Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 754

Cui Ziya is worthy of the existence of super strong level.

With the flesh alone, the speed is like a remnant.

You can see how fast it is.

However, Lin Feng\'s speed is faster.

Lin Feng, who has mastered the separation of the golden winged ROC king, can be called a speed against the sky.

Golden winged ROC bird, what level of existence is that?

The wings spread three thousand miles.

The wings vibrated 80000 miles.


Lin Feng shrunk to an inch and could span hundreds of meters in an instant.

When Cui Ziya grabs Lin Feng.

Lin Feng has taken a step to the left.


The afterglow flashed.

Lin Feng came to the left hundreds of meters away.

Cui Ziya caught an empty.

Cui Ziya was stunned.

The other eight super powers were stunned.

Nobody thought of it.

There\'s another guy here who\'s so fast.

"Hey, it\'s this boy"!

The female emperor squinted at Lin Feng with a pair of beautiful Danfeng eyes.

She was naturally impressed by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is the first man who dares to stare at himself with such unbridled eyes in so many years.

Moreover, he has not been charmed by himself.

Poof poof

The eight super strong shot.

Soon, all the experts except Lin Feng were cut off.

Then they surrounded Lin Feng.

"Want to besiege me? Shame on you.".

Lin Feng skimmed his mouth.

The corners of the mouth of the nine super strong twitched violently.

They don\'t exist.


Look down on the strength of tianwu mainland.

Now Lin Feng said he was shameless.

Naturally, they were extremely angry.

Taixu Dao sneered and said, "to deal with a small role like you, surround it with nine of us? It\'s too high to see yourself.".

"Since you didn\'t besiege me, why did you besiege me? You lied with your eyes open and said you weren\'t shameless.".

Lin Feng muttered.

Taixu\'s face was almost crooked by anger.

He said coldly, "can\'t we watch the excitement?".

The rest of the super strong also looked at Lin Feng with cold eyes, and restrained their anger one by one.

Taixu said in a cold voice, "who will do it? If no one does it, I\'ll kill him.".

Obviously, he didn\'t pay attention to Lin Feng.

You can tell from his tone.

Erase Lin Feng.

It seems as simple as crushing an ant.

"I\'ll kill him"!

Cui Ziya said in a deep voice, his eyes twinkling with a sense of death.

Just now.

He tried to tear Lin Feng in half.

But it failed.

The attack of a strong man of his level.

It was evaded by an ant like character.

This is naturally unacceptable for Cui Ziya.

Cui Ziya\'s eyes were gloomy and terrible.

Others naturally know that Cui Ziya is holding a group of anger.

So they all nodded.

Then the strong looked at Lin Feng indifferently.

In their opinion.


Lin Feng cannot escape.

Lin Feng said faintly, "I\'m afraid you\'re not my opponent alone? Let\'s have more people together.".

"Boy, are you looking for death?".

Those super strong men looked at Lin Feng angrily.

One by one, their faces were livid with anger.

They are strong at this level.

Where to go.

They are all high above.

Be looked up to by the world.

Who dares to be presumptuous to them?

But today.

A mole ant in the realm of King Wu.

Ridicule or satirize them one after another.

Even these super strong people can\'t help getting angry.

"I\'m telling the truth. He\'s really not my opponent. To tell the truth, you don\'t believe it. It really makes me sad.".

Lin Feng said solemnly.

Cui Ziya\'s mouth twitched violently and his hands trembled violently.

This is angry.

Cui Ziya even forgot when he was so angry last time.

Cui Ziya looked at Lin Feng fiercely. He said coldly, "boy, do you ever know what it will cost to annoy us?".

Lin Feng said faintly, "talk about it.".

"This seat will let you taste all kinds of torture that life is better than death, and then kill you.".

Cui Ziya\'s voice fell and he stepped towards Lin Feng.


Like a mountain, it pushes the world.

The power of terror suddenly erupted.

They are strong at this level. The flesh can fight the real dragon.


How powerful are their bodies?

Cui Ziya quickly rushed to Lin Feng and hit Lin Feng with a fist.


Lin Feng\'s body flashed and withdrew 100 meters.

Cui Ziya lost the blow.

"Too slow".

Lin Feng looked contemptuously at Cui Ziya.

"Damn it.".

Cui Ziya roared loudly and was extremely oppressed.

He couldn\'t touch the body of a friar in the realm of King Wu.

A boy in the realm of King Wu, faster than himself?

This makes Cui Ziya incredible.

"Why is this guy so fast?".

The rest of the super strong also stared at Lin Feng.

One by one was full of puzzled expressions.

"Hum, a spooky guy.".

The female emperor couldn\'t help humming.

Just those wonderful eyes, staring at Lin Feng tightly, showed a colorful color from time to time.

Cui Ziya killed nine times in a row, but he couldn\'t meet Lin Feng.

In his rage, Cui Ziya pulled up a 3000 meter high mountain in the distance.

He hugged the peak and smashed it at Lin Feng.

"See how you die this time?".

Cui Ziya sneered, as if he had seen Lin Feng smashed into meat mud by this blow.


Facing the falling mountains, Lin Feng gave a cold drink.

He swung his right fist and hit it.


The mountain crumbled.

At this time.

Cui Ziya jumped up and killed Lin Feng in front of him. He punched Lin Feng and went away.

Cui Ziya is really awesome.

With one punch, the boxing style swept the world.

Like a thousand swords through the air.

The surrounding trees and rocks were torn to pieces by the fist wind.

"Boy, this time you can\'t avoid it.".

That terrible blow came blatantly.

Lin Feng is locked by Cui Ziya.

"The boy is locked by Cui Ziya. It\'s too late to avoid. He will die.".

See this.

The other super strongmen sneered.

Lin Feng slightly picked his eyebrows and sneered, "I really thought I was afraid you wouldn\'t do it?".

The voice fell.

Lin Feng punched Cui Ziya.

Bang Dang.

With a dull crash.

Cui Ziya and Lin Feng beat each other hard.

They took three steps back at the same time.

"How is that possible?".

Everyone has a damn expression.

A mole ant in the realm of King Wu.

Compete with super strong people like Cui Ziya?

This is too incredible.

Cui Ziya also has an unbelievable expression.

Lin Feng rushed to Cui Ziya before he recovered from his shock.

"Left hook".

A faint voice rang through.

These super strong men saw Lin Feng hit Cui Ziya with a fist.

Come on!

This punch is too fast!

It\'s too late to avoid Cui Ziya!


With a dull crash.

Cui Ziya was hit in the face with a left hook by Lin Feng.

He was blown away with a blow.

The body moves out tens of meters.

The eight super strong people who saw this scene felt like they were going crazy.

Cui Ziya was knocked out by a mole ant in the realm of King Wu.

This is something that you can\'t imagine in a dream.

But now.

It really happened in front of us.

"What kind of Freak is that guy? The cultivation accomplishments of King Wu realm? The speed and body are so terrible? He can crush Cui Ziya? Doesn\'t that mean he can crush everyone present?".

The eight super strong looked at Lin Feng in horror.