Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 753

Lin Feng walked all the way up the ladder.

When I came to the 27th heaven ladder world.

Lin Feng could hardly go up again.

Here is his limit.

If he was forced to go up again, Lin Feng worried that his body would be destroyed directly by the powerful oppressive force emanating from the ladder world.

Lin Feng voiced to the demon king and said, "demon king, I have reached the limit and can\'t continue to go up".

The demon king nodded and said, "I will put a demon yuan force into your body. This demon yuan force can protect your body. You won\'t be hurt in ten days.".

The voice fell.

Lin Feng felt it.

A powerful energy poured into the body.

That energy.

Into all parts.

Lin Feng felt that the power exerted on him by the heaven ladder world disappeared in an instant.

"This demon king\'s means are really not simple.".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help raising his eyebrows.

In my heart, I became more and more afraid of the demon king.

Lin Feng didn\'t stop and continued to walk up.

Three days later.

Lin Feng came to the 33rd heaven ladder world.

He saw that some monks also came to the world of thirty-three heavenly ladders with powerful magic weapons.

Obviously, those friars must have come from the top forces.

Hold the treasure in your hand.

Lin Feng also entered the world of thirty-three heavenly ladders.

This is a huge world.

After coming in, Lin Feng found that the real yuan in his body seemed to have disappeared.

This is the forbidden space.

Once entering the forbidden space, the friar is stripped of his mana.

And can\'t get any contact with the magic weapon.

To arrange the forbidden law space, you need to know the forbidden law array.

The rumors of the forbidden array have long been lost in ancient times.


Forbidden spaces were arranged before ancient times.

Lin Feng tries to get in touch with demon Jun.

But I can\'t.

As expected, it was the same as what the demon king said.

When you come to the world of 33 heavenly ladders.

The demon king will be suppressed by the laws here.

There can be no more divine sense fluctuations.

Lin Feng walked towards the depths of the forbidden space.

He wants to find the Demon Stone that the demon king said.

According to the demon king, the heavenly Demon Stone should be placed in the deepest part of the forbidden law space.

"Is that... A tree?".

When Lin Feng came to the depths of the forbidden space, he stared at a big tree in the depths.

That big tree is as thick as a mountain.

The branches stretched out and covered a hundred miles.

It\'s too big.

Lin Feng saw such a huge tree for the first time.

"What kind of tree is this?".

Lin Feng was shocked.

He walked quickly to the depths. Finally, Lin Feng came to the deepest position.

More than 40 monks gathered here.

The most remarkable nature is the nine super strong.

Empress! Taixu way! Jin Yuanlie! Grandma Tianshan! Si Qi!

In addition to these five people, there are four strong men who later appeared.

Cui Ziya, the strong devil!

Nangong Mo, the strong one of evil ways!

The strong man of scattered cultivation sings a white jade song.

And Ying prison day, uncle of the Qin Empire.

These are the nine super strong.

Cultivation goes against heaven, and the public participates in nature.

These nine people.

Scattered around.

He looked into the depths and looked at the coming monks from time to time.

And those monks who rely on magic weapons come from extraordinary backgrounds.

Of course, there is no way to compare strength with the nine super strong.


On the trunk of an ancient tree as huge as a mountain, there is a huge stone gate.

The stone gate.

It seems to lead to the inside of the trunk.

But now, the stone gate is closed.

"It is reasonable to say that the nine super giants should have come for some time, but they failed to open the stone gate and still lingered outside.".

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

He felt that things were not as simple as they seemed.

At this time, Cui Ziya, a strong demon, said sadly, "what should have come up after such a long time has passed.".

"Then do it.".

The other eight super strong nodded, quickly dispersed and surrounded everyone.

See the nine strong people surrounded.

Everyone\'s face changed suddenly.

A middle-aged monk said, "what do you adults want to do?".

Everyone has a cautious expression.


These super strong people have poor eyes.

"Still need to ask? Obviously want our lives.".

Lin Feng Road.

Many people\'s faces suddenly changed.

"You see quite clearly, boy.". Cui Ziya glanced at Lin Feng and said with a sneer.

Hearing Cui Ziya\'s words.

Everyone\'s heart sank suddenly.

Cui Ziya\'s words confirmed Lin Feng\'s statement.

These people.

Want their lives.

A friar asked, "we don\'t have any hatred? Why kill us?".

Nangong Mo laughed and said, "kill you for sacrifice and open the stone gate.".

"We are the people of Taigu forces. Are you not afraid to offend the forces behind us if you kill us?".

A monk said with an ugly face that he wanted to use the prestige of the Taigu forces behind him to frighten the nine super strong.

"Kill all of you, and you\'re not afraid of news leakage.".

Ying guantian, the imperial uncle of the Qin Empire, had a cold voice.

Grandma Tianshan said lightly, "what if the news is leaked? Is it possible that the forces behind you will not die with us for the sake of the dead?".

Although grandma Tianshan\'s words were very shocking.

But it\'s the truth.

These nine of them are all people who cry like ghosts and gods.

Generally, Taigu forces will not provoke people like them.

Even if you know that someone in your power has been killed, you will definitely not fight for the dead.


The friar shouted in a deep voice and rushed out.

Don\'t go now.

There must be no doubt.

Everyone is heading outside.

No one dare to stay.


Now if you want to go, you can\'t go away.

Although the nine super strong are imprisoned by mana.

But their flesh is too strong.

If any statue exists, the flesh can fight the real dragon.


The nine super strong shot as fast as lightning.


The sound of flesh tearing came out.

A monk was beheaded.


These slain friars are the strong ones on the famous side.

But here.

But there\'s nothing to fight back.

Even if the monk of the realm of creation comes.

Under the siege of the nine super powers.

I\'m afraid there\'s only one way out.

"I curse that you will die ten times worse than us in the future.".

When a monk saw that he could not escape, he made a vicious curse.


Soon, the monks who cursed the nine super strong were also killed.

Under the attack of the nine super powers.

No one can escape.

At most, if you support four or five moves, you will be killed.

"Boy, die.".

Cui Ziya, a strong demon, sneered.

He moved physically.

In the void, only a shadow flashed through.

Cui Ziya instantly reaches Lin Feng and grabs Lin Feng with both hands.

Cui Ziya\'s murder is very cruel. They tear each other in half.


Now Cui Ziya wants to tear Lin Feng in half.