Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 752

"Look, it\'s Zhang Xia, Qilian and Xue Ziyu from Shuiyue cave. The boy who got the essence fruit seems to be just the realm of King Wu. He dares not to hand in the essence fruit. He\'s afraid of a dead end.".

Monks came one after another. These people recognized the identity of the monks who surrounded Lin Feng.

The three.

The origin is extremely complicated.

Shuiyue cave is an ancient force in the "water god domain".

Among the 3000 states in tianwu continent, shuishen domain can be discharged into the top 100.

As one of the two ancient forces in the water god domain, Shuiyue cave is high and powerful.


Lin Feng suddenly sank.

He looked coldly at the monk named Xue Ziyu in Shuiyue cave, "those who dare to talk to me like this are already dead. Break your arm and spare your dog\'s life"!


There was a sudden silence.

Many people were stunned.

Isn\'t this boy sick?

Are you scared silly?

How dare you let Xue Ziyu break an arm?

These monks were later monks.

They didn\'t see Lin Feng killing LAN Mingxuan and others on huoyun island.


Certainly not.

Many people looked at Lin Feng with pity.

In the eyes of these monks.

Lin Feng didn\'t say that before Xue Ziyu broke his arm.

Lin fengruo handed in the essence fruit.

Then kowtow to Xue Ziyu and beg for mercy.

Maybe you can live.

But now.

Lin Feng will die.

"Well, well, I met such an ignorant person.".

Xue Ziyu looked indifferent.

His eyes were full of murderous intent.

How dare a friar in the realm of King Wu let himself waste his arm?

Is this looking down on yourself?

"Boy, I\'ll break your bones inch by inch.".

Xue Ziyu smiled grimly.

He walked towards Lin Feng step by step.

This is the world of practitioners.

law of the jungle.

Kill and seize treasure.

It\'s a normal thing.

Cultivator world.

Of course, some people with more principles will not do such things as killing and seizing treasure.

But more people are people like Xue Ziyu.

"Xue Ziyu is going to do it. The boy is going to be unlucky.".

"It\'s terrible that the bones of the whole body are broken inch by inch. Life is better than death.".

Many people talked about it.

As we all know, Lin Feng is doomed today.

Xue Ziyu quickly came to Lin Feng and struck him with one palm.

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

He moved slightly to the left and avoided Xue Ziyu\'s blow.

"How is that possible?".

Xue Ziyu\'s eyes widened, full of disbelief.

I am the cultivation of yin and Yang.

This boy is just a friar of King Wu realm.

How could he avoid the blow?

Also feeling stunned and puzzled were the monks who were watching.

It was also an expression of shock.

Xue Ziyu, who felt that the situation was wrong, had to withdraw.

But it\'s too late.


Lin Feng grabbed him by the neck.


Lin Feng picked up Xue Ziyu.

Xue Ziyu\'s face turned red and his full mana was scattered.

Keep struggling.

"Boy, let go of junior Xue Ziyu.".

"Boy, how dare you catch junior Xue Ziyu? Don\'t you want to live?".

Seeing that Xue Ziyu was caught by Lin Feng, Zhang Xia and Qilian shouted coldly.

Xue Ziyu also roared, "boy, I\'m the core disciple of Shuiyue cave. Don\'t let me go quickly? Do you want to be the enemy of Shuiyue cave?".

Xue Ziyu wants to threaten Lin Feng with Shuiyue cave.


But the next moment.

Everyone heard the sound of a broken neck.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng in shock.

He... Broke Xue Ziyu\'s neck.

audacious in the extreme!

How bold!

Xue Ziyu\'s eyes widened before he died.

He couldn\'t believe that the boy in front of him really killed him.


Didn\'t even say a word.

In this way, he broke his neck.


Lin Feng threw Xue Ziyu\'s body on the ground.

"If you want to kill people and seize treasure, you must have the consciousness of being killed. After you fail to kill and seize treasure, you threaten others with the sect behind you. You are mentally retarded. You will let you go because of a few words?".

Lin Feng looked contemptuously at Xue Ziyu\'s body.

"Boy, you killed younger martial brother Xue Ziyu. You deserve to die.".

Qilian\'s face showed a sense of killing.

"Elder martial brother Qilian, we killed him together.".

Zhang Xia said.


The voice of Zhang Xia fell.

She went straight with Qilian.

"Water dragon"!


These two people display the powerful secret arts inherited from Shuiyue cave.

Qilian condensed a giant dragon with teeth and claws.

And Zhang Xia condensed python.

A dragon and a python.

One left and one right.

Kill Lin Feng.

"Good guy, this is a Book of extreme joint attack inherited from Shuiyue cave. It is called dragon snake joint attack. It needs the cooperation of a man and a woman. Once the dragon snake joint attack is displayed, the combat power will far exceed its own combat power.".

"The boy who broke Xue Ziyu\'s neck should have hidden his accomplishments and killed Xue Ziyu unprepared. Xue Ziyu was killed by him. However, if the boy wanted to defeat Zhang Xia and the dragon and snake of Qilian, he was as difficult as heaven. Even if the friars of the five important heaven of yin and Yang came, he didn\'t dare to say that he would be able to break the dragon and snake attack.".

"Yes, it seems that the war should be over. The boy will be killed by Zhang Xia and Qilian, but it\'s not a white death to pull Xue Ziyu on his back before he dies.".

Many people are pointing and talking. No one is optimistic that Lin Feng can resist the dragon and snake attack of Zhang Xia and Qilian.

And then.

The dragon and snake attack has been killed.

Lin Feng was about to be killed by dragons and snakes.


A terrible smell emanated from Lin Feng\'s body.


This is the sudden outbreak of war!

Like a sword!


Poof! Poof!

Dragon Python!

All cut off.


Everyone was completely stunned and speechless.

Zhang Xia and Qilian saw this scene.

Almost didn\'t get scared to death.

Their dragons and snakes strike together.

Even the friars who are in the realm of yin and Yang and five Heaven are confident that they can be invincible.


Now it\'s broken in an instant.

The two were frightened to death.

Turn around and want to escape.

But Lin Feng didn\'t give them a chance to escape.

He rushed in front of them.

His left hand grabbed Zhang Xia\'s neck.

His right hand grabbed Qilian\'s neck.

Lin Feng picked them up.

They looked at Lin Feng in horror.

"We\'re wrong. Give us a break.".

Qilian begged.

Until now, he knew that the little man he despised and thought he could knead at will was so powerful.

If I had known he was so terrible, how could I provoke this God of murder?

Qilian had endless regrets.

But in the world.

No regret medicine.

"I\'m willing to contribute my first night. I\'m willing to serve you. You can play with me as much as you like. Please spare my life.".

Zhang Xia begged.

The original pride has long disappeared, and some are just panic.

Click, click.

But the next moment, their necks were broken by Lin Feng.

"Those who insult people will always insult them! Those who kill people will always kill them!"

He looked indifferent, left a word, swept away into the distance and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"God, who the hell is that boy? Isn\'t that great?".

"Yes, killing monks in the realm of yin and Yang is as simple as killing ants. They look about 20 years old. It\'s really a demon.".

Stay where you are, leaving a group of monks talking.

Everyone is guessing where Lin Feng is sacred?

It\'s so terrible!