Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 756

The fragment of the world tree is the only thing Lin Feng lacks to break through the realm of yin and Yang.

Originally, Lin Feng still lacked the best spirit stone needed for breakthrough.


Lin Feng got the essence fruit before.

The effect of essence fruit is better than the best spirit stone.

Here, there are fragments of the world tree.

Lin Feng breathed quickly.

He swept quickly into the depths.

It didn\'t take long to reach the deepest part of the tree hole.

Only a altar appeared in the depths.

There are three things on the altar.

A piece of wood painted black.

A scroll.

And a white jade box.

Lin Feng stared at the black wood.


The black wood.

Is a fragment of the tree of the world.

"Boy, would you like to cooperate with us?".

Grandma Tianshan looked at Lin Feng and asked.

Lin Feng found that grandma Tianshan stood close to the empress. Obviously, grandma Tianshan reached an agreement with the empress.

Jin Yuanlie, Taixu Dao and Siqi formed an alliance.

Cui Ziya! Nangongmo! White jade song! Ying prison day, the four formed an alliance.

"Naturally, no problem. I want that wood.".

Lin Feng said.

"No problem".

Grandma Tianshan nodded with the empress.



The energy wave enveloping the altar has not dispersed.

All three parties were not in a hurry.

Lin Feng observed the tree hole.

He found a huge hole painted black above the altar.

It seems to lead up.

See the huge hole.

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

I don\'t know if there\'s anything in that huge hole.

I couldn\'t help being more careful.

An hour later.

The energy that enveloped the entire altar dissipated.

Everyone rushed towards the altar.

But at this time, the black hole above the altar sent out a terrible smell.

The next moment.

A fierce beast climbed out of it.

That is a giant spider more than ten meters high.

The spider has eighteen pairs of wings and eight huge claws.

The claws are as sharp as a spear.

The huge spider jumped to the altar and waved its huge claws to stab the people.


Bai Yuge was caught by the spider\'s claws, and suddenly he was bleeding.

Then Bai Yuge\'s face began to turn black.


Bai Yuge\'s face became very ugly.

He\'s poisoned now, and he can\'t use his magic to force the poison out of his body.

Bai Yuge had to quit quickly.

He dared not stop for a moment.

To withdraw from the thirty-three ladder world, suppress the highly toxic in the body.

Otherwise, it may be poisoned and killed.

Lin Feng saw Bai Yuge\'s face turn black quickly.

It\'s obviously a surge of toxins.

He was surprised. He didn\'t expect that the toxin of this giant spider was so terrible.

"This is an ancient magic spider. Its toxicity is terrible. Poisoning is a big trouble.".

Grandma Tianshan said in a deep voice.

We have to deal with Taigu magic beads carefully.


The breath of terror emanated from Cui Ying\'s body.

Win prison day, condense out their own "potential".

Monks in the realm of yin and Yang understand "spirit".

However, there are few monks who can understand in the realm of yin and Yang.


Once they break through the realm of creation, many monks who did not understand the "spirit" in the realm of yin and yang can often understand the "spirit".

And the realm of creation understands "potential".

However, there are few monks who can understand "potential" in the realm of creation.

Monks in their own realm of creation are very rare.

They are all overlords.

There are fewer monks who understand the realm of creation of "potential".

Few people can understand the land of a state.


If a monk in the realm of creation can break through the realm of life and death.

A monk who could not understand the "potential" before.

Most can understand "potential".

And the monks who came here.

Are the eternal giants of the "realm of life and death".

They can condense "potential".

Nature is a normal thing.

After Ying prison day condensed "potential" to suppress the Taigu magic spider.

Cui Ziya and Nangong Mo also gathered "potential" to oppress Taigu magic spider.

The other side.

Taixu Dao, Jin Yuanlie and Si Qi also gathered their own "potential" to oppress Taigu magic spider.

The female emperor and grandma Tianshan also gathered "potential" to oppress the past.

Among the nine, Lin Feng didn\'t show his "potential".

Although Lin Feng also mastered the "potential".

But right now.

He wants to leave some means.

I don\'t want to be completely exposed.

As for the eight giants, there is no doubt.

In their opinion.

Lin Feng is a friar in the realm of King Wu.

Nature cannot condense "potential".

The "potential" gathered by the eight ancient giants oppressed the Taigu magic spider.

The archaic devil was hit hard when he was born.

It\'s like being hit by mountains.

Click, click.

Its body seemed to crack.

The Taigu magic spider immediately made a sharp and harsh cry.

This is an attack on the soul through sound waves.

Lin Feng and others felt a sudden pain in their head.

They were attacked by the soul of the archaic magic spider.


The nine people couldn\'t help humming, and their faces were slightly pale.


They are powerful after all.

Still resisted the sound wave attack of the Taigu magic spider.

But this time.

Taigu magic spider spewed out dense cobwebs again.

This ancient magic spider has too many means.

And the means are extremely strange.

The spider web sprayed by Taigu magic spider is actually green.

Even the Taigu magic spider web contains highly toxic.

When the spider web came.

Jin Yuanlie was spewed out of the golden black fire and wanted to burn the cobwebs sprayed in their direction.

And Ying prison day also sacrificed a black flame, which is called black devil Di Xin Yan.

After the black flame was sacrificed, it swept away towards the spider web.

Ying prison day is a herbalist.


When the fire of Jinwu and the black devil Dixin Yan who won the prison day wrapped the spider web ejected by the ancient magic spider.

The spider web is intact.

Their flames.

Can\'t destroy the spider web.

The six ancient giants of the two forces changed their faces and retreated in embarrassment.

"We also return...".

The empress bit her red lips and said reluctantly.

Neither she nor grandma Tianshan is a herbalist. They don\'t master the flame and can\'t deal with spider webs.

As for Lin Feng.

The female emperor saw that Lin Feng had been doing nothing. She thought Lin Feng was not a herbalist either.

What\'s more, even the flame mastered by the herbalist can\'t deal with the spider web.

The best example is that the flame offered by yingprison day failed to cause any damage to the spider web ejected by Taigu magic spider.

At this time, Lin Feng said, "don\'t retreat, let\'s move forward".

The voice fell.

Lin Feng offered the sky fire "purple flame earth heart fire".

Hiss, hiss, hiss!

Suddenly, the cobwebs sprayed in their direction began to burn.

"What flame is this? So powerful?".

The female emperor was surprised and looked at Lin Feng\'s eyes.

She didn\'t expect Lin Feng to be a herbalist, and the flame she mastered was so powerful.

The more contact with Lin Feng, the female emperor found that the more secrets Lin Feng had.

Grandma Tianshan was also very happy. She didn\'t expect that the flame offered by Lin Feng could burn the spider web of Taigu magic spider to ashes.

The three of them rushed towards the altar. The Taigu magic spider found that the spider web he sacrificed was burned.

It then waved its huge claws like a spear to stab the three people.

The empress and grandma Tianshan, who had been on alert all the time, saw the Taigu magic spider attack, and they gathered "potential" to shake back the Taigu magic spider.

Lin Feng burned all the spider webs around him to ashes, and then took back the sky fire.

Then the three rushed to the altar.

Lin Feng grabbed the fragments of the world tree.

He looked ecstatic.

Now I\'m going to break through the realm of yin and Yang.

And the female emperor collected the scroll.

Grandma Tianshan collected the white jade box.


Knowing that they couldn\'t stay, the three quickly shot out.

"Damn it, stop them.".

The six giants roared.

Jin Yuanlie, Taixu killed the female emperor.

Si Qi, Nangong Mo kills grandma Xiang Tianshan.

Cui Ziya, win prison day, lock Lin Feng, one left and one right, siege.

"Boy, die.".

The two giants grinned grimly.


The smell of terror emanated from their bodies.

The two giants have gathered "potential" at the same time.

The two kinds of "potential" are extremely terrible, like two ancient sacred mountains, killing Lin Feng.

Heaven and earth will be broken.

That terrible smell.


The two giants want to directly use the terrorist force contained in "potential" to kill Lin Feng.