Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 755


Cui Ziya is mad with hate.

I couldn\'t help roaring.


An existence beyond the realm of creation.

Now he was hit and flew out by a boy from the realm of King Wu.

burning shame and humiliation!

What a shame!

Cui Ziya has an impulse to cut Lin Feng.

"Boy, I want you to die.".

Cui Ziya roared and killed again.

Lin Feng looked indifferent. "Do you really think I dare not kill you? Here, I have my own way to kill you.".

"Then try to see who killed who?".

Cui Ziya\'s voice is cold.

This is Cui Ziya\'s existence as an eternal giant.

Naturally, there are some terrorist means.

"Guys, please stop...".

At this time, grandma Tianshan suddenly opened her mouth.

"What? Grandma Tianshan, you want to stop me from killing this boy?". Cui Ziya looked gloomy at grandma Tianshan.

Grandma Tianshan smiled strangely and said, "it\'s hard to predict the outcome of this war, so I think we should open the stone gate first, and then solve our personal grievances after the stone gate is opened. How about it?".

Cui Ziya looked gloomy.

He is also weighing the pros and cons.

For Lin Feng.

Cui Ziya found that he couldn\'t see through the boy.

Cultivation is so low.

Why is it so fast?

Is the flesh so strong?

There are too many strange places on Lin Feng.

Although he is confident in his hidden means, Lin Feng has no hidden means.

If you really fight.

The result is really uncertain.

If both lose, it will be cheaper for others.

Cui Ziya glanced at the other eight super strong.

There is no good kind at all.

If you leave the thirty-three ladder world.

Mana restored.

Cui Ziya believes!

It must be as simple to crush Lin Feng as to crush an ant.

Think of it here.

Cui Ziya decided to put up with his anger and killing intention for the time being.

He said, "today, I\'ll give Tianshan Taoist friends a face and let this boy go first.".

Cui Ziya also found a reason for himself.

Lin Feng smiled calmly.

This is also the result he wants to see.

It\'s not worth fighting with Cui Ziya here.

Cui Ziya is an eternal giant beyond Da Neng.

Such a person.

It\'s not that easy to kill.

Even if Cui Ziya loses all his mana now.

It\'s hard to kill him.

"Cui Daoyou is righteous, so now let\'s open the stone gate.".

Grandma Tianshan said.

Everyone nodded.

Everyone\'s eyes couldn\'t help glancing at Lin Feng.

Many people are meaningful.

In their opinion.

Even though Lin Feng showed his extraordinary combat power here in the world of thirty-three heavenly ladders.


Once Lin Feng 33 heavy ladder world.

They restore mana.

At that time, Lin Feng will be as weak as an ant.

No matter how many treasures Lin Feng gets, they will have to go in the end.


These giants of all ages are eyeing Lin Feng.

King Wu realm!

Such terrible speed!

Such a powerful body!

How many secrets are hidden in this body?


It\'s exciting.

Lin Feng sneered.

He naturally knew that Cui Ziya was not the only one eyeing his eternal giants.

Many ancient giants are eyeing themselves.

But so what?

Leave the thirty-three heaven world.

You can get in touch with the demon king.

It won\'t be easy to get out then?

Grandma Tianshan began to prepare for sacrifice.

I have to say that grandma Tianshan is really powerful.

He is probably a holy order spirit array master and knows the art of ancient sacrifice.

Everyone stood by and watched grandma Tianshan draw array patterns and set up altar.

The female emperor glanced at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "little brother, are you interested in being a sailor on my ship of gods? I can protect you from leaving.".

Lin Feng glanced at the empress\'s hot body, smiled and said, "sailors are not interested, but if you want a man, I don\'t mind being your man.".

"Cluck, cluck, do you think I\'m beautiful?". The empress Jiao smiled and threw a wink at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng quickly turned away from seeing the empress.

She knew how terrible the empress was.

Every move charms the common people.

It is not easy to resist the charm of the female emperor.

If the female emperor shows some flattering skills, she may also be caught.

"Isn\'t my body beautiful? Why doesn\'t my little brother dare to look at my body? Is it because he is afraid of my body?".

The female emperor\'s charming voice reached Lin Feng\'s ears.

Lin Feng suddenly felt that his head became confused.

He was full of excitement.

"Charm me? Wait, let you be my woman sooner or later".

Lin Feng\'s evil eyes swept the empress\'s charming body.

Then go somewhere else and try to stay away from the empress.

Now, he can\'t resist the charm of the female emperor.

"It\'s a little interesting.".

The female emperor hid her face and smiled, looking at Lin Feng\'s eyes, revealing a trace of charm.

"The ancient holy spirit, we have prepared delicious food for you. Please eat these food and open the stone door for us.".

Grandma Tianshan prayed very piously in a language of ancient times.

Although I can\'t understand what grandma Tianshan is saying.

But everyone knows that grandma Tianshan is offering sacrifices.

When the sound of sacrifice fell.

The people saw the blood of the dead monks disappear in an instant.

The bodies soon became mummies.

"Is this the ancient art of sacrifice?".

Lin Feng\'s scalp feels numb.

It\'s like something swallowed the flesh and blood of these dead monks in an instant.

Boom! Boom!


The huge stone gate on the huge tree shook.

It seems that something is shaking the stone gate and trying to open it.

At this time, grandma Tianshan said, "there are not enough sacrifices, and the stone gate still can\'t be opened. Let\'s go and help. Maybe we can open the stone gate.".

The crowd nodded.

Several catapults came to the trunk of the giant tree.

The stone gate is more than ten meters high and six or seven meters wide.

The nine giants at the vanguard level, together with Lin Feng, promote Shimen.

Click, click

The stone gate gave out violent friction.

"Come on, force, the power of sacrifice is weakening.".

Grandma Tianshan shouted anxiously.

No one will keep it.

Push to the stone gate with all your strength.

A loud bang came out.


The heavy and huge stone gate was gradually pushed through a gap of more than one meter with the efforts of the nine ancient giants and Lin Feng.


Taixu Dao rushed in first.

Many people could not help but curse Taixu Dao for being despicable and shameless. They rushed in first before the stone gate was fully opened.

But fearing that the opportunity would be taken by Taixu, he didn\'t dare to stop and rushed to the stone gate.

When Lin Feng rushed into the stone gate.


Lin Feng sensed a slight fluctuation.

This volatility.

It was! Leaves of the tree of the world!

"Where are the fragments of the world tree?".

Lin Feng suddenly widened his eyes.

His breathing was short.