lin Feng.

The white jade song had to leave because of poisoning.

But Lin Feng didn\'t expect that he was hiding outside the 33rd heaven ladder world, ready to attack the monks who came out.

Obviously, this Baiyu song will do this only if it is unwilling to fail.

I was the first to rush out.

I happened to meet Bai Yuge.

Bai Yuge looked at Lin Feng with a cold expression on her face.

Lin Feng has many secrets.

Bai Yuge was peeping at Lin Feng before.

He never thought that he would have such a good luck today. Lin Feng was the first to run out.

Kill the boy and get his secret, baby.

Then leave quickly.

The opportunity may not be smaller than the 33 heavy ladder world.

Facing the blow of Bai Yuge, Lin Feng had no way to resist.

Although Bai Yuge\'s strength is greatly reduced because of poisoning.

But this is not a forbidden space.

Baiyu song is a giant of all ages.

Even if it only exerts one ten thousandth of its power.

Want to kill Lin Feng.

It\'s also a simple thing.

Under the palm of the white jade song.

Lin Feng felt unable to move.

Can only look at that terrible slap and blow it away.

At a time of great crisis.

Demon King shot.

A black fog gushed out of Lin Feng\'s body and went towards Bai Yuge.


Bai Yuge\'s face changed greatly. He felt the terrible power contained in the black fog.

This power made him feel frightened.

Bai Yuge dared not resist hard and chose to retreat.

The black fog collided with the white jade song, and the white jade song was shocked and flew out.

Then the black fog rolled Lin Feng and rushed out of the ladder world.


Cui Ziya and Ying prison day chase after each other. They see Bai Yuge.

Their faces changed slightly and they said in a deep voice, "was that boy killed by brother Bai? It seems that brother Bai has to go too?".

Bai Yuge said calmly, "almost succeeded, but the boy suddenly had a great evil spirit in his body. The evil spirit drove me back. I suspect that the boy is so powerful that there may be an extremely powerful magic weapon in his body.".

"So powerful? It doesn\'t hurt to catch up with the boy with our cultivation. No matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it can kill the boy and seize the magic weapon.".

Win prison day said.

"Then chase. Don\'t let the boy run away. He has too many secrets.".

Cui Ziya said.


The three great giants quickly chased out.

The evil spirit is towering.

Curling up Lin Feng, he rushed out of the thirty-three ladder world, and then rushed to the outside world quickly.

The evil spirit dissipated after flying hundreds of miles.

"There is no magic stone in the 33rd heaven ladder world".

Lin Feng said.

The demon king sat on the grave, sighed and said, "I know this. Let me think about where the magic stone may appear.".


The demon king frowned and thought.

Lin Feng found a cave and covered it with an array.

He intends to make a breakthrough here.

A large number of high spirit stones were taken out by Lin Feng and stacked in the cave.

Then Lin Feng sent the best spirit stone.

Fragments of the tree of the world.

Seminal fruit.

Golden Flame fruit.

All the things needed for these breakthroughs have been taken out.

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

He took out the leaves of the tree of the world.

Then he dropped his blood on the fragments of the world tree.

Then he refined the leaves of the world tree into pure energy liquid.

These energy liquids also drip on the fragments of the world tree.

A strange world appeared.

On the fragments of the world tree, a young bud was born at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the bud of the tree of the world.

After absorbing the blood of Lin Feng, the bud grew rapidly and soon grew into a palm sized world tree seedling.

Lin Feng seems to be able to feel the strong vitality of the seedlings of the tree of the world and the kind feeling of blood connection.

He had an idea.

The seedlings of the world tree turned into a green light, flew into the forest Maple field and took root in the forest Maple field.


At that moment.

The blood in Lin Feng\'s body was boiling. Generally, the blood in his body flowed wildly at a speed of more than a hundred times, and all rushed towards the seedlings of the tree of the world.

A strong force broke out in Lin Feng\'s body.

"We\'re going to break through...".

Lin Feng felt the situation in his body.

Suddenly showed an expression of ecstasy.

Finally, we are going to break through the realm of yin and Yang.

He ate all the essence fruit and golden flame fruit, and then began to run the Taigu dragon elephant formula to impact the realm of yin and Yang.

The energy in the body flows quickly like a river.

The breath of destroying heaven and earth surged out of Lin Feng\'s body.

The real yuan in the body began to degenerate. In Lin Feng\'s mind, his soul was also changing.

The illusory soul gradually turns into a solid yuan God.

"Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Breakthrough!"

Lin Feng roared three times.


In Lin Feng\'s mind, he transformed into a powerful mana.

Master mana, turn stone into gold, turn water into oil, spread clouds and rain, spray blue fire at the mouth, climb mountains and seas, and wander in the sky.

This is the cultivation of yin and Yang.

Lin Feng.

Finally broke through the realm of yin and Yang!